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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

Change the borderstyle- bordercolor of a twebbrowser

uses MSHTML; procedure WB_SetBorderColor(Sender: TObject; BorderColor: String); { BorderColor: Can be specified in HTML pages in two ways. 1) by using a color name (red, green, gold, firebrick, ...) 2) or by using numbers to denote an RGB color value. (#9400D3, #00CED1,...) See: } var Document : IHTMLDocument2; Element : IHTMLElement; begin Document := TWebBrowser(Sender).Document as IHTMLDocument2; if Assigned(Document) then begin Element := Document.Body; if Element <> nil then begin Element.Style.BorderColor := BorderColor; end; end; end; procedure WB_SetBorderStyle(Sender: TObject; BorderStyle: String); { BorderStyle values: 'none' No border is drawn 'dotted' Border is a dotted line. (as of IE 5.5) 'dashed' Border is a dashed line. (as of IE 5.5) 'solid' Border is a solid line. 'double' Border is a double line 'groove' 3-D groove is drawn 'ridge' 3-D ridge is drawn 'inset' 3-D inset is drawn 'window-inset' Border is the same as inset, but is surrounded by an additional single line 'outset' 3-D outset is drawn See: } var Document : IHTMLDocument2; Element : IHTMLElement; begin Document := TWebBrowser(Sender).Document as IHTMLDocument2; if Assigned(Document) then begin Element := Document.Body; if Element <> nil then begin Element.Style.BorderStyle := BorderStyle; end; end; end; procedure WB_Set3DBorderStyle(Sender: TObject; bValue: Boolean); { bValue: True: Show a 3D border style False: Show no border } var Document : IHTMLDocument2; Element : IHTMLElement; StrBorderStyle: string; begin Document := TWebBrowser(Sender).Document as IHTMLDocument2; if Assigned(Document) then begin Element := Document.Body; if Element <> nil then begin case BValue of False: StrBorderStyle := 'none'; True: StrBorderStyle := ''; end; Element.Style.BorderStyle := StrBorderStyle; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1NavigateComplete2(Sender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant); // Put this code in the OnDocumentComplete event as well begin // Examples: // Show no border WB_Set3DBorderStyle(Sender, False); // Draw a double line border WB_SetBorderStyle(Sender, 'double'); // Set a border color WB_SetBorderColor(Sender, '#6495ED'); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Webbrowser1.Navigate(''); end;