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Finally - starts the unconditional code section of a try statement

Try Statement {Statement...} Finally Statement {Statement...} End; Description The Finally keyword is used to mark the start of the final block of statements in a Try statement. They are executed regardless of what happens in the Try statements. However, the Finally clause does not actually handle any exceptions - the program will terminate if no Except clause is found (see notes below). Try-Finally is normally used by a routine to allow cleanup processing to take place, such as freeing resources, with the exception being correctly passed to the caller to handle. Notes There are times when you want a construct like this : Try ... Except ... Finally ... End; where exceptions are trapped and acted upon, but in all cases, a set of clean up statements are executed. This can be achieved with nested Try statements : Try Try ... Except ... End; Finally ... End; Related commands Except Starts the error trapping clause of a Try statement On Defines exception handling in a Try Except clause Raise Raise an exception Try Starts code that has error trapping Example code : Zero divide with a finally clause var number, zero : Integer; begin // Try to divide an integer by zero - to raise an exception number := -1; Try zero := 0; number := 1 div zero; ShowMessage('number / zero = '+IntToStr(number)); Finally if number = -1 then begin ShowMessage('Number was not assigned a value - using default'); number := 0; end; end; end; Show full unit code Number was not assigned a value - using default Then, the program terminates with an EDivByZero error message - the finally clause did not trap the error.