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Handle lots of classes at runtime

Title: Handle lots of classes at runtime Question: Classes which can't support TPersistent or TPersistentClass had to implement another technique to manage the creation of obejcts at runtime Answer: If a class inherits from TPersistent we can use RegisterClass in several units so we can use the function GetClass to convert a class name to a class instance: TFinanceClass = Class of TFinance; var refClass: TFinanceClass; refClass:= TFinanceClass(getClass(values['RegClass'])); dynObj:= refClass.Create; dynObj.getCharge(9.2); RegisterClass(TFinance); If you can't inherit from TPersistent we can use a "Name=Value" pair of objects in a stringlist and loaded when a module is created or by user events. So you can determine which object should be created. function initObjinList; var //refClass: TFinanceClass; dynObj: TFinance; myClsname: string[240]; begin with TStringList.Create do begin clear; values['RegClass']:= 'TRegularCharge2'; values['PrefClass']:= 'TPreferredCharge2'; values['TrialClass']:= 'TTrialCharge2'; myClsname:= 'TrialClass'; if indexofname(myClsname) -1 then begin {refClass:= TFinanceClass(getClass(values['RegClass'])); dynObj:= refClass.Create; dynObj.getCharge(9.2); } case IndexOfname(myClsname) of 0: dynObj:= TRegularCharge2.create; 1: dynObj:= TPreferredCharge2.create; 2: dynObj:= TTrialCharge2.create; end; dynObj.getcharge(9.1); dynObj.Free; result:= true; end; Free; end; end; The value is the class type and the name simplifies the maintainability of the classes. syntax: mystringlist.values[name]:= value //write myname:= mystringlist.values[name] //read I made only one function to show the simplicity but registering classes in a StringList and choosen from a case of structure should be separated in differnt functions. All the classes inherit from TFinance and in comparison to RegisterClass we don't use a ClassReference. Descendants override the public or protected getCharge() methods to perform their actions. TFinance = class public function getCharge(const Balance: double): double; virtual; abstract; end; TRegularCharge2 = class(TFinance) public function getCharge(const Balance: double): double; override; end; TPreferredCharge2 = class(TFinance) public function getCharge(const Balance: double): double; override; end; TTrialCharge2 = class(TFinance) public function getCharge(const Balance: double): double; override; end;