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Tired of Delphis checkboxes

Title: Tired of Delphi's checkboxes? Question: Tired of Delphi's checkboxes? Answer: { ==================================================================== This is a DELPHI 5 Visual Component ==================================================================== In WIN3.1 you have a checkbox with an "X" check. In WIN95 and WINNT you have a checkbox with a "V" check. In Delphi's standard palette you think you'll get a checkbox with an "X" check, but you'll get a checkbox with a "V" check instead. Maybe Borland/Inprise didn't update the palette bitmap going from W3.1 to W95/W98. Anyway, this is a checkbox with an "X", or a "V", or a "o", or a rect, or a diamond check. This component is tested under WIN95 and WINNT. This component will be registered under "Samples". You are allowed to alter this component. For remarks, suggestions, improvements, enhancements please email: ==================================================================== Explanation ==================================================================== X = cross V = mark o = bullet +-+ |W| = rect +-+ /\ = diamond \/ (W = means filled) ==================================================================== Features of this checkbox ==================================================================== You'll find many checkboxes on the web. Try them. You will find out that when you put more than one of these checkboxes, on a form, together with some "Delphi checkboxes", the focus rectangle will not work properly, if there is one. All those checkboxes didn't implement a WM_KILLFOCUS message interceptor. This checkbox does. ==================================================================== Functionality ==================================================================== The functionality of this CheckBoxX slightly differs from Delphi's TCheckBox. I thought this functionality makes a little bit more sense. But you may alter the functionality, if you disagree with me. The slightly altered functionality regards the properties: "AllowGrayed", "Checked" and "State". ==================================================================== 30-08-00 Keystrokes implemented (Tab, Spacebar) ==================================================================== } Unit CheckBoxX; Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; Const { Other constants } fRBoxWidth : Integer = 13; // Width of rectangular checkbox fRBoxHeight : Integer = 13; // Height of rectangular checkbox Type TState = (cbUnchecked,cbChecked,cbGrayed); // The same // as in Delphi TType = (cbCross,cbMark,cbBullet,cbDiamond,cbRect); // Added TMouseState = (msMouseUp,msMouseDown); TAlignment = (taRightJustify,taLeftJustify); // The same TCheckBoxX = class(TCustomControl) Private { Private declarations } fChecked : Boolean; fCaption : String; fColor : TColor; fState : TState; fFont : TFont; fAllowGrayed : Boolean; fFocus : Boolean; fType : TType; fMouseState : TMouseState; fAlignment : TAlignment; fTextTop : Integer; // top of text fTextLeft : Integer; // left of text fBoxTop : Integer; // top of box fBoxLeft : Integer; // left of box Procedure fSetChecked(Bo : Boolean); Procedure fSetCaption(S : String); Procedure fSetColor(C : TColor); Procedure fSetState(cbState : TState); Procedure fSetFont(cbFont : TFont); Procedure fSetAllowGrayed(Bo : Boolean); Procedure fSetType(T : TType); Procedure fSetAlignment(A : TAlignment); Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure Paint; override; Procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; Procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; Procedure WMKillFocus(var Message : TWMKillFocus); Message WM_KILLFOCUS; // Yes, this removes the focus rect! Procedure WMSetFocus(var Message : TWMSetFocus); Message WM_SETFOCUS; // If you are using the TAB or // Shift-Tab key Procedure KeyDown(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override; // Interception of KeyDown Procedure KeyUp(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); override; // Interception of KeyUp Public { Public declarations } // If you put Create and Destroy under protected, // Delphi complains about that. Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Published { Published declarations } { --- Properties --- } Property Action; Property Alignment : TAlignment read fAlignment write fSetAlignment; Property AllowGrayed : Boolean read fAllowGrayed write fSetAllowGrayed; Property Anchors; Property BiDiMode; Property Caption : String read fCaption write fSetCaption; Property CheckBoxType : TType read fType write fSetType; Property Checked : Boolean read fChecked write fSetChecked; Property Color : TColor read fColor write fSetColor; Property Constraints; //Property Ctrl3D; Property Cursor; Property DragCursor; Property DragKind; Property DragMode; Property Enabled; Property Font : TFont read fFont write fSetFont; //Property Height; Property HelpContext; Property Hint; Property Left; Property Name; //Property PartenBiDiMode; Property ParentColor; //Property ParentCtrl3D; Property ParentFont; Property ParentShowHint; //Property PopMenu; Property ShowHint; Property State : TState read fState write fSetState; Property TabOrder; Property TabStop; Property Tag; Property Top; Property Visible; //Property Width; { --- Events --- } Property OnClick; Property OnContextPopup; Property OnDragDrop; Property OnDragOver; Property OnEndDock; Property OnEndDrag; Property OnEnter; Property OnExit; Property OnKeyDown; Property OnKeyPress; Property OnKeyUp; Property OnMouseDown; Property OnMouseMove; Property OnMouseUp; Property OnStartDock; Property OnStartDrag; End; Procedure Register; //Hello! Implementation {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.KeyDown(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); Begin If fFocus then If Shift = [] then If Key = 0032 then Begin fMouseState := msMouseDown; If fState cbGrayed then Begin SetFocus; // Set focus to this component // Windows sends a WM_KILLFOCUS message to all the // other components. fFocus := True; Invalidate; End; End; Inherited KeyDown(Key,Shift); End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.KeyUp(var Key : Word; Shift : TShiftState); Begin If fFocus then If Shift = [] then If Key = 0032 then Begin If fState cbGrayed then fSetChecked(not fChecked); // Change the check fMouseState := msMouseUp; End; Inherited KeyUp(Key,Shift); End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.WMSetFocus(var Message : TWMSetFocus); Begin fFocus := True; Invalidate; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.WMKillFocus(var Message : TWMKillFocus); Begin fFocus := False; // Remove the focus rectangle of all the components, // which doesn't have the focus. Invalidate; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetAlignment(A : TAlignment); Begin If A fAlignment then Begin fAlignment := A; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetType(T : TType); Begin If fType T then Begin fType := T; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetFont(cbFont : TFont); Var FontChanged : Boolean; Begin FontChanged := False; If fFont.Style cbFont.Style then Begin fFont.Style := cbFont.Style; FontChanged := True; End; If fFont.CharSet cbFont.Charset then Begin fFont.Charset := cbFont.Charset; FontChanged := True; End; If fFont.Size cbFont.Size then Begin fFont.Size := cbFont.Size; FontChanged := True; End; If fFont.Name cbFont.Name then Begin fFont.Name := cbFont.Name; FontChanged := True; End; If fFont.Color cbFont.Color then Begin fFont.Color := cbFont.Color; FontChanged := True; End; If FontChanged then Invalidate; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TCheckBoxX.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Begin // The MouseDown procedure is only called when the mouse // goes down WITHIN the control, so we don't have to check // the X and Y values. inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); fMouseState := msMouseDown; If fState cbGrayed then Begin SetFocus; // Set focus to this component // Windows sends a WM_KILLFOCUS message to all the // other components. fFocus := True; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TCheckBoxX.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Begin // The MouseUp procedure is only called when the mouse // goes up WITHIN the control, so we don't have to check // the X and Y values. inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); If fState cbGrayed then fSetChecked(not fChecked); // Change the check fMouseState := msMouseUp; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetAllowGrayed(Bo : Boolean); Begin If fAllowGrayed Bo then Begin fAllowGrayed := Bo; If not fAllowGrayed then If fState = cbGrayed then Begin If fChecked then fState := cbChecked else fState := cbUnChecked; End; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetState(cbState : TState); Begin If fState cbState then Begin fState := cbState; If (fState = cbChecked) then fChecked := True; If (fState = cbGrayed) then fAllowGrayed := True; If fState = cbUnChecked then fChecked := False; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetColor(C : TColor); Begin If fColor C then Begin fColor := C; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetCaption(S : String); Begin If fCaption S then Begin fCaption := S; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.fSetChecked(Bo : Boolean); Begin If fChecked Bo then Begin fChecked := Bo; If fState cbGrayed then Begin If fChecked then fState := cbChecked else fState := cbUnChecked; End; Invalidate; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TCheckBoxX.Paint; Var Buffer : Array[0..127] of Char; I : Integer; fTextWidth,fTextHeight : Integer; Begin {Get Delphi's componentname and initially write it in the caption} GetTextBuf(Buffer,SizeOf(Buffer)); If Buffer '' then fCaption := Buffer; Canvas.Font.Size := Font.Size; Canvas.Font.Style := Font.Style; Canvas.Font.Color := Font.Color; Canvas.Font.Charset := Font.CharSet; fTextWidth := Canvas.TextWidth(fCaption); fTextHeight := Canvas.TextHeight('Q'); If fAlignment = taRightJustify then Begin fBoxTop := (Height - fRBoxHeight) div 2; fBoxLeft := 0; fTextTop := (Height - fTextHeight) div 2; fTextLeft := fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth + 4; End else Begin fBoxTop := (Height - fRBoxHeight) div 2; fBoxLeft := Width - fRBoxWidth; fTextTop := (Height - fTextHeight) div 2; fTextLeft := 1; //If fTextWidth (Width - fBoxWidth - 4) then // fTextLeft := (Width - fBoxWidth - 4) - fTextWidth; End; // Write the caption Canvas.Pen.Color := fFont.Color; Canvas.Brush.Color := fColor; Canvas.TextOut(fTextLeft,fTextTop,fCaption); // Draw the focus rectangle If fFocus = True then Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect(fTextLeft - 1, fTextTop - 2, fTextLeft + fTextWidth + 1, fTextTop + fTextHeight + 2)); If (fState = cbChecked) then Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow; If (fState = cbUnChecked) then Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow; If (fState = cbGrayed) then Begin fAllowGrayed := True; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; End; // Make the box clBtnFace when the mouse is down // just like the "standard" CheckBox If fMouseState = msMouseDown then Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; Canvas.FillRect(Rect(fBoxLeft + 2, fBoxTop + 2, fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 2, fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 2)); // Draw the rectangular checkbox Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; Canvas.Pen.Color := clGray; Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 1,fBoxTop); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft,fBoxTop); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight); Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite; Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 1,fBoxTop); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 1, fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 1); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft - 1,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 1); Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 3,fBoxTop + 1); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 1,fBoxTop + 1); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 1,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 2); Canvas.Pen.Color := clBtnFace; Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 2,fBoxTop + 1); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 2, fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 2); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 2); // Now it should be exactly the same as the Delphi checkbox If fChecked then Begin Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; // Paint the rectangle If fType = cbRect then Begin Canvas.FillRect(Rect(fBoxLeft + 4,fBoxTop + 4, fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 4,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 4)); End; // Paint the bullet If fType = cbBullet then Begin Canvas.Ellipse(fBoxLeft + 4,fBoxTop + 4, fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 4,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 4); End; // Paint the cross If fType = cbCross then Begin {Right-top to left-bottom} Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 5,fBoxTop + 3); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 2,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 4); Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 4,fBoxTop + 3); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 2,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 3); Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 4,fBoxTop + 4); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 3,fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 3); {Left-top to right-bottom} Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 3,fBoxTop + 4); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 4, fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 3); Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 3,fBoxTop + 3); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 3, fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 3); //mid Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 4,fBoxTop + 3); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + fRBoxWidth - 3, fBoxTop + fRBoxHeight - 4); End; // Paint the mark If fType = cbMark then For I := 0 to 2 do Begin {Left-mid to left-bottom} Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 3,fBoxTop + 5 + I); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 6,fBoxTop + 8 + I); {Left-bottom to right-top} Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 6,fBoxTop + 6 + I); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 10,fBoxTop + 2 + I); End; // Paint the diamond If fType = cbDiamond then Begin Canvas.Pixels[fBoxLeft + 06,fBoxTop + 03] := clBlack; Canvas.Pixels[fBoxLeft + 06,fBoxTop + 09] := clBlack; Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 05,fBoxTop + 04); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 08,fBoxTop + 04); Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 05,fBoxTop + 08); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 08,fBoxTop + 08); Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 04,fBoxTop + 05); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 09,fBoxTop + 05); Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 04,fBoxTop + 07); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 09,fBoxTop + 07); Canvas.MoveTo(fBoxLeft + 03,fBoxTop + 06); Canvas.LineTo(fBoxLeft + 10,fBoxTop + 06); // middle line End; End; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TCheckBoxX]); End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Destructor TCheckBoxX.Destroy; Begin inherited Destroy; End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} Constructor TCheckBoxX.Create(AOwner : TComponent); Begin inherited Create(AOwner); Height := 17; Width := 97; fChecked := False; fColor := clBtnFace; fState := cbUnChecked; fFont := inherited Font; fAllowGrayed := False; fFocus := False; fMouseState := msMouseUp; fAlignment := taRightJustify; TabStop := True; // Sorry End; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} End. {===================================================================}