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Parsing Command Line Parameters with Delphi

Title: Parsing Command Line Parameters with Delphi Delphi's ParamStr and ParamCount functions are designed to help operate the parameters (command-line arguments) passed to the application. Due to the way ParamStr function is implemented in Delphi, parameters passed using double quotes ("") will not be parsed correctly (quotes will be removed). The "CmdLineHelper" unit provides 3 custom Delphi functions to overcome the problem of the RTL's ParamStr implementation. //original code author: Remy Lebeau (TeamB) unit CmdLineHelper; interface uses windows; //command line parameters + program path function GetCommandLine: string; //number of parameters function GetParamCount: Integer; //parameter by index function GetParamStr(Index: Integer): String; implementation function GetCommandLine : string; begin result := windows.GetCommandLine; end; function GetNextParam(var CmdLine: PChar; Buffer: PChar; Len: PInteger): Boolean; var InQuotedStr, IsOdd: Boolean; NumSlashes, NewLen, cnt: Integer; begin Result := False; if Len nil then Len^ := 0; if CmdLine = nil then Exit; while (CmdLine^ and (CmdLine^ #0) do CmdLine := CharNext(CmdLine) ; if CmdLine^ = #0 then Exit; InQuotedStr := False; NewLen := 0; repeat if CmdLine^ = '\' then begin NumSlashes := 0; repeat Inc(NumSlashes) ; CmdLine := CharNext(CmdLine) ; until CmdLine^ '\'; if CmdLine^ = '"' then begin IsOdd := (NumSlashes mod 2) 0; NumSlashes := NumSlashes div 2; Inc(NewLen, NumSlashes) ; if IsOdd then Inc(NewLen) ; if Buffer nil then begin for cnt := 0 to NumSlashes-1 do begin Buffer^ := '\'; Inc(Buffer) ; end; if IsOdd then begin Buffer^ := '"'; Inc(Buffer) ; end; end; if IsOdd then CmdLine := CharNext(CmdLine) ; end else begin Inc(NewLen, NumSlashes) ; if Buffer nil then begin for cnt := 0 to NumSlashes-1 do begin Buffer^ := '\'; Inc(Buffer) ; end; end; end; Continue; end; if CmdLine^ '"' then begin if (CmdLine^ and (not InQuotedStr) then Break; Inc(NewLen) ; if Buffer nil then begin Buffer^ := CmdLine^; Inc(Buffer) ; end; end else InQuotedStr := not InQuotedStr; CmdLine := CharNext(CmdLine) ; until CmdLine^ = #0; if Len nil then Len^ := NewLen; Result := True; end; function GetParamCount: Integer; var CmdLine: PChar; begin Result := 0; CmdLine := windows.GetCommandLine; GetNextParam(CmdLine, nil, nil) ; while GetNextParam(CmdLine, nil, nil) do Inc(Result) ; end; function GetParamStr(Index: Integer): String; var Buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; CmdLine, P: PChar; Len: Integer; begin Result := ''; if Index then begin Len := GetModuleFileName(0, Buffer, MAX_PATH+1) ; SetString(Result, Buffer, Len) ; end else begin CmdLine := windows.GetCommandLine; GetNextParam(CmdLine, nil, nil) ; repeat Dec(Index) ; if Index = 0 then Break; if not GetNextParam(CmdLine, nil, nil) then Exit; until False; P := CmdLine; if GetNextParam(P, nil, @Len) then begin SetLength(Result, Len) ; GetNextParam(CmdLine, PChar(Result), nil) ; end; end; end; end. Note: for testing, you can pass the parameter from the IDE under Run-Parameters menu option. The screen shot displays the output when the application is called using: /about delphi "programming" 123.45 67,89 Drop a TMemo ("Memo1") on a Delphi form. Here's a sample usage of the "CmdLineHelper" unit: uses CmdLineHelper; ... var idx : integer; begin with Memo1.Lines do begin Clear; Add('CMD Line: ' + CmdLineHelper.GetCommandLine + #13#10) ; Add('Number of params: ' + IntToStr(CmdLineHelper.GetParamCount) + #13#10) ; for idx := 1 to CmdLineHelper.GetParamCount do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(CmdLineHelper.GetParamStr(idx)) ; end; end; end;