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Garbage Collector for Delphi Applications

Title: Garbage Collector for Delphi Applications Question: How to implement a garbage collector in Delphi? Answer: One of the top characteristics of C++ is that destructors are called automatically. In Object Pascal we must call destructors explicitlly. Objects based on IUnknown interface, when loosing scope, calls _Release() method automatically. The TInterfacedObject class implements the _Release(), calling the class destructor (See $(DELPHI)\Source\RTL\SYS\System.pas). To implement a garbage colletor the only thing we have to do is to create an object that instantiates our TObject derived objects for us and, when the destructor is called, it destroys our object automatically. I.e, an proxy object. -----------%unit GarbageCollector; interface type ISafeGuard = type IUnknown; // Use the Guard function to instantiate the object! function Guard(Obj : TObject; out SafeGuard : ISafeGuard) : TObject; implementation type TSafeGuard = class(TInterfacedObject, ISafeGuard) private FObj : TObject; public constructor Create(Obj : TObject); destructor Destroy; override; end; constructor TSafeGuard.Create(Obj : TObject); begin FObj := Obj; end; destructor TSafeGuard.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FObj) then begin FObj.Free; FObj := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; function Guard(Obj : TObject; out SafeGuard : ISafeGuard) : TObject; begin Result := Obj; SafeGuard := TSafeGuard.Create(Obj); // Create the proxy obj. end; end. -----------% To create a new object derived from TObject, simply do this: -----------% var obj : TMyObj; SafeGuard : ISafeGuard; obj := TMyObj(Guard(TMyObj.Create, SafeGuard)); -----------% where TMyObj is a TObject decendant. Here, an console application example: -----------%{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} program Test; uses GarbageCollector; { --- Test class --- } type TTest = class(TObject) public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Test; end; { ---- Test members --- } constructor TTest.Create; begin WriteLn('Create()'); end; destructor TTest.Destroy; begin WriteLn('Destroy()'); inherited; end; procedure TTest.Test; begin WriteLn('Test()'); end; { ---- End Of Test members --- } { ---- Test Procedure --- } procedure TestProc; var SafeGuard : ISafeGuard; obj : TTest; begin obj := TTest(Guard(obj.Create, SafeGuard)); // Create! obj.Test; { Notice that we are not explicitlly destroying the object here! } end; { ---- End Of Test Procedure --- } begin TestProc; end. -----------% This trick is documented on JCL (Project Jedi Component Library). It is not my ideia, only a simplification. The original code was designed by Jeroen Speldekamp