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How to emulate the Size tool at run time

Title: How to emulate the "Size" tool at run-time Question: My last article was about emulating the "Align" tool in Delphi at runtime. Now it's time to emulate the "Size" tool. Easy as the "Align" one! Answer: Procedure HeightLargerControls( ComponentsList : Array Of TControl ); Var MaxH : Integer; IdX : Integer; Begin If ( High( ComponentsList ) Low( ComponentsList ) ) Then Begin MaxH := ComponentsList[ Low( ComponentsList ) ].Height; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do If ( ComponentsList[ IdX ].Height MaxH ) Then MaxH := ComponentsList[ IdX ].Height; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do ComponentsList[ IdX ].Height := MaxH; End; End; Procedure HeightSmallerControls( ComponentsList : Array Of TControl ); Var MinH : Integer; IdX : Integer; Begin If ( High( ComponentsList ) Low( ComponentsList ) ) Then Begin MinH := ComponentsList[ Low( ComponentsList ) ].Height; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do If ( ComponentsList[ IdX ].Height MinH := ComponentsList[ IdX ].Height; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do ComponentsList[ IdX ].Height := MinH; End; End; Procedure WidthLargerControls( ComponentsList : Array Of TControl ); Var MaxW : Integer; IdX : Integer; Begin If ( High( ComponentsList ) Low( ComponentsList ) ) Then Begin MaxW := ComponentsList[ Low( ComponentsList ) ].Width; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do If ( ComponentsList[ IdX ].Width MaxW ) Then MaxW := ComponentsList[ IdX ].Width; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do ComponentsList[ IdX ].Width := MaxW; End; End; Procedure WidthSmallerControls( ComponentsList : Array Of TControl ); Var MinW : Integer; IdX : Integer; Begin If ( High( ComponentsList ) Low( ComponentsList ) ) Then Begin MinW := ComponentsList[ Low( ComponentsList ) ].Width; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do If ( ComponentsList[ IdX ].Width MinW := ComponentsList[ IdX ].Width; For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do ComponentsList[ IdX ].Width := MinW; End; End; Procedure WidthConstantControls( NewWidth : Integer; ComponentsList : Array Of TControl ); Var IdX : Integer; Begin If ( Low( ComponentsList ) -1 ) Then For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do ComponentsList[ IdX ].Width := NewWidth; End; Procedure HeightConstantControls( NewHeight : Integer; ComponentsList : Array Of TControl ); Var IdX : Integer; Begin If ( Low( ComponentsList ) -1 ) Then For IdX := Low( ComponentsList ) To High( ComponentsList ) Do ComponentsList[ IdX ].Height := NewHeight; End; Use the first four like this: WidthLargerControls( [ Button1, Button2, Button3 ] ); and the other two like this: HeightConstantControls( 100, [ Button1, Button2, Button4 ] );