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How to Right Align a Menu Item in a Delphi application

Title: How to Right Align a Menu Item in a Delphi application In most applications all (top level) menu items are aligned at the left side of the menu bar. I'm sure you have seen applications with at least one item aligned on the right side. In most cases this was the "Help" menu item. Here's how to align a form's Help menu item (for example) on the right side of the menu bar, in Delphi applications. Add a TMainMenu component to a form (Form1) Add several (top level) menu items (with sub items) Have a menu item named "HelpMenuItem" Use the code below in the form's OnCreate event. Run the project ... note that the "Help" item is aligned on the right side of the menu bar. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ; var mii: TMenuItemInfo; MainMenu: hMenu; Buffer: array[0..79] of Char; begin MainMenu := Self.Menu.Handle; //GET Help Menu Item Info mii.cbSize := SizeOf(mii) ; mii.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; mii.dwTypeData := Buffer; mii.cch := SizeOf(Buffer) ; GetMenuItemInfo(MainMenu, HelpMenuItem.Command, false, mii) ; //SET Help Menu Item Info mii.fType := mii.fType or MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY; SetMenuItemInfo(MainMenu, HelpMenuItem.Command, false, mii) ; end;