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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

Decode tnef mime attachments

program TNEFDecode; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses sysutils, classes; const attAttachData: array [0..3] of Byte = ($0F, $80, $06, $00); attAttachTitle: array [0..3] of Byte = ($10, $80, $01, $00); var FFileName: string; FSourceFileStream: TFileStream; FCurrentStreamPos: Integer; FAttTitles: TStringList; i: Integer; procedure Init; begin FAttTitles := TStringList.Create; FFileName := ParamStr(1); if not (FileExists(FFileName)) then Halt; FSourceFileStream := TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmOpenRead); FCurrentStreamPos := 0; end; function GotoAttPos(InfoTyp: array of Byte): Boolean; var Match: array [0..3] of Byte; begin Result := False; FSourceFileStream.Position := 0; with FSourceFileStream do begin repeat Inc(FCurrentStreamPos); Seek(FCurrentStreamPos, soFromBeginning); read(Match[0], SizeOf(Match[0])); read(Match[1], SizeOf(Match[1])); read(Match[2], SizeOf(Match[2])); read(Match[3], SizeOf(Match[3])); Result := ((Match[0] = InfoTyp[0]) and (Match[1] = InfoTyp[1]) and (Match[2] = InfoTyp[2]) and (Match[3] = InfoTyp[3])); if Result then Break; until FCurrentStreamPos = Size; end; end; function CountAtt: Integer; begin FCurrentStreamPos := 0; Result := -1; repeat Inc(Result); until not GotoAttPos(attAttachData); FCurrentStreamPos := 0; end; function GetAttTitles: TStringList; var Size, i: Integer; Zeichen: Byte; sl: TStringList; begin sl := TStringList.Create; sl.Clear; FCurrentStreamPos := 0; repeat Inc(FCurrentStreamPos); GotoAttPos(attAttachTitle);, SizeOf(Size)); FFileName := ''; SetLength(FFileName, Size);[1], Size); sl.Add(FFileName); until FCurrentStreamPos = FSourceFileStream.Size; Result := sl; end; procedure SaveAttFile(FileName: string); var FDestFileStream: TFilestream; Size: Integer; i: Integer; begin FDestFileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); GotoattPos(attAttachData);, SizeOf(Size)); FDestFileStream.CopyFrom(FSourceFileStream, Size); FDestFileStream.Free; end; begin Init; if CountAtt <= 0 then Halt; FAttTitles := GetAttTitles; FCurrentStreamPos := 0; for i := 0 to CountAtt - 1 do begin WriteLn('Ereuge ' + FAttTitles[i]); SaveAttFile(FAttTitles[i]); end; end.