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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

Crack a URL into its component parts

Title: crack a URL into its component parts? { InternetCrackUrl() takes a URL as a parameter and breaks it down into components, which are then accessible via the TURLComponents structure. InternetCrackUrl() zerlegt eine URL in seine Komponenten, welche dann ber die TURLComponents Struktur zug nglich sind. } uses WinInet; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var aURLC: TURLComponents; const TEST_URL = ''; begin FillChar(aURLC, SizeOf(TURLComponents), 0); with aURLC do begin lpszScheme := nil; dwSchemeLength := INTERNET_MAX_SCHEME_LENGTH; lpszHostName := nil; dwHostNameLength := INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH; lpszUserName := nil; dwUserNameLength := INTERNET_MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH; lpszPassword := nil; dwPasswordLength := INTERNET_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH; lpszUrlPath := nil; dwUrlPathLength := INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH; lpszExtraInfo := nil; dwExtraInfoLength := INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH; dwStructSize := SizeOf(aURLC); end; if InternetCrackUrl(PChar(TEST_URL), Length(TEST_URL), 0, aURLC) then begin ShowMessage(aURLC.lpszUrlPath); end; end;