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Writing optimized code with Delphi

Title: Writing optimized code with Delphi Question: A few technique for writing optimized code with Delphi Answer: IF Statements -Comparisons with zero are generally translated to faster and more compact machine code than comparison with non-zero. Thus because "test" instruction (reg-reg, 2 bytes, 1 clock) is shorter than "cmp" instruction (reg-immed - 3 bytes, 1 clock). But if the value of variable to compare is not needed after the comparison, it is better to compare with (-1) than with 0. That is because compiler translates comparison with 0 to "test" instruction (2 bytes) and comparison with (-1) to "inc/dec" (1 byte) var sl: TStringList; i: integer; begin sl := TStringList.Create; try sl.Add('1'); sl.Add('2'); sl.Add('3'); if sl.IndexOf('3') -1 then //Use ( -1) instead of (= 0) since value not needed any more ShowMessage('test'); finally sl.Destroy; end; end; For loops If finalValue changes in the loop (for counter := initialValue to finalValue do statement) Example: The code bellow will cause "Index out of bounds exception". var sl: TStringList; i: integer; begin sl := TStringList.Create; try sl.Add('1'); sl.Add('2'); sl.Add('3'); for i := 0 to Pred(sl.Count) do if sl[i] = '2' then sl.Delete(i); finally sl.Destroy; end; end; Solution: var sl: TStringList; i: integer; begin sl := TStringList.Create; try sl.Add('1'); sl.Add('2'); sl.Add('3'); for i := Pred(sl.Count) downto 0 do if sl[i] = '2' then sl.Delete(i); finally sl.Destroy; end; end; Calculating loop exit condition Delphi(5) compiler does not use Pentium loop instruction. It translates every loop exit condition to a zero check. In most cases that means duplicating the loop control variable (except when the source code does not use counter¡¯s real value any more (inside or after the loop)). Depending on whether loop control variable value is used inside or after exiting the loop: 1.1. Not used - in this case loops control variable final values do not matter - D5 compiler will shift the loop control variable in a way that the loop exit condition would be "control variable = 0" (see example) 2.2. Used (and the loop control variables initial value final value) 3.a. If the control variable final value 1 the compiler will duplicate it (see example) 4.b. If the control variable final value = 1 no duplication code is generated (see example) Therefore when possible preferably write downto loops with control variable final value = 1. Note: in Delphi2 and 3 the loop control variable value was undefined after exiting the loop.