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Threadvar - defines variables that are given separate instances per thread

ThreadVar Declarations; Description The ThreadVar keyword starts a set of variable definitions that are used by threads. Each thread is given a separate instance of each variable, thereby avoiding data conflicts, and preserving thread independence. Related commands BeginThread Begins a separate thread of code execution EndThread Terminates a thread with an exit code IsMultiThread Returns true if the code is running multiple threads Example code : A simple example // Full Unit code. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // You must store this code in a unit called Unit1 with a form // called Form1 that has an OnCreate event called FormCreate. unit Unit1; interface uses Forms, Dialogs, Windows, SysUtils; type TMsgRecord = record thread : Integer; msg : string[30]; end; TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); end; var Form1: TForm1; Implementation {$R *.dfm} // Include form definitions ThreadVar // We must allow each thread its own instances // of the passed record variable msgPtr : ^TMsgRecord; // Private thread procedure to show a string function ShowMsg(Parameter : Pointer) : Integer; begin // Set up a 0 return value Result := 0; // Map the pointer to the passed data // Note that each thread has a separate copy of msgPtr msgPtr := Parameter; // Display this message ShowMessagePos('Thread '+IntToStr(msgPtr.thread)+' '+msgPtr.msg, 200*msgPtr.thread, 100); // End the thread EndThread(0); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var id1, id2 : LongWord; thread1, thread2 : Integer; msg1, msg2 : TMsgRecord; begin // Set up our display messages msg1.thread := 1; msg1.msg := 'Hello World'; msg2.thread := 2; msg2.msg := 'Goodbye World'; // Start the first thread running asking for users first name thread1 := BeginThread(nil, 0, Addr(ShowMsg), Addr(msg1), 0, id1); // And also ask for the surname thread2 := BeginThread(nil, 0, Addr(ShowMsg), Addr(msg2), 0, id2); // Ensure that the threads are only closed when all done ShowMessagePos('Press this when other dialogs finished.', 200, 300); // Finally, tidy up by closing the threads CloseHandle(thread1); CloseHandle(thread2); end; end. Three dialogs are displayed: Thread 1 Hello World Thread 2 Goodbye World Press this when other dialogs finished.