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Categories / Delphi / Ide Indy

Send a SMS (short message service to mobile phone) with Delphi

Title: Send a SMS (short message service to mobile phone) with Delphi Question: This sample shows how to call a SMS-webservice by using SOAP Answer: First, download and install the Microsoft SOAP Toolkit Version 2.0 from: uses ComObj; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SoapClient: OleVariant; v: OleVariant; begin SoapClient := CreateOleObject('MSSOAP.SoapClient'); SoapClient.mssoapinit(''); SoapClient.SendMessage(*DestNumber*, *MessageBody*, *SenderName*, *SenderPass*); end; *DestNumber*: countrycode + phonenumber (no leading zero), e.g. for 06 12345678 in the netherlands: 31612345678 *SenderName* and *SenderPass* you can obtain from: