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With - a means of simplifying references to structured variables

1 with data name do Statement; 2 with data name do begin Statement; {...} end; Description The With keyword is a convenience provided by Delphi for referencing elements of a complex variable, such as a record or object. It simplifies the code by removing the need to prefix each referenced element with the complex variable name. For example : myObject.colour := clRed; myObject.size := 23.5; := 'Fred'; can be rewritten : With myObject do begin colour := clRed; size := 23.5; name := 'Fred'; end; However be warned that it can surprisingly make your code more difficult to read, especially when nesting with clauses. More disturbingly, it can create maintenance problems, where a code change can mean that the wrong target for the 'child' field referenced. Notes Within a With clause, Delphi tries to resolve these 'incomplete' references by looking at the immediate with target, and then any nested withs above. It then looks at other data types, such as local variables, subroutine parameters etc. This is where some of the danger of the with keyword comes. Use carefully! Related commands Begin Keyword that starts a statement block End Keyword that terminates statement blocks Record A structured data type - holding fields of data Example code : Using the with keyword with a record structure type // Declare a customer record TCustomer = Record firstName : string[20]; lastName : string[20]; address1 : string[100]; address2 : string[100]; address3 : string[100]; city : string[20]; postCode : string[8]; end; var John, Sarah : TCustomer; begin // Set up the John's customer details With John do begin firstName := 'John'; lastName := 'Smith'; address1 := '7 Park Drive'; address2 := 'Branston'; address3 := 'Grimworth'; city := 'Banmore'; postCode := 'BNM 1AB'; end; // Set up John's sister similarly - simply copying the whole record Sarah := John; // And then changing the first name to suit Sarah.firstName := 'Sarah'; // Now show the details of both customers With John do ShowCustomer([firstName, lastName, address1, address2, address3, city, postCode]); With Sarah do ShowCustomer([firstName, lastName, address1, address2, address3, city, postCode]); end; // A procedure that displays a variable number of strings procedure TForm1.ShowCustomer(const fields: array of string); var i : Integer; begin // Display all fields passed - note : arrays start at 0 for i := 0 to Length(fields)-1 do ShowMessage(fields[i]); end; Show full unit code John Smith 7 Park Drive Branston Grimworth Banmore BNM 1AB Sarah Smith 7 Park Drive Branston Grimworth Banmore BNM 1AB