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IDE harddisk serial number (Part 2)

Title: IDE harddisk serial number (Part 2) Question: In my previous article ( I described the way to extract s/n through call DeviceIoControl with DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA control code. But on NT it works only under account with administrative priveleges. Now I've found the way to do this under 'everyone' account. Answer: Warning! On Win9x smartvsd.vxd must be installed: simply copy it from \windows\system\ to \windows\system\iosubsys\ and reboot. // (c) Alex Konshin 30 jul 2000 program IdeSN; // PURPOSE: Simple console application that extract first IDE disk serial number. {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows, SysUtils; // only for Win32Platform and SysErrorMessage //------------------------------------------------------------- function GetIdeDiskSerialNumber : String; type TSrbIoControl = packed record HeaderLength : ULONG; Signature : Array[0..7] of Char; Timeout : ULONG; ControlCode : ULONG; ReturnCode : ULONG; Length : ULONG; end; SRB_IO_CONTROL = TSrbIoControl; PSrbIoControl = ^TSrbIoControl; TIDERegs = packed record bFeaturesReg : Byte; // Used for specifying SMART "commands". bSectorCountReg : Byte; // IDE sector count register bSectorNumberReg : Byte; // IDE sector number register bCylLowReg : Byte; // IDE low order cylinder value bCylHighReg : Byte; // IDE high order cylinder value bDriveHeadReg : Byte; // IDE drive/head register bCommandReg : Byte; // Actual IDE command. bReserved : Byte; // reserved. Must be zero. end; IDEREGS = TIDERegs; PIDERegs = ^TIDERegs; TSendCmdInParams = packed record cBufferSize : DWORD; irDriveRegs : TIDERegs; bDriveNumber : Byte; bReserved : Array[0..2] of Byte; dwReserved : Array[0..3] of DWORD; bBuffer : Array[0..0] of Byte; end; SENDCMDINPARAMS = TSendCmdInParams; PSendCmdInParams = ^TSendCmdInParams; TIdSector = packed record wGenConfig : Word; wNumCyls : Word; wReserved : Word; wNumHeads : Word; wBytesPerTrack : Word; wBytesPerSector : Word; wSectorsPerTrack : Word; wVendorUnique : Array[0..2] of Word; sSerialNumber : Array[0..19] of Char; wBufferType : Word; wBufferSize : Word; wECCSize : Word; sFirmwareRev : Array[0..7] of Char; sModelNumber : Array[0..39] of Char; wMoreVendorUnique : Word; wDoubleWordIO : Word; wCapabilities : Word; wReserved1 : Word; wPIOTiming : Word; wDMATiming : Word; wBS : Word; wNumCurrentCyls : Word; wNumCurrentHeads : Word; wNumCurrentSectorsPerTrack : Word; ulCurrentSectorCapacity : ULONG; wMultSectorStuff : Word; ulTotalAddressableSectors : ULONG; wSingleWordDMA : Word; wMultiWordDMA : Word; bReserved : Array[0..127] of Byte; end; PIdSector = ^TIdSector; const IDE_ID_FUNCTION = $EC; IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE = 512; DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA = $0007c088; IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT = $0004d008; IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_IDENTIFY = $001b0501; DataSize = sizeof(TSendCmdInParams)-1+IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE; BufferSize = SizeOf(SRB_IO_CONTROL)+DataSize; W9xBufferSize = IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE+16; var hDevice : THandle; cbBytesReturned : DWORD; pInData : PSendCmdInParams; pOutData : Pointer; // PSendCmdOutParams Buffer : Array[0..BufferSize-1] of Byte; srbControl : TSrbIoControl absolute Buffer; procedure ChangeByteOrder( var Data; Size : Integer ); var ptr : PChar; i : Integer; c : Char; begin ptr := @Data; for i := 0 to (Size shr 1)-1 do begin c := ptr^; ptr^ := (ptr+1)^; (ptr+1)^ := c; Inc(ptr,2); end; end; begin Result := ''; FillChar(Buffer,BufferSize,#0); if Win32Platform=VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin // Windows NT, Windows 2000 // Get SCSI port handle hDevice := CreateFile( '\\.\Scsi0:', // Note: '\\.\C:' requires administrative permissions. GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); if hDevice=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; try srbControl.HeaderLength := SizeOf(SRB_IO_CONTROL); System.Move('SCSIDISK',srbControl.Signature,8); srbControl.Timeout := 2; srbControl.Length := DataSize; srbControl.ControlCode := IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_IDENTIFY; pInData := PSendCmdInParams(PChar(@Buffer) +SizeOf(SRB_IO_CONTROL)); pOutData := pInData; with pInData^ do begin cBufferSize := IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE; bDriveNumber := 0; with irDriveRegs do begin bFeaturesReg := 0; bSectorCountReg := 1; bSectorNumberReg := 1; bCylLowReg := 0; bCylHighReg := 0; bDriveHeadReg := $A0; bCommandReg := IDE_ID_FUNCTION; end; end; if not DeviceIoControl( hDevice, IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT, @Buffer, BufferSize, @Buffer, BufferSize, cbBytesReturned, nil ) then Exit; finally CloseHandle(hDevice); end; end else begin // Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98 hDevice := CreateFile( '\\.\SMARTVSD', 0, 0, nil, CREATE_NEW, 0, 0 ); if hDevice=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; try pInData := PSendCmdInParams(@Buffer); pOutData := @pInData^.bBuffer; with pInData^ do begin cBufferSize := IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE; bDriveNumber := 0; with irDriveRegs do begin bFeaturesReg := 0; bSectorCountReg := 1; bSectorNumberReg := 1; bCylLowReg := 0; bCylHighReg := 0; bDriveHeadReg := $A0; bCommandReg := IDE_ID_FUNCTION; end; end; if not DeviceIoControl( hDevice, DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA, pInData, SizeOf(TSendCmdInParams)-1, pOutData, W9xBufferSize, cbBytesReturned, nil ) then Exit; finally CloseHandle(hDevice); end; end; with PIdSector(PChar(pOutData)+16)^ do begin ChangeByteOrder(sSerialNumber,SizeOf(sSerialNumber)); SetString(Result,sSerialNumber,SizeOf(sSerialNumber)); end; end; //============================================================= var s : String; rc : DWORD; begin s := GetIdeDiskSerialNumber; if s='' then begin rc := GetLastError; if rc=0 then WriteLn('IDE drive is not support SMART feature') else WriteLn(SysErrorMessage(rc)); end else WriteLn('Disk serial number: ''', s,''''); end. See also IdeInfo2 on my homepage: