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How to Deal with OpenLDAP

Title: How to Deal with OpenLDAP Question: OpenLDAP Software is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It has become the de-facto standard for enterprise directory services. But how it works with Delphi? Answer: Major enterprise directories such as NDS and Active Directory have LDAP interfaces or integrated LDAP Functionality. The libldap API is a library that supports LDAP functionality over TCP, SSL, or IPC -- see the OpenLDAP site for detailed documentation. In Delphi is a translation unit for the built-in windows LDAP client API, and some examples from JEDI. the uses winldap.pas is an import unit from LDAPLib = 'wldap32.dll'; function ldap_openA; external LDAPLib name 'ldap_openA'; ......... We slightly improved the example to get a Digital Certificate from verisign. Download at: Here's an commented extract from the source: // open directory connection pld:= ldap_open(PChar(sServer), iPort); if Assigned(pld) then try // authenticate anonymously LDAPCheck(ldap_simple_bind_s(pld, NIL, NIL)); // perform search LDAPCheck(ldap_search_s(pld, PChar(sBase), LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, PChar(sSearch), NIL, 0, plmSearch)); try // initialize results iRow:= 0; msResults.Clear; slAttribs.Clear; // loop thru entries plmEntry:= ldap_first_entry(pld, plmSearch); while Assigned(plmEntry) do begin // clear attributes slAttribs.Clear; // loop thru attributes pszAttr:= ldap_first_attribute(pld, plmEntry, pbe); while Assigned(pszAttr) do begin // store attribute iCol:= slAttribs.Add(pszAttr); // get value ppcVals:= ldap_get_values(pld, plmEntry, pszAttr); This also gives you a working example app to examine and improve further. LDAP is also the basis of Active Directory, so you can use it query domain information in a standard manner on W2K+ domains. There's also a way to install a server on a win-box, which you don't need for the client example source over TCP/IP! For the Windows platform, ILEX has created this OpenLDAP for Windows distribution. It's a packaged version using Nullsoft NSIS and includes OpenLDAP, SASL, BDB, and OpenSSL. It supports LDAP, LDAPS and LDAP+TLS. The wizard guides you through the installation and permit the creation of the slapd.conf file, the database root, the certificates generation (CA+server), the system service installation and much more. otherwise you install it on a linux-box like this: # cd /usr/src/ # wget # tar zxvf openldap-2.3.18.tgz # cd openldap-2.3.18 # ./configure # make # make install So the example connects to verisign, checks the form and gets a certificate like this url: =0ab839085b0d8dd6687993182cef824c&MS_PATH= html&NS_PATH= &XQ_FDF=../fdf/userQueryResult.fdf Download This Digital ID Further Links: OpenLDAP-Projekt: RFC1777 - LDAProtocol: