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TmwFastTime High Resolution Counter (Delphi Component)

Title: TmwFastTime - High Resolution Counter (Delphi Component) Question: Answer: It queries a High Resolution Counter with a precision of about 0,00083 ms. For extremely short times the result may be false (Windows API function: QueryPerformanceCounter) {--------------------------------------------------------------------} { TmwFastTime V 1.0 } { Written by Martin Waldenburg 1996. } { Copyright by Martin Waldenburg 1996. All rights reserved. } { This is FreeWare. } { It's provided as is, without a warranty of any kind. } { You use it at your own risc. } { You may use and distribute it freely. } { But You may not say it's your work } { If you distribute it you must provide all Files. } {--------------------------------------------------------------------} { It queries a High Resolution Counter with a precision of about } { 0,00083 ms. For extremely short times the result may be false } {--------------------------------------------------------------------} unit mwFastTime; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes; type TmwFastTime = class(TComponent) private c, n1, n2: {$IFDEF Ver120} Int64 {$ELSE} TLargeInteger {$ENDIF} ; FElapsedTime : ShortString; protected public constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent);override; destructor Destroy;override; Property ElapsedTime : ShortString read FElapsedTime; Procedure Start; Procedure Stop; published Property Name; Property Tag; end; procedure Register; implementation {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('mw',[TmwFastTime]); end; {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} constructor TmwFastTime.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FElapsedTime := ''; end; {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} destructor TmwFastTime.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} Procedure TmwFastTime.Start; begin QueryPerformanceFrequency(c); QueryPerformanceCounter(n1); end; {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} Procedure TmwFastTime.Stop; begin QueryPerformanceCounter(n2); {$ifdef ver120} FElapsedTime:= format('Seconds: %g', [(n2 - n1) / c ]); {$else} FElapsedTime:= format('Seconds: %g', [(n2.QuadPart - n1.QuadPart) / c.QuadPart]); {$endif} end; end. {------------------------------------------------------------} { Martin Waldenburg } { Landaeckerstrasse 27 } { 71642 Ludwigsburg } { Germany } { } { Sugestions, improvements and code of any kind are welcome } { Thanks for trying my code. } { Share your code! } {------------------------------------------------------------}