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Undocumented How to change class inheritance during runtime

Title: Undocumented: How to change class inheritance during runtime. Question: Can the inheritance of a class be changed during runtime? Yes, it can be! Here is how... Answer: { Undocumented: how to replace class inheritance during runtime. This demo replaces the standard TPanel with a TMyPanel class. Part of this code is from the book "Delphi Win32 Losungen" written by Andreas Kosch. This code is just a demo to show what kind of fun stuff you can do with the runtime type information (RTTI). Learn from it, play with it, have fun with it, impress your friends, etc. But: you must NEVER use this code in commercial or otherway important programs! A good designed class hierarchy does not need runtime changes to the inheritance structure. Have fun! E.J.Molendijk (Delphi Factory Netherlands BV) } unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, extCtrls; type TClassReplaceDemo = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FPanel : TPanel; public { Public declarations } end; TMyPanel = class(TCustomControl) protected procedure WMSize(var Message :TWMSize); message WM_Size; end; var ClassReplaceDemo: TClassReplaceDemo; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure ReplaceParentClass(DelphiClass, OldParent, NewParent : TClass); var AClassPointer : ^Byte; pVCl, pNew : ^Pointer; Protect : DWord; begin // check if parameters are legal if Assigned(NewParent) and Assigned(DelphiClass) then begin // Find the correct parent while (DelphiClass.ClassParent OldParent) do begin with DelphiClass do begin // Is the class parent ok? if (ClassParent = nil) or (ClassParent = NewParent) then raise Exception.Create('Illegal class parent'); // move one up in DelphiClass := ClassParent; end; end; // Get the classpointer of the delphi class AClassPointer := Pointer(DelphiClass); Inc(AClassPointer, vmtParent); pVCL := Pointer(AClassPointer); // get the classpointer of the new class AClassPointer := Pointer(NewParent); Inc(AClassPointer, vmtSelfPtr); pNew := Pointer(AClassPointer); // insert the new class VirtualProtect(pVCL, SizeOf(Pointer), PAGE_READWRITE, @Protect); try pVCL^ := pNEW; finally VirtualProtect(pVCL, SizeOf(Pointer), Protect, @Protect); end; end; end; { TMyPanel } procedure TMyPanel.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); begin Caption := Format('Width: %d Height: %d',[Width,Height]); end; { TForm1 } procedure TClassReplaceDemo.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if FPanel = nil then begin // Create a 'normal' panel FPanel := TPanel.Create(Self); // put it on the form FPanel.Parent := Self; // define it's size FPanel.BoundsRect := Rect(10,50,150,100); // You will now see the caption is automagicly set end; end; initialization // Replace the normal TPanel with our own TMyPanel ReplaceParentClass(TPanel, TCustomControl, TMyPanel); finalization // cleanup the mess we made ReplaceParentClass(TPanel, TMyPanel, TCustomControl); end.