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Win95 api calls 1-3

//Ersin Kecis. 01/05/2002. ===== Kernel (krnl386.exe) ===== ----- bool GetProfileSectionNames(long Buffer, word length) (kernel.142) ----- Returns the section names of the WIN.INI file. Section names are the ones given in []-Brackets. GetProfileSectionNames separates the section names using ASCII-Code 0. Buffer: points to a buffer to take the section names length: maximum length of buffer return: 1 = Successful ----- bool GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(long Buffer, word length, long filename) (kernel.143) ----- Returns the section names of any .INI file. See GetProfileSectionNames for a further description. Buffer: points to a buffer to take the section names length: maximum length of buffer filename: name of .INI file to look for. ----- bool CreateDirectory(long Directory, long whatever) (kernel.144) ----- Creates a new directory, may use long filenames, may use "/" instead of "\" for directory separation (example: CreateDirectory("C:/Windows/System/Test CreateDirectory","") will create the directory "Test CreateDirectory" in c:\Windows\System.) Directory: specifies the directory name whatever: function unknown - must point to a string. return: 1 = Directory created 0 = Error ----- bool RemoveDirectory(long Directory) (kernel.145) ----- Removes a directory. Directory: specifies the directory name return: 1 = successful 0 = Error ----- bool DeleteFile(long FileName) (kernel.146) ----- Deletes a file. FileName: specifies File name ----- bool GetCurrentDirectory(long length, long buffer) (kernel.411) ----- Gets the current directory length: length of buffer to take directory name buffer: pointer to buffer to take directory name ----- bool SetCurrentDirectory(long dirname) (kernel.412) ----- Sets the current directory. Supports change of current drive. (e.g. it is possible to change from C:\Windows to D:\Star Trek) dirname: specifies the name of the directory to change to ----- List of all new Kernel functions ----- Kernel.27 GetModuleName Kernel.142 GetProfileSectionNames Kernel.143 GetPrivateProfileSectionNames Kernel.144 CreateDirectory Kernel.145 RemoveDirectory Kernel.146 DeleteFile Kernel.147 SetLastError Kernel.148 GetLastError Kernel.149 GetVersionEx Kernel.208 K208 Kernel.209 K209 Kernel.210 K210 Kernel.211 K211 Kernel.212 K212 Kernel.213 K213 Kernel.214 K214 Kernel.215 K215 Kernel.216 RegEnumKey Kernel.217 RegOpenKey Kernel.218 RegCreateKey Kernel.219 RegDeleteKey Kernel.220 RegCloseKey Kernel.221 RegSetValue Kernel.222 RegDeleteValue Kernel.223 RegEnumValue Kernel.224 RegQueryValue Kernel.225 RegQueryValueEx Kernel.226 RegSetValueEx Kernel.227 RegFlushKey Kernel.228 K228 Kernel.229 K229 Kernel.230 GlobalSmartPageLock Kernel.231 GlobalSmartPageUnlock Kernel.232 RegLoadKey Kernel.233 RegUnloadKey Kernel.234 RegSaveKey Kernel.235 InvalidateNLSCache Kernel.236 GetProductName Kernel.237 K237 Kernel.360 OpenFileEx Kernel.361 Piglet_361 Kernel.406 WritePrivateProfileStruct Kernel.407 GetPrivateProfileStruct Kernel.411 GetCurrentDirectory Kernel.412 SetCurrentDirectory Kernel.413 FindFirstFile Kernel.414 FindNextFile Kernel.415 FindClose Kernel.416 WritePrivateProfileSection Kernel.417 WriteProfileSection Kernel.418 GetPrivateProfileSection Kernel.419 GetProfileSection Kernel.420 GetFileAttributes Kernel.421 SetFileAttributes Kernel.422 GetDiskFreeSpace Kernel.491 RegisterServiceProccess Kernel.513 LoadLibraryEx32W Kernel.514 FreeLibrary32W Kernel.515 GetProcAddress32W Kernel.516 GetVDMPointer32W Kernel.517 CallProc32W Kernel.518 _CallProcEx32W Kernel.627 IsBadFlatReadWritePTR ----- Kernel Functions no longer existant in Win95 ----- Kernel.38 SetTaskSignalProc Kernel.77 Reserved1 Kernel.78 Reserved2 Kernel.79 Reserved3 Kernel.80 Reserved4 Kernel.87 Reserved5 Kernel.118 GetTaskQueueDS Kernel.119 GetTaskQueueES Kernel.139 DoSignal Kernel.140 SetSigHandler Kernel.141 InitTask1 Kernel.151 WinOldApCall Kernel.160 EmsCopy Kernel.316 GetFreeMemInfo Kernel.327 K327 Kernel.329 K329 Kernel.339 DiagQuery Kernel.340 DiagOutput Kernel.343 RegisterWinOldApHook Kernel.344 GetWinOldApHooks Kernel.352 LStrCatN Kernel.403 K403 Kernel.404 K404 ===== User (USER.EXE) ===== ----- word WindowFromDC(word DC) (User.117) ----- Returns the window handle from the specified DC DC: DC return: window handle for specified DC ----- word GetForegroundWindow() (User.608) ----- Returns the handle of the foreground window return: handle of foreground window ----- bool SetForegroundWindow(word handle) (User.609) ----- Makes the specified window foreground window. handle: Specifies handle of the window to be put in foreground. ----- bool SetMenuDefaultItem(word Menu, word Item, word Flag) (User.664) ----- Sets a menu item default, meaning the item will be shown in bold font. (Like the Close entry in the window system menu). Menu: specifies the handle of the menu Item: specifies the item handle Flag: unknown. 0 seems to be the only working value. ----- List of all new User functions: ----- User.117 WindowFromDC User.281 GetSysColorBrush User.300 UnloadInstallableDrivers User.364 LookupIconIDFromDirectoryEx User.374 DLLEntryPoint User.375 DrawTextEx User.376 SetMessageExtraInfo User.378 SetPropEx User.379 GetPropEx User.380 RemovePropEx User.381 UsrMpr_ThunkData16