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Title: Frame Question: How can I have a component with different form. Answer: unit RVFrame; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Graphics, Windows; type TRVFrameType = (rvfRectangle,rvfRoundRectangle,rvfEllipse,rvfWireStar,rvfStar, rvfTriangle,rvfOctogon,rvfDiamond,rvfPostIt); TRVFrame = class(TGraphicControl) private FFrameType : TRVFrameType; FBrush : TBrush; FPen : TPen; FRndRectArcX: Integer; FRndRectArcY: Integer; procedure SetFrameType(Value: TRVFrameType); procedure SetBrush(Value: TBrush); procedure SetPen(Value: TPen); procedure SetRndRectArcX(Value: Integer); procedure SetRndRectArcY(Value: Integer); protected { Protected declarations } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Paint; override; published property Align; property Anchors; property FrameType: TRVFrameType read FFrameType write SetFrameType; property Brush: TBrush read FBrush write SetBrush; property Pen: TPen read FPen write SetPen; property RndRectArcX: Integer read FRndRectArcX write SetRndRectArcX; property RndRectArcY: Integer read FRndRectArcY write SetRndRectArcY; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Rendez-vous', [TRVFrame]); end; { TRVFrame } constructor TRVFrame.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; FFrameType := rvfRectangle; FBrush := TBrush.Create; FBrush.Assign(Canvas.Brush); FPen := TPen.Create; FPen.Assign(Canvas.Pen); FRndRectArcX := 25; FRndRectArcY := 25; end; destructor TRVFrame.Destroy; begin FBrush.Free; FPen.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TRVFrame.Paint; var Rct : TRect; PtsWS: array[0..4] of TPoint; PtsS : array[0..9] of TPoint; PtsT : array[0..2] of TPoint; PtsO : array[0..7] of TPoint; PtsD : array[0..3] of TPoint; PtsP1: array[0..4] of TPoint; PtsP2: array[0..2] of TPoint; GapX : Integer; GapY : Integer; begin inherited Paint; Rct := ClientRect; Canvas.Pen.Assign(FPen); Canvas.Brush.Assign(FBrush); if FFrameType = rvfRectangle then begin Canvas.Rectangle(Rct); end else if FFrameType = rvfRoundRectangle then begin Canvas.RoundRect(Rct.Left,Rct.Top,Rct.Right,Rct.Bottom,FRndRectArcX,FRndRectArcY); end else if FFrameType = rvfEllipse then begin Canvas.Ellipse(Rct); end else if FFrameType = rvfStar then begin InflateRect(Rct,-1,-1); Canvas.Polygon(PtsS); end else if FFrameType = rvfWireStar then begin InflateRect(Rct,-1,-1); GapX := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 6; GapY := (Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 6; PtsWS[0].X := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 2; PtsWS[0].Y := Rct.Top; PtsWS[1].X := Rct.Left + GapX; PtsWS[1].Y := Rct.Bottom - GapY; PtsWS[2].X := Rct.Right; PtsWS[2].Y := ((Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 2) - GapY; PtsWS[3].X := Rct.Left; PtsWS[3].Y := ((Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 2) - GapY; PtsWS[4].X := Rct.Right - GapX; PtsWS[4].Y := Rct.Bottom - GapY; Canvas.Polygon(PtsWS); end else if FFrameType = rvfTriangle then begin InflateRect(Rct,-1,-1); PtsT[0].X := Rct.Left; PtsT[0].Y := Rct.Bottom; PtsT[1].X := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 2; PtsT[1].Y := Rct.Top; PtsT[2].X := Rct.Right; PtsT[2].Y := Rct.Bottom; Canvas.Polygon(PtsT); end else if FFrameType = rvfOctogon then begin InflateRect(Rct,-1,-1); GapX := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 3; GapY := (Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 3; PtsO[0].X := Rct.Left + GapX; PtsO[0].Y := Rct.Top; PtsO[1].X := Rct.Right - GapX; PtsO[1].Y := Rct.Top; PtsO[2].X := Rct.Right; PtsO[2].Y := Rct.Top + GapY; PtsO[3].X := Rct.Right; PtsO[3].Y := Rct.Bottom - GapY; PtsO[4].X := Rct.Right - GapX; PtsO[4].Y := Rct.Bottom; PtsO[5].X := Rct.Left + GapX; PtsO[5].Y := Rct.Bottom; PtsO[6].X := Rct.Left; PtsO[6].Y := Rct.Bottom - GapY; PtsO[7].X := Rct.Left; PtsO[7].Y := Rct.Top + GapY; Canvas.Polygon(PtsO); end else if FFrameType = rvfDiamond then begin InflateRect(Rct,-1,-1); GapX := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 2; GapY := (Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 2; PtsD[0].X := Rct.Left + GapX; PtsD[0].Y := Rct.Top; PtsD[1].X := Rct.Right; PtsD[1].Y := Rct.Top + GapY; PtsD[2].X := Rct.Left + GapX; PtsD[2].Y := Rct.Bottom; PtsD[3].X := Rct.Left; PtsD[3].Y := Rct.Top + GapY; Canvas.Polygon(PtsD); end else if FFrameType = rvfPostIt then begin InflateRect(Rct,-1,-1); if (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) (Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) then begin GapX := (Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 4; GapY := (Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 4; end else if (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) begin GapX := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 4; GapY := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 4; end else begin GapX := (Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 4; GapY := (Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 4; end; PtsP1[0].X := Rct.Left; PtsP1[0].Y := Rct.Top; PtsP1[1].X := Rct.Right; PtsP1[1].Y := Rct.Top; PtsP1[2].X := Rct.Right; PtsP1[2].Y := Rct.Bottom - GapY; PtsP1[3].X := Rct.Right - GapX; PtsP1[3].Y := Rct.Bottom; PtsP1[4].X := Rct.Left; PtsP1[4].Y := Rct.Bottom; Canvas.Polygon(PtsP1); PtsP2[0].X := Rct.Right - GapX; PtsP2[0].Y := Rct.Bottom; PtsP2[1].X := Rct.Right - GapX; PtsP2[1].Y := Rct.Bottom - GapY; PtsP2[2].X := Rct.Right; PtsP2[2].Y := Rct.Bottom - GapY; Canvas.Polygon(PtsP2); end; Canvas.FloodFill((Rct.Right - Rct.Left) div 2,(Rct.Bottom - Rct.Top) div 2,FBrush.Color,fsSurface); if FFrameType = rvfPostIt then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Canvas.Pen.Color; Canvas.FloodFill(Rct.Right - GapX + 3,Rct.Bottom - GapY + 3,Canvas.Pen.Color,fsBorder); end; end; procedure TRVFrame.SetBrush(Value: TBrush); begin if Value FBrush then begin FBrush.Assign(Value); Invalidate; end; end; procedure TRVFrame.SetFrameType(Value: TRVFrameType); begin if Value FFrameType then begin FFrameType := Value; invalidate; end; end; procedure TRVFrame.SetPen(Value: TPen); begin if Value FPen then begin FPen.Assign(Value); Invalidate; end; end; procedure TRVFrame.SetRndRectArcX(Value: Integer); begin if Value FRndRectArcX then begin FRndRectArcX := Value; if FRndRectArcX FRndRectArcX := 1; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TRVFrame.SetRndRectArcY(Value: Integer); begin if Value FRndRectArcY then begin FRndRectArcY := Value; if FRndRectArcY FRndRectArcY := 1; Invalidate; end; end; end.