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Sending Mail through Gmail with Delphi 7 and Indy 9

Title: Sending Mail through Gmail with Delphi 7 and Indy 9 Question: Here I am going to explain how we can send email through Gmail using Delphi 7 and Indy 9 Answer: First of all you should have a Gmail account (It is free but you should be invited by someone); In Delphi open a new application . On your form put these components - idSMTP1 (TidSMTP) - IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1 (TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket) - IdMessege1 (TIdMessage) - Memo1, Memo2, Memo3 (TMemo) - TButton set the SMTP component properties as below: object IdSMTP1: TIdSMTP OnStatus = IdPOP31Status IOHandler = IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1 MaxLineAction = maException Host = '' Port = 465 AuthenticationType = atLogin Password = 'YourPassword' Username = '' end and for the IdSSLIOHandlerSocket component: object IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocket SSLOptions.Method = sslvSSLv2 SSLOptions.Mode = sslmUnassigned SSLOptions.VerifyMode = [] SSLOptions.VerifyDepth = 0 end in the SatatusInfo event of the IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1 Type: Memo3.Lines.Add('idSSL: ' +Msg); in the SatatusInfo event of the IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1 Type: Memo2.Lines.Add(AStatusText); in the OnClick event of the Button1 component write: IdMessage1.From.Address := 'Yourmail address'; IdMessage1.Recipients.EMailAddresses := 'Recipient mail address' IdMessage1.Subject := 'The Subject'; IdMessage1.Body.Text := Memo1.Lines.Text; IdSMTP1.Connect(); try IdSMTP1.Send(IdMessage1); finally IdSMTP1.Disconnect; end; I have tested this application and it works fine Hope you enjoy it... you can design a good GUI to do the job... Good luck sasan