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Categories / Delphi / Keywords

Else - starts false section of if, case and try statements

1 if Condition then Statement else Statement; 2 case Expression of Case clauses ... else Statements end; 3 try Statements ... except Exception statements ... else Statements end Description The Else keyword is part of the If, Case and Try statements. It is used to start the section of code executed when earlier conditions are not satisfied. See details of each of these statements for further details. Related commands Case A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal End Keyword that terminates statement blocks If Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next Then Part of an if statement - starts the true clause Try Starts code that has error trapping Example code : Illustrate various uses of the else clause begin // Note the lack of a ';' after the 'then' clause if False then ShowMessage('True') Else ShowMessage('False'); // Nested if statements - Delphi sensibly manages associations if true then if false then ShowMessage('Inner then satisfied') Else ShowMessage('Inner else satisfied') Else ShowMessage('Outer else satisfied') end; Show full unit code False Inner else satisfied