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Programmaticly manage Delphis Tool list

Title: programmaticly manage Delphi's Tool list? //** class to manage Delphi's Tool list //** //** if Delphi is running restart it to see changes //************************************************************* unit DelphiTool; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Registry, classes; type TDelphiVersion = ({dvD5,} dvD6); EDelphiTool_AlreadyRegistered = class(Exception); EDelphiTool_InvalidIndex = class(Exception); TDelphiTool = class private F_Registry: TRegistry; F_ToolCount: Integer; F_ToolPath: string; protected function OpenKey(key: string; CanCreate: Boolean): Boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetRootKey(root_key: HKEY); procedure SetDelphiVersion(version: TDelphiVersion); procedure Add(params, path, title, workingDir: string); procedure Edit(toolIndex: Integer; params, path, title, workingDir: string); procedure Delete(toolIndex: Integer); function IndexOf(toolTitle: string): Integer; function Count: Integer; procedure ToolProperties(toolIndex: Integer; out params, path, title, workingDir: string); end; implementation { TDelphiTool } constructor TDelphiTool.Create; begin inherited; SetDelphiVersion(dvD6); F_Registry := TRegistry.Create; end; destructor TDelphiTool.Destroy; begin F_Registry.CloseKey; F_Registry.Free; inherited; end; function TDelphiTool.IndexOf(toolTitle: string): Integer; var found: boolean; loop: integer; Count: integer; begin Result := -1; if OpenKey(F_ToolPath, True) then begin loop := 0; found := False; while (loop and not found do begin found := F_Registry.ReadString('Title' + IntToStr(loop)) = toolTitle; if not found then Inc(loop); end; end; if found then Result := loop; end; procedure TDelphiTool.SetRootKey(root_key: HKEY); begin F_Registry.RootKey := root_key; end; procedure TDelphiTool.Add(params, path, title, workingDir: string); var Count: integer; suffix: string; begin if OpenKey(F_ToolPath, True) then begin try if IndexOf(title) then begin Count := F_ToolCount; suffix := IntToStr(Count); Inc(Count); F_registry.WriteString('Params' + suffix, params); F_registry.WriteString('Path' + suffix, path); F_registry.WriteString('Title' + suffix, title); F_registry.WriteString('WorkingDir' + suffix, workingDir); F_registry.WriteInteger('Count', Count); F_ToolCount := Count; end else raise EDelphiTool_AlreadyRegistered.Create('[Add]: Tool is already registered.'); finally F_Registry.CloseKey; end; end end; function TDelphiTool.OpenKey(key: string; CanCreate: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := F_Registry.OpenKey(key, CanCreate); if F_Registry.ValueExists('Count') then F_ToolCount := F_Registry.ReadInteger('Count') else F_ToolCount := 0; end; procedure TDelphiTool.Edit(toolIndex: Integer; params, path, title, workingDir: string); // if you don't want to change one property set to '' var suffix: string; begin if (toolIndex or (toolIndex = F_ToolCount) then raise EDelphiTool_InvalidIndex.Create('[Edit]: Invalid index.') else begin if OpenKey(F_ToolPath, True) then begin try suffix := IntToStr(toolIndex); if (params '') then F_registry.WriteString('Params' + suffix, params); if (path '') then F_registry.WriteString('Path' + suffix, path); if (title '') then F_registry.WriteString('Title' + suffix, title); if (workingDir '') then F_registry.WriteString('WorkingDir' + suffix, workingDir); finally F_Registry.CloseKey; end; end end; end; procedure TDelphiTool.Delete(toolIndex: Integer); var suffix, tmp_suffix: string; i: integer; begin if (toolIndex or (toolIndex = F_ToolCount) then raise EDelphiTool_InvalidIndex.Create('[Delete]: Invalid index.') else begin if OpenKey(F_ToolPath, True) then begin try suffix := IntToStr(toolIndex); for i := toolIndex + 1 to F_ToolCount - 1 do begin tmp_suffix := IntToStr(i); F_registry.WriteString('Params' + suffix, F_registry.ReadString('Params' + tmp_suffix)); F_registry.WriteString('Path' + suffix, F_registry.ReadString('Path' + tmp_suffix)); F_registry.WriteString('Title' + suffix, F_registry.ReadString('Title' + tmp_suffix)); F_registry.WriteString('WorkingDir' + suffix, F_registry.ReadString('WorkingDir' + tmp_suffix)); suffix := IntToStr(i); end; F_registry.DeleteValue('Params' + suffix); F_registry.DeleteValue('Path' + suffix); F_registry.DeleteValue('Title' + suffix); F_registry.DeleteValue('WorkingDir' + suffix); F_registry.WriteInteger('Count', F_ToolCount - 1); Dec(F_ToolCount); finally F_Registry.CloseKey; end; end; end; end; procedure TDelphiTool.SetDelphiVersion(version: TDelphiVersion); //************************************************************* // for versions other then D6 lookup the registry and add lines // like below , also add dvDx entries to TDelphiVersion begin case version of dvD6: F_ToolPath := '\Software\Borland\Delphi\6.0\Transfer'; //** don't have D5, just guessing, so check it in the registry //** before uncommenting // dvD5: F_ToolPath:= '\Software\Borland\Delphi\5.0\Transfer'; end; end; function TDelphiTool.Count: Integer; begin Result := F_ToolCount; end; procedure TDelphiTool.ToolProperties(toolIndex: Integer; out params, path, title, workingDir: string); var suffix: string; begin if (toolIndex or (toolIndex = F_ToolCount) then raise EDelphiTool_InvalidIndex.Create('[ToolProperties]: Invalid index.') else begin if OpenKey(F_ToolPath, True) then begin try suffix := IntToStr(toolIndex); params := F_registry.ReadString('Params' + suffix); path := F_registry.ReadString('Path' + suffix); title := F_registry.ReadString('Title' + suffix); workingDir := F_registry.ReadString('WorkingDir' + suffix); finally F_Registry.CloseKey; end; end end; end; end. //******************************************************************* //** how to use it? //******************************************************************* unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, {...}, DelphiTool; //... //... //... var Form1: TForm1; implementation procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with TDelphiTool.Create do try // Delete(IndexOf('MyTool')); Add('', Application.ExeName, 'MyTool', ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)); // Edit(IndexOf('MyTool'), '', '', 'MyTool But Edited', ''); finally Free; end; end;