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The buttons of Delphis palette bar simulated

Title: The buttons of Delphi's palette bar simulated Question: How to write a button which elevates when the mouse is/goes over it, and which is flat when the mouse is not over it? Answer: Unit NewButton; Interface (* ===================================================================== Delphi Component --------------------------------------------------------------------- Written in Delphi 5 professional, tested under WinNT, SP5 and WIN95, SP1. Explanation ----------- This is a button which works just like the buttons of Delphi's palette. When the mouse is/goes over the button, it elevates and when the mouse is leaves the button, it becomes flat again. The button also reacts if the window, where the button is on, is out of focus. You can supply up to four bitmaps in a row to indicate the button status. +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ^ |mouse|mouse|clic-|dis- | | |over | not | ked |abled| Height | | over| | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ v Picture You can design this bitmap in the Delphi tool: "Image Edit". The component will automatically adjust the property: NumGlyphs after loading the Icon / Bitmap for the button face. Supplying a Picture or Bitmap / Icon is optional. If you don't want this automatically calculated value of NumGlyphs, you can alter it AFTER loading the Icon / Bitmap / Picture. You can also give the button a caption text. You can position the caption text and the bitmap anywhere on the button face. I've added four properties to do that: TextTop and TextLeft, to position the Caption text on the button face, and: GlyphTop and GlyphLeft, to position the Glyph on the button face. Also in this case, the origin (0,0) is positioned on the left-top of the caption, of the picture and of the button. The caption text is drawn after the bitmap, so when they take (partially) the same space on the button face, the caption text will be written OVER the bitmap. The background of the text is made transparent. So you'll only see the characters if you draw the text over the bitmap. You can use and alter this component freely. For remarks, suggestions, improvements, enhancements, please send me an email at: Known bugs ---------- 1) If you move the mouse very, very quickly over the button, it sometimes happens that the button doesn't become flat again after leaving the button. Do you have any suggestions to solve this minor problem? 2) The button face flickers when the button is disabled and you click on it with the mouse. ===================================================================== *) Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; Const fShift = 2; // Shift of the bitmap and/or caption when the button // is pressed. fHiColor = $DDDDDD; // Button pressed face color (super light gray) // Windows simulates this color by mixing pixels of // clSilver and clWhite (50%). // Just take a good look at the scrollbar, between the // up and down buttons and the slider. Type TNewButton = Class(TCustomControl) Private { Private declarations } fMouseOver,fMouseDown : Boolean; fEnabled : Boolean; // The same as all components fGlyph : TPicture; // The same as in SpeedButton fGlyphTop,fGlyphLeft : Integer; // Upper left of Glyph on the // face of the button fTextTop,fTextLeft : Integer; // Upper left of the text on // the face of the button fNumGlyphs : Integer; // The same as in SpeedButton fCaption : String; // Text on the face of the // button fFaceColor : TColor; // Face color // Yes you can give the face a // color. Procedure fLoadGlyph(G : TPicture); Procedure fSetGlyphLeft(I : Integer); Procedure fSetGlyphTop(I : Integer); Procedure fSetCaption(S : String); Procedure fSetTextTop(I : Integer); Procedure fSetTextLeft(I : Integer); Procedure fSetFaceColor(C : TColor); Procedure fSetNumGlyphs(I : Integer); Procedure fSetEnabled(B : Boolean); Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure Paint; override; Procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; Procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; Procedure WndProc(var Message : TMessage); override; // This is how the component finds out if mouse is over or not! // If the mouse is NOT over the component, it will still // receive mouse messages. Also, if the parent window is NOT // in focus, the component will still receive mouse messages. Public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Published { Published declarations } {----- Properties -----} Property Action; // Property AllowUp is not implemented Property Anchors; Property BiDiMode; Property Caption : String read fCaption write fSetCaption; Property Constraints; Property Cursor; // Property Down is not implemented Property Enabled : Boolean read fEnabled write fSetEnabled; // Property Flat is not implemented Property FaceColor : TColor read fFaceColor write fSetFaceColor; Property Font; property Glyph : TPicture // This is the way to get