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Getting the IP address and mask for ALL TCPIP interfaces

Title: Getting the IP address and mask for ALL TCP/IP interfaces Question: We have seen a lot of methods obtaining the IP address of a machine. This is the "correct" method listing all addresses, network masks, broadcast addresses and status for all interfaces, including the loopback - Requires WinSock 2 Answer: This is a complete Delphi unit. By adding it to a project you can call : EnumInterfaces(var s string): Boolean; that returns a CRLF separated string of all IP addresses, netmasks, broadcast addresses and interface status. -------------------------------------------------------------------- unit USock; interface uses Windows, Winsock; { This function enumerates all TCP/IP interfaces and returns a CRLF separated string containing: IP, NetMask, BroadCast-Address, Up/Down status, Broadcast support, Loopback If you feed this string to a wide TMEMO (to its memo.lines.text property) you will see cleary the results. To use this you need Win98/ME/2K, 95 OSR 2 or NT service pack #3 because WinSock 2 is used (WS2_32.DLL) } function EnumInterfaces(var sInt: string): Boolean; { Imported function WSAIOCtl from Winsock 2.0 - Winsock 2 is } { available only in Win98/ME/2K and 95 OSR2, NT srv pack #3 } function WSAIoctl(s: TSocket; cmd: DWORD; lpInBuffer: PCHAR; dwInBufferLen: DWORD; lpOutBuffer: PCHAR; dwOutBufferLen: DWORD; lpdwOutBytesReturned: LPDWORD; lpOverLapped: POINTER; lpOverLappedRoutine: POINTER): Integer; stdcall; external 'WS2_32.DLL'; { Constants taken from C header files } const SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST = $4004747F; IFF_UP = $00000001; IFF_BROADCAST = $00000002; IFF_LOOPBACK = $00000004; IFF_POINTTOPOINT = $00000008; IFF_MULTICAST = $00000010; type sockaddr_gen = packed record AddressIn: sockaddr_in; filler: packed array[0..7] of char; end; type INTERFACE_INFO = packed record iiFlags: u_long; // Interface flags iiAddress: sockaddr_gen; // Interface address iiBroadcastAddress: sockaddr_gen; // Broadcast address iiNetmask: sockaddr_gen; // Network mask end; implementation {------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Open WINSOCK 2. Create a socket 3. Call WSAIOCtl to obtain network interfaces 4. For every interface, get IP, MASK, BROADCAST, status 5. Fill a CRLF separated string with this info 6. Finito --------------------------------------------------------------------} function EnumInterfaces(var sInt: string): Boolean; var s: TSocket; wsaD: WSADATA; NumInterfaces: Integer; BytesReturned, SetFlags: u_long; pAddrInet: SOCKADDR_IN; pAddrString: PCHAR; PtrA: pointer; Buffer: array[0..20] of INTERFACE_INFO; i: Integer; begin result := true; // Initialize sInt := ''; WSAStartup($0101, wsaD); // Start WinSock // You should normally check // for errors here :) s := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // Open a socket if (s = INVALID_SOCKET) then exit; try // Call WSAIoCtl PtrA := @bytesReturned; if (WSAIoCtl(s, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, nil, 0, @Buffer, 1024, PtrA, nil, nil) SOCKET_ERROR) then begin // If ok, find out how // many interfaces exist NumInterfaces := BytesReturned div SizeOf(INTERFACE_INFO); for i := 0 to NumInterfaces - 1 do // For every interface begin pAddrInet := Buffer[i].iiAddress.addressIn; // IP ADDRESS pAddrString := inet_ntoa(pAddrInet.sin_addr); sInt := sInt + ' IP=' + pAddrString + ','; pAddrInet := Buffer[i].iiNetMask.addressIn; // SUBNET MASK pAddrString := inet_ntoa(pAddrInet.sin_addr); sInt := sInt + ' Mask=' + pAddrString + ','; pAddrInet := Buffer[i].iiBroadCastAddress.addressIn; // Broadcast addr pAddrString := inet_ntoa(pAddrInet.sin_addr); sInt := sInt + ' Broadcast=' + pAddrString + ','; SetFlags := Buffer[i].iiFlags; if (SetFlags and IFF_UP) = IFF_UP then sInt := sInt + ' Interface UP,' // Interface up/down else sInt := sInt + ' Interface DOWN,'; if (SetFlags and IFF_BROADCAST) = IFF_BROADCAST then // Broadcasts sInt := sInt + ' Broadcasts supported,' // supported or else // not supported sInt := sInt + ' Broadcasts NOT supported,'; if (SetFlags and IFF_LOOPBACK) = IFF_LOOPBACK then // Loopback or sInt := sInt + ' Loopback interface' else sInt := sInt + ' Network interface'; // normal sInt := sInt + #13#10; // CRLF between // each interface end; end; except end; // // Close sockets // CloseSocket(s); WSACleanUp; result := false; end; end.