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Sscanf in delphi

Title: sscanf in delphi? Question: sscanf in delphi? Answer: I have found this unit quite useful, but there may be a problem with the %s tag since its use has generated errors on occasion. unit Scanf; interface uses SysUtils; type EFormatError = class(ExCeption); function Sscanf(const s: string; const fmt: string; const Pointers: array of Pointer): Integer; implementation { Sscanf parses an input string. The parameters ... s - input string to parse fmt - 'C' scanf-like format string to control parsing %d - convert a Long Integer %f - convert an Extended Float %s - convert a string (delimited by spaces) other char - increment s pointer past "other char" space - does nothing Pointers - array of pointers to have values assigned result - number of variables actually assigned for example with ... Sscanf('Name. Bill Time. 7:32.77 Age. 8', '. %s . %d:%f . %d', [@Name, @hrs, @min, @age]); You get ... Name = Bill hrs = 7 min = 32.77 age = 8 } function Sscanf(const s: string; const fmt: string; const Pointers: array of Pointer): Integer; var i, j, n, m: integer; s1: string; L: LongInt; X: Extended; function GetInt: Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) n) do inc(n); while (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-']) and (Length(s) = n) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetFloat: Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) n) do inc(n); while (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-', '.', 'e', 'E']) and (Length(s) = n) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetString: Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) n) do inc(n); while (s[n] ' ') and (Length(s) = n) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function ScanStr(c: Char): Boolean; begin while (s[n] c) and (Length(s) n) do inc(n); inc(n); if (n Result := True else Result := False; end; function GetFmt: Integer; begin Result := -1; while (TRUE) do begin while (fmt[m] = ' ') and (Length(fmt) m) do inc(m); if (m = Length(fmt)) then break; if (fmt[m] = '%') then begin inc(m); case fmt[m] of 'd': Result := vtInteger; 'f': Result := vtExtended; 's': Result := vtString; end; inc(m); break; end; if (ScanStr(fmt[m]) = False) then break; inc(m); end; end; begin n := 1; m := 1; Result := 0; for i := 0 to High(Pointers) do begin j := GetFmt; case j of vtInteger: begin if GetInt 0 then begin L := StrToInt(s1); Move(L, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(LongInt)); inc(Result); end else break; end; vtExtended: begin if GetFloat 0 then begin X := StrToFloat(s1); Move(X, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(Extended)); inc(Result); end else break; end; vtString: begin if GetString 0 then begin Move(s1, Pointers[i]^, Length(s1) + 1); inc(Result); end else break; end; else break; end; end; end; end.