Delphi's // Gray button with three points on it. // After pressing this button, Delphi's // "Picture Editor" is launched in order // to load the bitmap. read fGlyph write fLoadGlyph; // Property GroupIndex is not implemented Property GlyphLeft : Integer read fGlyphLeft write fSetGlyphLeft; Property GlyphTop : Integer read fGlyphTop write fSetGlyphTop; Property Height; Property Hint; // Property Layout is not implemented Property Left; // Property Margin is not implemented Property Name; Property NumGlyphs : Integer read fNumGlyphs write fSetNumGlyphs; Property ParentBiDiMode; Property ParentFont; Property ParentShowHint; // Property PopMenu is not implemented Property ShowHint; // Property Spacing is not implemented Property Tag; Property Textleft : Integer read fTextLeft write fSetTextLeft; Property TextTop : Integer read fTextTop write fSetTextTop; Property Top; // Property Transparent is not implemented Property Visible; Property Width; {--- Events ---} Property OnClick; Property OnDblClick; Property OnMouseDown; Property OnMouseMove; Property OnMouseUp; end; Procedure Register; // Hello Implementation {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetEnabled(B : Boolean); Begin If B fEnabled then Begin fEnabled := B; Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetNumGlyphs(I : Integer); Begin If I 0 then If I fNumGlyphs then Begin fNumGlyphs := I; Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetFaceColor(C : TColor); Begin If C fFaceColor then Begin fFaceColor := C; Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetTextTop(I : Integer); Begin If I = 0 then If I fTextTop then Begin fTextTop := I; Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetTextLeft(I : Integer); Begin If I = 0 then If I fTextLeft then Begin fTextLeft := I; Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetCaption(S : String); Begin If (fCaption S) then Begin fCaption := S; SetTextBuf(PChar(S)); Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetGlyphLeft(I : Integer); Begin If I fGlyphLeft then If I = 0 then Begin fGlyphLeft := I; Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.fSetGlyphTop(I : Integer); Begin If I fGlyphTop then If I = 0 then Begin fGlyphTop := I; Invalidate; End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure tNewButton.fLoadGlyph(G : TPicture); Var I : Integer; Begin fGlyph.Assign(G); If fGlyph.Height 0 then Begin I := fGlyph.Width div fGlyph.Height; If I fNumGlyphs then fNumGlyphs := I; End; Invalidate; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Register; // Hello Begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TNewButton]); End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Constructor TNewButton.Create(AOwner : TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); { Initialise variables } Height := 37; Width := 37; fMouseOver := False; fGlyph := TPicture.Create; fMouseDown := False; fGlyphLeft := 2; fGlyphTop := 2; fTextLeft := 2; fTextTop := 2; fFaceColor := clBtnFace; fNumGlyphs := 1; fEnabled := True; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Destructor TNewButton.Destroy; Begin If Assigned(fGlyph) then fGlyph.Free; // Free the glyph inherited Destroy; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TNewButton.Paint; Var fBtnColor,fColor1,fColor2, fTransParentColor : TColor; Buffer : Array[0..127] of Char; I,J : Integer; X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,Y0 : Integer; DestRect : TRect; TempGlyph : TPicture; Begin X0 := 0; X1 := fGlyph.Width div fNumGlyphs; X2 := X1 + X1; X3 := X2 + X1; X4 := X3 + X1; Y0 := fGlyph.Height; TempGlyph := TPicture.Create; TempGlyph.Bitmap.Width := X1; TempGlyph.Bitmap.Height := Y0; DestRect := Rect(0,0,X1,Y0); GetTextBuf(Buffer,SizeOf(Buffer)); // Get the caption If Buffer '' then fCaption := Buffer; If fEnabled = False then fMouseDown := False; // correct for disabled If fMouseDown then Begin fBtnColor := fHiColor; // Button down color fColor1 := clWhite; // Right and bottom border color of button // when mouse is down fColor2 := clBlack; // Left and top border color when mouse is // down End else Begin fBtnColor := fFaceColor; // fFaceColor is user defined fColor2 := clWhite; // Left and top color when mouse is over fColor1 := clGray; // Right and bottom border color when // mouse is over End; // Paint the button face Canvas.Brush.Color := fBtnColor; Canvas.FillRect(Rect(1,1,Width - 2,Height - 2)); If fMouseOver then Begin Canvas.MoveTo(Width,0); Canvas.Pen.Color := fColor2; Canvas.LineTo(0,0); Canvas.LineTo(0,Height - 1); Canvas.Pen.Color := fColor1; Canvas.LineTo(Width - 1,Height - 1); Canvas.LineTo(Width - 1, - 1); End; If Assigned(fGlyph) then // Bitmap loaded? Begin If fEnabled then // Button enabled? Begin If fMouseDown then // Mouse down? Begin // Mouse down on the button so show Glyph 3 on the face If (fNumGlyphs = 3) then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(DestRect, fGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas,Rect(X2,0,X3,Y0)); If (fNumGlyphs 