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Iterating Over a Set type Variable in Delphi Using For .. In Set_Values

Title: Iterating Over a Set type Variable in Delphi - Using For .. In Set_Values Delphi's set type is one of the features of the language commonly not found in other programming languages. Sets represent a collection of values of the same ordinal type. A commonly used scenario in Delphi code is to mix both enumerated types and set type. Here's an example: type TWorkDay = (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) ; ... const FirstShift = [Monday, Wednesday, Friday]; Looping Through a Set If you need to iterate through the elements of a set, you can use the *new* for .. in Delphi loop: const FirstShift = [Monday, Wednesday, Friday]; SecondShift = [Tuesday, Thursday]; var aDay : TWorkDay; begin for aDay in FirstShift do begin //do something for //Monday, Wednesday, Friday {once for each element} end end; But what if you want to go through every possible value in a set? Take a look at the next example... var character : 'a' .. 'z'; begin for character in [Low(character) .. High(character)] do begin ShowMessage(character) ; end; end; What will the message display? How many times the message will be displayed? Answer: the message box will display lower case letters from 'a' to 'z' - 26 characters (English "version")! Note: Low function returns the smallest available value for a range. High function returns the upper limit of an Ordinal, Array, or ShortString value. "Homework" 1: Let's say you have a label control on a form named "Label1". What will be the result of the code: var fs : TFontStyle; begin for fs in [Low(fs) .. High(fs)] do Label1.Font.Style := Label1.Font.Style + [fs]; end; Hint: try it :)) "Homework" 2 Given the next code, what will the message box display? type TCharSet = set of char; var character : 'a'..'z'; charSet : TCharSet; phrase : string; begin charSet := []; for character in [Low(character) .. High(character)] do begin if character in ['d', 'e', 'l', 'p', 'h', 'i'] then begin Include(charSet, character) ; end; end; for character in charSet do begin phrase := phrase + character; end; ShowMessage(phrase) ; end; Answer : "dehilp" :) Clearing the Confusion: Set, Range, Sub Range, Enumeration In the above example: "TCharSet" is a character set type - variables of this type can hold character elements - a collection of characters, variable "character" is a subrange variable - can hold any (one) character between (lower-cased) 'a' and 'z', "charSet" is a character set type variable - can hold a collection (set) of any ASCII characters, "word" - is an ordinary string variable.