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Developing Webserver Applications with Delphi PART II

Title: Developing Webserver-Applications with Delphi - PART II Question: How can I write my own Web server application with Delphi? Answer: Release 1 last update: [02.06.2000] --------------------------------------------- Developing Webserver-Applications in Delphi --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- PART II: Building Web-Apps with Delphi in practice ---------------------------------------------------- - Introduction In the first part of this memo we got something to know about CGI and ISAPI Webserver Applications. In this second part we will write our own little Web-App with Delphi in practice. - Requirements 1. Delphi-version with support for Webserver-Applications 2. HTTP-Webserver with CGI/ISAPI-support - Preperations Now we want to write our own Webserver-Application with Delphi. We will use the newest technology ISAPI to do this. First, we must configure our Webserver on our local computer. A good HTTP-Server which I can recommend is OmniHTTP, you can download it at the When you installed your Webserver, configure your ISAPI-directory where you put your ISAPI-DLLs (e.g. c:\httpserver\isapi\). Our project will be like the example of the first part of this memo: The client can request an bmp-image from the server, our application will convert this image to the web-compatible jpeg-format and it will respond with the "image/gif"-MIME-content which can be viewed by every web- browser. - Building our project Run Delphi and click File/New/Web Server Application and choose ISAPI/NSAPI Dynamic Link Libary. Delphi will create a new project with a WebModule and an Action editor on it, which handles the requested messages. Now save your project anywhere you want and set the output-directory to your ISAPI-directory of your Web- server, like c:\httpserver\isapi. To do this click on Project/ Options/Directory&Conditions/Output directory, enter the directory path-name and click OK. After you compiled your project, you can execute it when you start your webbrowser and enter something like this in the address-prompt: http://localhost/isapi/project1.dll --------- ----- ------------ 1 2 3 Explenation: 1. Your local hostname (always "localhost" or "") 2. ISAPI-directory-alias, configured in your local webserver 3. Name of your project + DLL-extention You will see a blank page in your webbrowser because we defined no action properties yet. To to so, return to Delphi and right click on Actions in your WebModule of your Project. Delphi creates a new Action property. Click on it and choose a name like SHOWIMAGE for your Action-Item in the Object Inspector. Enter the same name in the PathInfo-property. Because this is our main Action which our Application must do, set Default to True. Now change the property-page to Events and double-click the OnAction property to assign a procedure to our Action-item. Now assign the folwing variables to the procedure: bmppicture: TBitmap; // BMP-Picture on local machine jpgpicture: TJpegImage; // BMP converted to JPEG ms: TMemorystream; // Stream to provide MIME-content picfile: string; // Filename of the BMP You have to add the units "jpeg" and "graphics" to your uses- section, in order to use the objects TBitmap and TJpegImage. Now assign the folowing code to the procedure: begin // Check if a picture file is given if request.query='' then begin response.contenttype := 'text/plain'; response.content:='No Picture given'; response.sendresponse; end else // Then cut off the first and last characters from the filename // So that "c:\test.bmp" becomes c:\test.bmp begin picfile:=request.Query; picfile[1]:=' '; picfile[length(picfile)]:=' '; picfile:=trim(picfile); end; // Check if the file exists, when it doesn't exist than // response with an error message as text/plain. if not fileexists(picfile) or (picfile='') then begin response.contenttype := 'text/plain'; response.content:='Error: File not found'; response.sendresponse; end else // Load the bitmap, convert it to jpeg and send the response // as image/jpeg mime-type. begin jpgpicture:=TJpegImage.Create; bmppicture:=TBitmap.Create; bmppicture.loadfromfile(picfile); jpgpicture.Assign(bmppicture); ms:=TMemorystream.create; jpgpicture.savetostream(ms); ms.position:=0; response.contenttype:='image/jpeg'; response.contentstream:=ms; response.sendresponse; end; handled:=true; end; Now compile your project and don't forget to flush the server, so that the can web server reload the new isapi-dll. You can test your project by entering something like this in your webbrowser: http://localhost/isapi/project1.dll/SHOWIMAGE?"c:\test.bmp" Our ISAPI-program will automaticly convert this given BMP-file into a browser-compatiple JPEG-file and display it. Now it's time you can write your own ISAPI-project! Good luck! --------------------------------------------------------------- End of this part