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How to Create a DBExpress Connection at Runtime

Title: How to Create a DBExpress-Connection at Runtime procedure TVCLScanner.PostUser(const Email, FirstName, LastName: WideString); var Connection: TSQLConnection; DataSet: TSQLDataSet; begin Connection := TSQLConnection.Create(nil); with Connection do begin ConnectionName := 'VCLScanner'; DriverName := 'INTERBASE'; LibraryName := 'dbexpint.dll'; VendorLib := 'GDS32.DLL'; GetDriverFunc := 'getSQLDriverINTERBASE'; Params.Add('User_Name=SYSDBA'); Params.Add('Password=masterkey'); Params.Add('Database=milo2:D:\frank\webservices\umlbank.gdb'); LoginPrompt := False; Open; end; DataSet := TSQLDataSet.Create(nil); with DataSet do begin SQLConnection := Connection; CommandText := Format('INSERT INTO kings VALUES("%s","%s","%s")', [Email, FirstN, LastN]); try ExecSQL; except end; end; Connection.Close; DataSet.Free; Connection.Free; end;