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Downloading a URLs HTML

Title: Downloading a URLs HTML Question: Downloading a URLs HTML Answer: Downloading a URLs HTML The objects I present in this article allow you to download data from any URL using the GET method, using only the standard socket components included with Delphi 4+. The object (TabHTTPRequest) is capable of connecting directly to a web server and then requesting a file, the object can also pass a query string; as of this writing it can only get a file using the GET method and using a query string. If there is sufficient interest I can expand the object to also handle POST and cookies, as well as interpreting the result so the return header can be used, so let me know what you guys think! TInternetURI This object takes a URI (uniform resource indicator) and splits it into its various components to allow the GET object to accept a URL such as as a parameter. You do not need to use this object directly. This object however, follows the complete RFC standard for HTTP addresses and can be used to interpret any URL into its various components. TabHTTPRequest This object is designed to connect to a web server and download the HTML, which can then be used in your application. A couple examples: URL: CODE: with TabHTTPRequest.Create do begin Get(''); // Work with result (ex. mmURL.Text := ResultData.DataString); Free; end; // with URL: CODE: with TabHTTPRequest.Create do begin Get('; // Work with result (ex. mmURL.Text := ResultData.DataString); Free; end; // with URL: (This is an actual search on yahoo) CODE: with TabHTTPRequest.Create do begin Get(''); // Work with result (ex. mmURL.Text := ResultData.DataString); Free; end; // with Once get has been called you can access the HTML through the ResultData property: mmHTML.Lines.Text := URLObject.ResultData.DataString; I hope you found this article and function to be useful; Id love to hear your comments, suggestions, etc. -David Lederman The following is the source code for the functions described above, feel free to use the code in your own programs, but please leave my name and address intact! I also have a complete test program available by request via e-mail. // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // 2000 David Lederman // // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ unit abHTTPGet; interface uses Classes, Sysutils, ScktComp; // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // This type will crack a Uniform Resource Indicator // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ type TInternetURI = class(TObject) private function CrackScheme(var URIData : String) : String; function CrackLocation(var URIData : String) : String; function CrackQuery(var URIData : String) : String; function CrackParams(var URIData : String) : String; public Scheme : String; NetLocation : String; Path : String; Query : String; Fragment : String; Params : String; constructor Create(URIData : String); destructor Destroy; override; end; type TabHTTPRequest = class private iBuffer : String; Socket : TClientSocket; public ResultData : TStringStream; HostToConnect : String; PortToConnect : Integer; FileToGet : String; TimeOut : Integer; function Get : Boolean; overload; function Get(URL : String) : Boolean; overload; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // Global HTTP Routines // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ function TrimToToken(Token : Char; var DataToParse : String; CopyToken : Boolean = True; MaxCount : Integer = 1) : String; function TrimPastToken(Token : Char; var DataToParse : String; CopyToken : Boolean = True; MaxCount : Integer = 1) : String; implementation { TabHTTPRequest } constructor TabHTTPRequest.Create; begin // Simply Set Defaults HostToConnect := ''; PortToConnect := 80; FileToGet := '/'; TimeOut := 5000; // Create the socket object Socket := TClientSocket.Create(nil); Socket.ClientType := ctBlocking; // Create the result stream ResultData := TStringStream.Create(''); end; destructor TabHTTPRequest.Destroy; begin // Free the helper objects Socket.Free; ResultData.Free; inherited; end; function TabHTTPRequest.Get: Boolean; var Waiter : TWinSocketStream; BufferData : array[0..4028] of char; DataRead : Integer; BufferString : String; begin // Setup the Request Waiter := nil; iBuffer := ''; Socket.Host := HostToConnect; Socket.Port := PortToConnect; // Reset the data stream ResultData.Size := 0; try // Do the request // Open the connection // Socket.Open; Socket.Open; // Create the waiter Waiter := TWinSocketStream.Create(Socket.Socket, TimeOut); // Prepare the request BufferString := 'GET ' + FileToGet + ' HTTP/1.1' + #13#10 + 'Host: ' + HostToConnect + #13#10 + #13#10; // Write the Request Waiter.Write(BufferString[1], Length(BufferString)); Waiter.Free; Waiter := nil; // Now process the result of the request while Socket.Socket.Connected do begin try // Create the waiter Waiter := TWinSocketStream.Create(Socket.Socket, TimeOut); // Wait for data if Waiter.WaitForData(TimeOut) then begin // Try to read a chunck of data DataRead := Waiter.Read(BufferData, SizeOf(BufferData)); // Check if we got data if DataRead = 0 then begin // Get out Socket.Close; end else begin // Save the data to the stream ResultData.Write(BufferData, DataRead); end; end else begin Socket.Close; end; finally Waiter.Free; Waiter := nil; end; end; // close the socket if Socket.Active then Socket.Close; Result := True; // Clean up if Waiter nil then Waiter.Free; except // Free the waiter object if Waiter nil then Waiter.Free; // Close the socket if it's open if Socket.Active then Socket.Close; // reraise the exception raise; end; end; function TabHTTPRequest.Get(URL: String): Boolean; begin // Crack the URL try // Make sure than a scheme is in place if Pos('://', URL) = 0 then begin // Simply Prepend the HTTP URL := 'http://' + URL; end; // Make sure that a / is in the URL if Pos('/', Copy(URL, 8, Length(URL))) = 0 then begin // Simply Append the trailing / URL := URL + '/'; end; with TInternetURI.Create(URL) do begin // Check if there is a port in the net location if Pos(':', NetLocation) 0 then begin // Copy the host name HostToConnect := Copy(NetLocation, 1, Pos(':', NetLocation) - 1); // Copy the