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Send E Mails with Indy Components (Easy)

Title: Send E-Mails with Indy Components (Easy) Question: What send e-mails with INDY? Answer: Hi friends, Im Emerson Facunte, from Brazil (great Country, intelligent and beautyful people, our country is hot). ok.ok. Im going to start a step-by-step description of building a simple program for sending e-mails with Indy Components. This article is the published in my 6th book of Delphi (see more details in, sorry Portuguese Language only). Lets go friends. Start a new project and insert TidSMTP, TIdAntiFreeze and TidMessage, from the Indy Components. The routine is implemented procedure TfmeMail.btSendClick(Sender: TObject); begin // Config Client idSMTP1.UserId:=edUser.Text; // TEdit idSMTP1.Password:=edPass.Text; // TEdit idSMTP1.Host:=edHost.Text; // TEdit idSMTP1.Port:=StrtoInt(edPort.Text); // edPort = TEdit // Atribui o Conteudo do objeto TextodoEmail // ao objeto PPMensagem // Connect SMTP Server idSMTP1.Connect; try with MyMessage do // Message = TidMessage begin // Config Subject Subject:=edSubject.Text; // edSubject = TEdit // Config From.Text:=edUser_ID.Text; // edUser_ID = TEdit // Config Recipient Recipients.EMailAddresses:='put addresses mail for the recipient'; ReceiptRecipient.Address:='put a list of recipient addresses'; // examples // Recipients.EMailAddresses:=''; // ReceiptRecipient.Address:=';;'; // Config Message Body.Text:=edMessage.Text; // TMemo // Send e-mail idSMTP1.Send(MyMessage); end; // with MyMessage finally // Discconect Server idSMTP1.Disconnect; end; end; Its all friends. Sorry, im promisse evolution my english !!!