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How to Select a Bar in the TChart Delphi control

Title: How to Select a "Bar" in the TChart Delphi control Tip submitted by Meze Calin Nicolae Here's a method of simulating a selection in the TChart Delphi control. When a user clicks on a bar of a chart, the respective bar changes its color. Everything is being done using one event, the onClickSeries, which provides us the index of the clicked bar. Follow the steps: Drop a TChart ("Additional" tab) control on a Delphi form. Add one (empty) series to the Chart. Select a "Bar" chart style. Declare two form level variables: colors : array of TColor; k : integer; Fill in the Chart with some "dummy" data in the Form's OnCreate event: procedure TChartForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ; begin SetLength(colors,7) ; for k := 0 to 6 do colors[k] := clBlue; Chart1.Series[0].Add(10,'test2',Colors[0]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(70,'test3',Colors[1]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(90,'test4',Colors[2]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(40,'test5',Colors[3]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(66,'test6',Colors[4]) ; end; Handle the OnClickSeries event as: procedure TChartForm.Chart1ClickSeries( Sender: TCustomChart; Series: TChartSeries; ValueIndex: Integer; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer) ; begin for k := 0 to 6 do if k ValueIndex then colors[k] := clBlue else colors[k] := clRed; Chart1.Series[0].Clear; Chart1.Series[0].Add(10,'test2',Colors[0]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(70,'test3',Colors[1]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(90,'test4',Colors[2]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(40,'test5',Colors[3]) ; Chart1.Series[0].Add(66,'test6',Colors[4]) ; end;