1)then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(DestRect, fGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas,Rect(X0,0,X1,Y0)); If (fNumGlyphs = 1) then TempGlyph.Assign(fGlyph); // Sorry, I couldn't find a better way... // Glyph.Bitmap.Transparentcolor doesn't work when the // color that you want to be transparent is clWhite... fTransParentColor := TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0,Y0-1]; For I := 0 to X1 - 1 do For J := 0 to Y0 - 1 do If TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] = fTransParentColor then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] := fBtnColor; //Draw the bitmap on the button face Canvas.Draw(fGlyphLeft + 2,fGlyphTop + 2,TempGlyph.Graphic); End else Begin If fMouseOver then Begin // Mouse over, but not down, so show Glyph 1 on the face // (if exists) If (fNumGlyphs 1) then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(DestRect, fGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas,Rect(0,0,X1,Y0)); If (fNumGlyphs = 1) then TempGlyph.Assign(fGlyph); End else Begin // Mouse not over, so show Glyph 2 on the face (if exists) If (fNumGlyphs 1) then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(DestRect, fGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas,Rect(X1,0,X2,Y0)); If (fNumGlyphs = 1) then TempGlyph.Assign(fGlyph); End; // Sorry, I couldn't find a better way... fTransParentColor := TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0,Y0-1]; For I := 0 to X1 - 1 do For J := 0 to Y0 - 1 do If TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] = fTransParentColor then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] := fBtnColor; //Draw the bitmap on the button face Canvas.Draw(fGlyphLeft,fGlyphTop,TempGlyph.Graphic); End; End else Begin // The button is disabled, so show Glyph 4 on the face (if // exists) If (fNumGlyphs = 4) then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(DestRect, fGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas,Rect(X3,0,X4,Y0)) else TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(DestRect, fGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas,Rect(0,0,X1,Y0)); If (fNumGlyphs = 1) then TempGlyph.Assign(fGlyph.Graphic); // Sorry, I couldn't find a better way... fTransParentColor := TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0,Y0-1]; For I := 0 to X1 - 1 do For J := 0 to Y0 - 1 do If TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] = fTransParentColor then TempGlyph.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[I,J] := fBtnColor; //Draw the buttonface Canvas.Draw(fGlyphLeft,fGlyphTop,TempGlyph.Graphic); End; End; // Draw the caption If fCaption '' then Begin Canvas.Pen.Color := Font.Color; Canvas.Font.Name := Font.Name; Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; //Canvas.Brush.Color := fBtnColor; Canvas.Font.Color := Font.Color; Canvas.Font.Size := Font.Size; Canvas.Font.Style := Font.Style; If fMouseDown then Canvas.TextOut(fShift + fTextLeft,fShift + fTextTop,fCaption) else Canvas.TextOut(fTextLeft,fTextTop,fCaption); End; TempGlyph.Free; // Free the temp glyph End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} // Is the mouse up or down within the control? Procedure TNewButton.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;X, Y: Integer); Var ffMouseDown,ffMouseOver : Boolean; Begin ffMouseDown := True; ffMouseOver := True; If (ffMouseDown fMouseDown) or (ffMouseOver fMouseOver) then Begin fMouseDown := ffMouseDown; fMouseOver := ffMouseOver; Invalidate; // Don't redraw the button if it is not necessary End; Inherited MouseDown(Button,Shift,X,Y);; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} // Is the mouse up or down within the control? Procedure TNewButton.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Var ffMouseDown,ffMouseOver : Boolean; Begin ffMouseDown := False; ffMouseOver := True; If (ffMouseDown fMouseDown) or (ffMouseOver fMouseOver) then Begin fMouseDown := ffMouseDown; fMouseOver := ffMouseOver; Invalidate; // Don't redraw the button if it is not necessary End; Inherited MouseUp(Button,Shift,X,Y); End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} // This procedure catches the mouse even if it is not over the // control // Interception of window messages Procedure TNewButton.WndProc(var Message : TMessage); Var P1,P2 : TPoint; Bo : Boolean; Begin If Parent nil then Begin GetCursorPos(P1); // Get mouse position on screen P2 := Self.ScreenToClient(P1); // Convert it to coordinates // relative to the origin of // the control If (P2.X 0) and (P2.X (P2.Y 0) and (P2.Y Bo := True // Mouse is within the control else Bo := False; // Mouse is outside the control If Bo fMouseOver then // Don't redraw the button if it is not // necessary. Begin fMouseOver := Bo; Invalidate; End; End; inherited WndProc(Message); // Send the windows messages to the other // clients End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} End. {====================================================================}