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Using BASM with Delphi

Title: Using BASM with Delphi Question: Using BASM with Delphi Answer: BASM is the acronym for Borland Assembler. In fact is the ability to write low level code (assembler) inside your programs. This is great for low level functions and for high speed calculations. When you decide to write your own assembler code using Delphi you must know: 1. You must conserve the value of EDI, ESI, ESP, EBP and EBX registers. If you want tu use this registers your code must look like: asm push EDI //Or any register you will use //YOUR CODE pop EDI end; 2. You can modify as you wish the EAX, EBX, EDX registers. 3.You can use labels like in bellow example: procedure some_code; label ALabel; begin asm jmp ALabel end; showmessage('This message will never appear!'); ALabel: showmessage('Here I have jump'); end; 3. You can use variables declared with var Example: procedure Using_Some_Vars; var a,b:integer; begin asm mov EAX,a //put a into ax add EAX,b //add b to EAX mov a, EAX // a is now a+b end; showmessage('The Sum Is: '+ inttostr(a)); end; 4. You can create entire procedures or functions in assembler Example: function A_Sum(a,b:integer):integer; assembler; asm mov EAX,a add eax,b mov @Result, EAX //Returning the result end; 5. You can access record type Example type animal=record size:integer; weight:integer; end; procedure reading_a_record; var my_animal:animal begin //some initialisations asm mov EAX, my_animal.size end; end; Note: I know this is incomplete. There are some basics ideas.But, in the future, I will complete this article with many other complex examples.