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SmartThreadLib example Using blocking Indy sockets in a thread

Title: SmartThreadLib example: Using blocking Indy sockets in a thread Question: This is an example on how to use the SmartThreadLib. It provides a class called TTCPSmartThread. This thread contains some basic routines to perform TCP communication using blocking sockets. Answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are the folling files: TCPSmartThread.pas - The unit main.pas - demo showing how to use it ----------------------------------------------------------------------- { Smart Thread Lib - TCP example Copyright (c) 2002 by DelphiFactory Netherlands BV What is it: Provides an easy way to use Indy blocking TCP socket client. Usage: Create your TCP client threads as TTCPSmartThreads and manage them using the SmartThreadManager global object. Download SmartThreadLib at: More about blocking sockets and indy: } unit TCPSmartThread; interface uses SysUtils, SmartThreadLib, IdTCPClient, IdException; resourcestring STCPTimedOut = 'Time out while waiting for TCP/IP data'; type TTCPSmartThread = class(TSmartThread) private FWaitDelay : Integer; { time slice during waiting (msec) } FMaxWaitCount : Integer; FTCP : TIdTCPClient; protected procedure SmartExecute; override; procedure TCPExecute; virtual; abstract; procedure Connect(const Host : string; const Port : Integer); procedure Disconnect; procedure WaitFor(const S : string); procedure Write(const S : string); procedure WaitForAndWrite(const WaitStr, SendStr : string); function ReadLn : string; end; implementation { TSmartTCP } procedure TTCPSmartThread.Connect(const Host: string; const Port: Integer); begin // Disconnect if needed Disconnect; // setup connection info FTCP.Host := Host; FTCP.Port := Port; // Connect FTCP.Connect; Check; end; procedure TTCPSmartThread.Disconnect; begin Check; // disconnect if connected if FTCP.Connected then FTCP.Disconnect; Check; end; function TTCPSmartThread.ReadLn: string; { Reads a string from the connection. The string must be terminated by a LF (#10) } const EndOfLineMarker = #10; var I : Integer; begin I := 0; Repeat // raise exception if we need to stop Check; // try to read data Result := FTCP.ReadLn(EndOfLineMarker,FWaitDelay); // increase the try counter Inc(I); // exit loop after to many tries, or if data found until (not FTCP.ReadLnTimedOut) or (IFMaxWaitCount); // raise an exception if the read data timed out if FTCP.ReadLnTimedOut then raise EIdResponseError.Create('time out'); // perform check Check; end; procedure TTCPSmartThread.SmartExecute; begin FWaitDelay := 100; FMaxWaitCount := 5000 div FWaitDelay; FTCP := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil); try TCPExecute; finally FTCP.Free; end; end; procedure TTCPSmartThread.WaitFor(const S: string); { This function returns when the string specified by S is read from the TCP connection. A timeout exception can be raised. } var I : Integer; begin I := 0; Repeat // raise exception if we need to stop Check; // try to read data FTCP.ReadLn(S,FWaitDelay); // increase number of tries Inc(I); until (not FTCP.ReadLnTimedOut) or (IFMaxWaitCount); if FTCP.ReadLnTimedOut then raise EIdResponseError.Create(STCPTimedOut); Check; end; procedure TTCPSmartThread.WaitForAndWrite(const WaitStr, SendStr: string); { Wait's for a special string and then sends a reply. } begin WaitFor(WaitStr); Write(SendStr); end; procedure TTCPSmartThread.Write(const S: string); { Send a string over the connection } begin Check; FTCP.Write(S); Check; end; end. {------------------------------------------------------------} { Using the TTCPSmartThread to retreive the time and date: } unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, SmartThreadLib, TCPSmartThread, IdException; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure OnMessage(Sender : TObject; const AMessage : string); public { Public declarations } end; type TTestThread = class(TTCPSmartThread) protected procedure TCPExecute; override; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} { TTestThread } procedure TTestThread.TCPExecute; begin Connect('',13); while True do Msg(Readln); Disconnect; end; { TForm1 } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SmartThreadManager.OnMessage := OnMessage; TTestThread.Create; end; procedure TForm1.OnMessage(Sender: TObject; const AMessage: string); begin Memo1.lines.add(AMessage); end; end.