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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

Displaying documents in the default browser

Question: How can I start the default browser with an URL in a new browser window? Answer: The following example attempts to start the specified URL in a new browser window. Note: Not all versions of Internet Explorer will respond with a new window. Example: uses DdeMan, {$IFDEF WIN32} Registry; {We will get it from the registry} {$ELSE} IniFiles; {We will get it from the win.ini file} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF WIN32} const MAX_PATH = 144; {$ENDIF} function GetProgramAssociation (Ext : string) : string; var {$IFDEF WIN32} reg: TRegistry; s : string; {$ELSE} WinIni : TIniFile; WinIniFileName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; s : string; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF WIN32} s := ''; reg := TRegistry.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; if reg.OpenKey('.' + ext + '\shell\open\command', false) <> false then begin {The open command has been found} s := reg.ReadString(''); reg.CloseKey; end else begin {perhaps thier is a system file pointer} if reg.OpenKey('.' + ext, false) <> false then begin s := reg.ReadString(''); reg.CloseKey; if s <> '' then begin {A system file pointer was found} if reg.OpenKey(s + '\shell\open\command', false) <> false then {The open command has been found} s := reg.ReadString(''); reg.CloseKey; end; end; end; {Delete any command line, quotes and spaces} if Pos('%', s) > 0 then Delete(s, Pos('%', s), length(s)); if ((length(s) > 0) and (s[1] = '"')) then Delete(s, 1, 1); if ((length(s) > 0) and (pos('"', s) > 0)) then Delete(s, pos('"', s), Length(s)); while ((length(s) > 0) and (s[length(s)] = #32)) do Delete(s, Length(s), 1); {$ELSE} GetWindowsDirectory(WinIniFileName, sizeof(WinIniFileName)); StrCat(WinIniFileName, '\win.ini'); WinIni := TIniFile.Create(WinIniFileName); s := WinIni.ReadString('Extensions', ext, ''); WinIni.Free; {Delete any command line} if Pos(' ^', s) > 0 then Delete(s, Pos(' ^', s), length(s)); {$ENDIF} result := s; end; procedure StartNewBrowserWindow(URL : string); var DDEConv : TDDEClientConv; URLFired : bool; App : string; UpApp : string; p : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; begin UrlFired := false; App := GetProgramAssociation('HTM'); UpApp := Uppercase(App); Delete(App, Pos('.EXE', UpAPP), length(App)); if Pos('NETSCAPE.EXE', UpApp) > 0 then begin DDEConv:=TDDEClientConv.Create(nil); DDEConv.ServiceApplication := App; if DDEConv.SetLink('NETSCAPE' , 'WWW_OpenURL') then if DDEConv.RequestData(URL + ',,0x0,0x0') <> nil then if DDEConv.SetLink('NETSCAPE', 'WWW_Activate') then URLFired := DDEConv.RequestData('0xFFFFFFFF,0x0') <> nil; DDEConv.Free; end else if Pos('IEXPLORE.EXE', UpApp) > 0 then begin DDEConv:=TDDEClientConv.Create(nil); DDEConv.ServiceApplication := App; if DDEConv.SetLink('iexplore', 'WWW_OpenURL') then if DDEConv.RequestData(URL + ',,0') <> nil then if DDEConv.SetLink('iexplore', 'WWW_Activate') then URLFired := DDEConv.RequestData('0,0') <> nil; DDEConv.Free; end; if UrlFired = false then WinExec(StrPCopy(@p, URL), SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin StartNewBrowserWindow(''); StartNewBrowserWindow(''); end;