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What does #13#10 stand for, in Delphi code

Title: What does #13#10 stand for, in Delphi code? You've certainly seen "#13#10" many times in Delphi source code. If you are wondering what those characters stand for, here's the answer: A control string is a sequence of one or more control characters, each of which consists of the # symbol followed by an unsigned integer constant from 0 to 255 (decimal or hexadecimal) and denotes the corresponding ASCII character. When you want to, for example, assign a two-line string to a Caption property (of a TLabel control), you can use the following "code:" Label1.Caption := 'First line' + #13#10 + 'Second line'; The "#13#10" part represents a carriage-return + line-feed combination. The "#13" is the ASCII equivalent to the CR (carriage return) value; #10 represents LF (line feed). Two more interesting control characters are: #0 - NULL character and #9 - (horizontal) TAB Note: here's how to translate a virtual-key to ASCII code.