port PortToConnect := StrToInt(Copy(NetLocation, Pos(':', NetLocation) + 1, Length(NetLocation))); end else begin HostToConnect := NetLocation; PortToConnect := 80; end; FileToGet := ''; // Set the File to get if Query '' then FileToGet := Path + '?' + Query; if FileToGet = '' then FileToGet := '/'; Free end; // with // Now simply call get Result := Get; except raise; end; end; { TInternetURI } function TInternetURI.CrackLocation(var URIData: String): String; var StartPos, EndPos : Integer; begin // Step 1. - See if the network ID is here StartPos := Pos('//', URIData); // If the starting // is not found then there is no network location if StartPos = 0 then Exit; // Delete the first // Delete(URIData, StartPos, 2); // Now look for the trailing slash EndPos := Pos('/', URIData); if (EndPos = 0) or (EndPos = 1) then Exit; // Now Copy the String Upto the / Result := Copy(URIData, 1, EndPos -1); // Now Delete the network location Delete(URIData, 1, EndPos -1); end; function TInternetURI.CrackParams(var URIData: String): String; var StartPos : Integer; begin // Step 1. - See if the query is here StartPos := Pos(';', URIData); // If the starting ; is not found then there are no params if StartPos = 0 then Exit; // Copy the Params String Result := Copy(URIData, StartPos + 1, Length(URIData)); Delete(URIData, StartPos, Length(URIData)); end; function TInternetURI.CrackQuery(var URIData: String): String; var StartPos : Integer; begin // Step 1. - See if the query is here StartPos := Pos('?', URIData); // If the starting ? is not found then there is no query if StartPos = 0 then Exit; // Copy the Query String Result := Copy(URIData, StartPos + 1, Length(URIData)); Delete(URIData, StartPos, Length(URIData)); end; function TInternetURI.CrackScheme(var URIData: String): String; const AllowedChars = ['A'..'Z','a'..'z', '0'..'9','+','-','.']; var tString, WorkData : String; i : Integer; StringLength : Integer; InValidScheme : Boolean; begin // Step 1. - Get To The First WorkData := TrimToToken(':', URIData, False); if WorkData = '' then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; // Get The String Length StringLength := Length(WorkData); // See if any invalid characters are in the system InValidScheme := False; for i := 1 to StringLength do begin // Check if the char is valid InValidScheme := (WorkData[i] in AllowedChars) = False; if InValidScheme then Break; end; if InValidScheme then begin // we need to return the data back to the string URIData := WorkData + ':' + URIData; end else begin Result := WorkData; end; end; constructor TInternetURI.Create(URIData: String); begin // Step 1. - Copy The Fragment Fragment := TrimPastToken('#', URIData, False); // Step 2. - Crack the Scheme Scheme := CrackScheme(URIData); // Step 3. - Crack the Network Location NetLocation := CrackLocation(URIData); // Step 4. - Crack the Query Query := CrackQuery(URIData); // Step 5. - Crack the Parameters Params := CrackParams(URIData); // Finally !! Copy the Path (which should be all that is remaining) Path := URIData; end; destructor TInternetURI.Destroy; begin inherited; end; // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // Global routines for HTTP Processing // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // This function will take the DataToParse and create a string // list seperating the data using the user-defined tokens. // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ function TokenizeString(Tokens : TSysCharSet; DataToParse : String) : TStringList; var StringLength : Integer; i, CurPos, StartPos : Integer; tempString : String; begin try // Create the result set Result := TStringList.Create; // Get The String Length StringLength := Length(DataToParse); // Setup the search CurPos := 1; StartPos := 1; // Look for the tokens for i := 1 to StringLength do begin // Increment the current position Inc(CurPos); // See if the char is in the token list if DataToParse[i] in Tokens then begin // copy the string to current tempString := Copy(DataToParse, StartPos, (CurPos - 1) - StartPos); Result.Add(tempstring); StartPos := i + 1; end; end; // Copy the final string (if neccesary) if (StartPos -1 ) StringLength then begin tempString := Copy(DataToParse, StartPos, StringLength); Result.Add(tempString); end; except Result.Free; Result := nil; end; end; // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // This function will use the TokenizeString routine to get // all the occurences of Token then return all the string to // the right of MaxCount occurences. // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ function TrimToToken(Token : Char; var DataToParse : String; CopyToken : Boolean = True; MaxCount : Integer = 1) : String; var i : Integer; begin // First Tokenize the string with TokenizeString([Token], DataToParse) do begin // Check if there were any occurences of Token if Count = 0 then begin // Return blank then free and exit Result := ''; Free; Exit; end; // reset the final string DataToParse := ''; for i := 0 to (MaxCount - 1) do begin // concat the string if CopyToken then Result := Result + Strings[i] + Token else Result := Result + Strings[i]; end; // Copy and remaining data for i := (MaxCount) to Pred(Count) do begin DataToParse := DataToParse + Strings[i]; end; Free; end; end; // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ // This function will use the TokenizeString routine to get // all the occurences of Token then return all the string to // the left of MaxCount occurences. // ---------------------------ooo------------------------------ \\ function TrimPastToken(Token : Char; var DataToParse : String; CopyToken : Boolean = True; MaxCount : Integer = 1) : String; var i : Integer; begin // First Tokenize the string with TokenizeString([Token], DataToParse) do begin // Check if there were any occurences of Token if Count = 0 then begin // Return blank then free and exit Result := ''; Free; Exit; end; // reset the final string DataToParse := ''; for i := 0 to (MaxCount - 1) do begin // concat the string DataToParse := DataToParse + Strings[i]; end; // Copy and remaining data for i := (MaxCount) to Pred(Count) do begin if CopyToken then Result := Result + Token + Strings[i] else Result := Result + Strings[i]; end; Free; end; end; end.