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FTP Up and Download with Indy

Title: FTP Up and Download with Indy Question: Shows compile or script based file-transfer Answer: //************************************************************************** program FastFTP_Up_Downloader_MAX; // file read & write and FTP PUT / GET function , loc's = 93 // shows subroutines of assign file direct from filesystem to a FTP Upload! // set the file direct with PATH AND HOST const E6= 1000000; //FILE_PATH = 'E:\maxbox\'; //FILE_PATH = 'E:\maxbox\maxbox3\maxbox_functions.pdf'; //FILE_PATH = 'E:\maxbox\maxbox3\docs\maxblog.txt'; FILE_PATH = 'E:\maxbox\maxbox3\docs\maxboxblog.htm'; const CHOSTNAME = ''; CUSERNAME = ''; CPASSWORD = ''; procedure FTP_Upload(myFile: string); var ftpUpStream: TFileStream; myftp: TIdFTP; begin //TFileStream.Create(afilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareCompat) //ftpUpStream:= TFileStream.create(ExePath+'examples/'+myFile, fmOpenRead) ftpUpStream:= TFileStream.create(FILE_PATH, fmopenread) myftp:= TIdFTP.create(self); try with myftp do begin Host:= CHOSTNAME; Username:= CUSERNAME; Password:= CPASSWORD; end //Connect FTP server and Use PASV mode myftp.Connect(true, 1200) myftp.Passive:= true; //Change directory and Upload //myftp.ChangeDir('httpdocs/download') myftp.ChangeDir('httpdocs/images') myftp.Put1(ftpUpStream, myFile, false); writeln(inttoStr(myftp.size(myfile))) finally ftpUpStream.Free; //Disconnect to Quit(); myftp.Quit; myftp.Free; //test finally maxForm1.color:= clBlue; end; end; procedure FTP_Download(myFile: string); var ftpDownStream: TFileStream; myftp: TIdFTP; begin ftpDownStream:= TFileStream.create(myFile, fmCreate) myftp:= TIdFTP.create(self); try with myftp do begin Host:= CHOSTNAME; Username:= CUSERNAME; Password:= CPASSWORD; end myftp.Connect(true, 1200) myftp.Passive:= true; //myftp.filestructure myftp.ChangeDir('httpdocs/images') //download myftp.Get1(myFile, ftpDownStream, false); writeln(inttoStr(myftp.size(myfile))) finally ftpDownStream.Free; myftp.Quit; myftp.Free; maxForm1.color:= clRed; end; end; //main: begin Writeln(extractFilename(FILE_PATH)) //FTP_UPload(extractFilename(FILE_PATH)); FTP_DOWNload(extractfilename(FILE_PATH)); //myftp.Get2(MY_FTP_FILE, getFileStr, true, false); end. //Get and Put are overload methods, in maXbox you have to name it with Get1 and Get2 and so on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {RegisterMethod('Procedure Put1( const ASource : TStream; const ADestFile: string; const AAppend : boolean);');} ftp.Host = "" ftp.Username = "YourFtpUsername" ftp.Password = "YourFtpPassword"