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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

[] Network bilgileri ve hataları

{ Bu dosyayı yabancı bir siteden aldım. } unit WNetMap; interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils; procedure FindDrives( aDrives :TStrings ); function GetRememberedNetworkConnection( cDrive :string; var NetResource :TNetResource ) :Boolean; function CheckNetworkConnection( cDrive :string; var cExplanation :string ) :Boolean; function GetNetworkErrorDescription( nError :integer ) :string; function GetDriveType( cDrive :string ) :integer; function AddTrailingBackslash( cPath :string ) :string; const DriveTypes :array [0..6] of string = ('Unknown','Unknown','Removable Disk','Local Drive', 'Network Drive','CD-Rom', 'RAM-Disk'); implementation uses Controls, Forms, FileCtrl; procedure FindDrives( aDrives :TStrings ); var nCnt :Byte; cDrv :string; Drives :set of 0..25; begin DWORD(Drives) := GetLogicalDrives; aDrives.Clear; for nCnt := 0 to 25 do if nCnt in Drives then begin cDrv := Char( nCnt + Ord('A') ); aDrives.Add( cDrv ); end; end; function GetRememberedNetworkConnection( cDrive :string; var NetResource :TNetResource ) :Boolean; type PNetResourceArray = ^TNetResourceArray; TNetResourceArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TNetResource) - 1] of TNetResource; var I, BufSize, NetResult: Integer; Drive: Char; NetHandle: THandle; NetResources: PNetResourceArray; RemoteNameInfo: array[0..1023] of Byte; Size, Count :{$IFDEF VER130} DWord {$ELSE} integer {$ENDIF}; begin Result := false; cDrive := cDrive + ' '; Drive := UpCase(cDrive[1]); if (Drive < 'A') or (Drive > 'Z') then exit; if WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_REMEMBERED , RESOURCETYPE_DISK, 0, nil, NetHandle) <> NO_ERROR then Exit; try BufSize := 50 * SizeOf(TNetResource); GetMem(NetResources, BufSize); try while True do begin Count := $FFFFFFFF; Size := BufSize; NetResult := WNetEnumResource(NetHandle, Count, NetResources, Size); if NetResult = ERROR_MORE_DATA then begin BufSize := Size; ReallocMem(NetResources, BufSize); Continue; end; if NetResult <> NO_ERROR then Exit; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with NetResources^[I] do if (lpLocalName <> nil) and (Drive = UpCase(lpLocalName[0])) then begin NetResource := NetResources^[I]; result := true; Exit; end; end; finally FreeMem(NetResources, BufSize); end; finally WNetCloseEnum(NetHandle); end; end; function CheckNetworkConnection( cDrive :string; var cExplanation :string ) :Boolean; var aDrives :TStringList; NetResource :TNetResource; lFound :Boolean; iResult :integer; begin try Screen.Cursor := crHourglass; cExplanation := ''; aDrives := TStringList.Create; FindDrives( aDrives ); if (aDrives.IndexOf( cDrive[1] ) <> -1) and DirectoryExists( cDrive[1] + ':\' ) then result := true else if (aDrives.IndexOf( cDrive[1] ) <> -1) then begin result := false; cExplanation := 'The network connection is broken. Check the remote computer'; end else begin {there is no connection, can we reconnect?} lFound := GetRememberedNetworkConnection( cDrive, NetResource ); if lFound then begin {we found a remembered connection, attempt a reconnect} iResult := WNetAddConnection2( NetResource, nil, nil, 0 ); result := iResult = NO_ERROR; if not result then begin cExplanation := GetNetworkErrorDescription(iResult); if cExplanation = '' then cExplanation := 'Unable to connect to ' + cDrive + ' (ErrorCode = ' + IntToStr(iResult) + ')'; end; end else begin cExplanation := 'There are no mappings for ' + cDrive; end; end; finally aDrives.Free; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; function GetNetworkErrorDescription( nError :integer ) :string; var aDesc, aProv :array[0..255] of Char; nTemp :{$IFDEF VER130} DWord {$ELSE} integer {$ENDIF}; begin case nError of ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED : result := 'The network request is not supported.'; ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST : result := 'The remote computer is not available.'; ERROR_DUP_NAME : result := 'A duplicate name exists on the network.'; ERROR_BAD_NETPATH : result := 'The network path was not found.'; ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY : result := 'The network is busy.'; ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST : result := 'The specified network resource or device is no longer available.'; ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS : result := 'The network BIOS command limit has been reached.'; ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERR : result := 'A network adapter hardware error occurred.'; ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP : result := 'The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.'; ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR : result := 'An unexpected network error occurred.'; ERROR_BAD_REM_ADAP : result := 'The remote adapter is not compatible.'; ERROR_PRINTQ_FULL : result := 'The printer queue is full.'; ERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACE : result := 'Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server.'; ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED : result := 'Your file waiting to be printed was deleted.'; ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED : result := 'The specified network name is no longer available.'; ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED : result := 'Network access is denied.'; ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE : result := 'The network resource type is not correct.'; ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME : result := 'The network name cannot be found.'; ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMES : result := 'The name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded.'; ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS : result := 'The network BIOS session limit was exceeded.'; ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED : result := 'The remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started.'; ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP : result := 'Too many connections'; ERROR_REDIR_PAUSED : result := 'The specified printer or disk device has been paused.'; else nTemp := nError; WNetGetLastError( nTemp, aDesc, SizeOf(aDesc), aProv, SizeOf(aProv) ); result := StrPas(aDesc); if result = '' then result := 'Network Error ' + IntToStr(nError); end; end; function GetDriveType( cDrive :string ) :integer; var aBuffer :array[0..255] of Char; begin if Length(cDrive) = 1 then cDrive := cDrive + ':\'; StrPCopy( aBuffer, cDrive ); result := Windows.GetDriveType( aBuffer ); end; function AddTrailingBackslash( cPath :string ) :string; begin if cPath[Length(cPath)] <> '\' then cPath := cPath + '\'; result := cPath; end; end.