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Categories / Delphi / Ide Indy

How to check if Delphi is running

Title: How to check if Delphi is running function WindowExists(AppWindowName, AppClassName: string): Boolean; var hwd: LongWord; begin hwd := 0; hwd := FindWindow(PChar(AppWindowName), PChar(AppClassName)); Result := False; if not (Hwd = 0) then {window was found if not nil} Result := True; end; function DelphiLoaded: Boolean; begin DelphiLoaded := False; if WindowExists('TPropertyInspector', 'Object Inspector') then if WindowExists('TMenuBuilder', 'Menu Designer') then if WindowExists('TAppBuilder', '(AnyName)') then if WindowExists('TApplication', 'Delphi') then if WindowExists('TAlignPalette', 'Align') then DelphiLoaded := True; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if DelphiLoaded then begin ShowMessage('Delphi is running'); end; end; // To know if a Application is running under de Delphi IDE or // when it's running stand-alone: function DelphiIsRunning: Boolean; begin Result := DebugHook 0; end;