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Getting an applications version number in runtime

Title: Getting an applications version number in runtime Question: How can I get my applications version numbers (the one entered in the project options) in runtime? Answer: You can get your applications version numbers (and lots of other information) using the WinAPI "VerQueryValue". see code below... Also check Radikal Q3's Delphi3000 article:1275 for more information on how to use the VerQueryValue API. Make sure "Windows" is in your uses clause. //================================================================= // DWHi returns the high word in the DWord function DWHi(val : DWord) : word assembler; asm mov EAX, val; shr EAX,16; end; // DWHi returns the low word in the DWord function DWLo(val : DWord) : word assembler; asm mov EAX, val; end; // GetFileVersion fills the VerBlk with the version information from file "filename" // If no version information is avaible the function returns false, otherwise true function GetFileVersion(filename : string; var VerBlk : VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) : boolean; var InfoSize,puLen : DWord; Pt,InfoPtr : Pointer; begin InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(filename),puLen); fillchar(VerBlk,sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO),0); if InfoSize 0 then begin GetMem(Pt,InfoSize); GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(filename),0,InfoSize,Pt); VerQueryValue(Pt,'\',InfoPtr,puLen); move(InfoPtr^,VerBlk,sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)); FreeMem(Pt); result := true; end else result := false; end; // GetProductVerStr formats the version info into a readable string function GetProductVerStr(VerBlk : VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) : string; begin result := Format('%u.%u.%u.%u', [DWHi(VerBlk.dwProductVersionMS), DWLo(VerBlk.dwProductVersionMS), DWHi(VerBlk.dwProductVersionLS), DWLo(VerBlk.dwProductVersionLS)]); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var fileinfo : VS_FIXEDFILEINFO; begin if GetFileVersion(application.ExeName,fileinfo) then begin label1.caption := GetProductVerStr(fileinfo); end else label1.caption := 'File did not contain version info'; end;