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Tab Order Wizard for Delphi7

Title: Tab Order Wizard for Delphi7 Question: Upgrades a previous Delphi5 article ( Answer: unit TabWizard; //Adapted from interface uses Classes, ToolsAPI; type pCompItem = ^TCompItem; TCompItem = record ParentName: string; SelfName: string; Left: Integer; Top: Integer; TabOrder: Integer; Comp: IOTAComponent; end; type TTabWizard = class(TNotifierObject, IOTAWizard, IOTAMenuWizard) private CompList: TList; procedure SortList; procedure SetListOrder; protected procedure ChildrenCallBack(Param: pointer; aComp: IOTAComponent; var Result: boolean); // stdcall; procedure MyEnumProc(aParm: pointer; aComp: IOTAComponent; var Result: boolean); public // IOTAWizard methods function GetIDString: string; function GetName: string; function GetState: TWizardState; procedure Execute; public // IOTAMenuWizard method function GetMenuText: string; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterPackageWizard(TTabWizard.Create); end; function TTabWizard.GetName: string; begin Result := 'TabWizard'; end; function TTabWizard.GetState: TWizardState; begin Result := [wsEnabled]; end; function TTabWizard.GetIDString: String; begin Result := 'TabWizard'; end; function TTabWizard.GetMenuText: string; begin Result := 'Tab Wizard'; end; procedure TTabWizard.SetListOrder; var i: Integer; intOrder: Integer; pComp: pCompItem; strPrevParentName: string; begin pComp := pCompItem(CompList.Items[0]); pComp.TabOrder := 0; strPrevParentName := pComp.ParentName; intOrder := 0; for i := 1 to pred(CompList.Count) do begin pComp := pCompItem(CompList.Items[i]); if pComp.ParentName = strPrevParentName then begin inc(intOrder); pComp.TabOrder := intOrder; end else begin strPrevParentName := pComp.ParentName; pComp.TabOrder := 0; intOrder := 0; end; end; end; procedure TTabWizard.SortList; var i, j: Integer; piComponent, pjComponent: pCompItem; bolSameParent: Boolean; begin for i := 0 to pred(CompList.Count) do begin piComponent := pCompItem(CompList.Items[i]); bolSameParent := False; for j := 0 to i - 1 do begin pjComponent := pCompItem(CompList.Items[j]); if pjComponent.ParentName piComponent.ParentName then begin if bolSameParent then begin CompList.Move(i, j); Break; end end else begin if PiComponent.Top CompList.Move(i, j); Break; end else begin if PiComponent.Top = PjComponent.Top then begin if PiComponent.Left CompList.Move(i, j); Break; end end; end; bolSameParent := True; end; end; end; end; procedure TTabWizard.ChildrenCallBack(Param: pointer; aComp: IOTAComponent; var Result: boolean); var ParamComp: IOTAComponent absolute Param; var pComp: pCompItem; begin if Assigned(aComp) then begin New(pComp); if Assigned(ParamComp) then ParamComp.GetPropValueByName('Name', pComp.ParentName); aComp.GetPropValueByName('Name', pComp.SelfName); aComp.GetPropValueByName('Left', pComp.Left); aComp.GetPropValueByName('Top', pComp.Top); pComp.Comp := aComp; CompList.Add(pComp); aComp.GetChildren(pointer(aComp), ChildrenCallBack); end; Result := True; end; {} procedure TTabWizard.MyEnumProc(aParm: pointer; aComp: IOTAComponent; var Result: boolean); begin Assert(Assigned(aComp)); aComp.GetChildren(pointer(aComp), ChildrenCallBack); Result := True; end; procedure TTabWizard.Execute; {} procedure FreeCompList; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to CompList.Count - 1 do Dispose(CompList.Items[i]); CompList.Free; end; {} function ModuleIsForm(Module: IOTAModule): IOTAFormEditor; var i: Integer; begin if Assigned(Module) //Form Module will have a DFM and a PAS file associated with it AND(Module.GetModuleFileCount 1) then begin i := 0; while (i if (Module.ModuleFileEditors[i].QueryInterface(IOTAFormEditor, Result) = S_OK) then begin EXIT; // end; inc(i); end; end; Result := nil; end; {} function GetFormEditor: IOTAFormEditor; var ModuleServices: IOTAModuleServices; //from BorlandIDEServices Module: IOTAModule; i: Integer; begin ModuleServices := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices); for i := 0 to pred(ModuleServices.ModuleCount) do begin Module := ModuleServices.Modules[i]; Result := ModuleIsForm(Module); if Assigned(Result) then EXIT; // end; Result := nil; end; {} var Editor: IOTAFormEditor; RootComponent: IOTAComponent; Cnt: integer; begin{Execute} Editor := GetFormEditor(); if Assigned(Editor) then try{finally} CompList := TList.Create; RootComponent := Editor.GetRootComponent; RootComponent.GetChildren(pointer(RootComponent), MyEnumProc); if CompList.Count 0 then begin SortList; SetListOrder; for Cnt := 0 to pred(CompList.Count) do with pCompItem(CompList.Items[Cnt])^ do Comp.SetPropByName('TabOrder', TabOrder); RootComponent.GetChildren(pointer(RootComponent), MyEnumProc); end; finally FreeCompList; end; end; end.