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Delete Facebook Account From a Delphi Application

Title: Delete Facebook Account From a Delphi Application Software programs should help people do their daily job. Maybe you have an application hosting TWebBrowser component allowing users to reach and browse their favorite web sites directly from your Delphi application. With the recent privacy changes in how Facebook operates, it seems there are more and more people seeking ways to permanently delete their Facebook accounts. While Facebook makes it easy to deactivate an account for a user (which will only temporarily hide a user information), the steps to purging the account are not so easy to find. Never mind the reason, if a user wants to permanently remove his/her Facebook account, you as a developer could help the user by making it easy for the user to reach the "Delete My Account" page. There's a simple way to help the user navigate to the page, one "Submit" click away from removing the Facebook addiction for good. Help Delete Facebook Account From Delphi The ShellExecute function can be used to launch an application or execute a file in Windows. If 'http://' is associated with a web browser, running the following line of code will open the web site or a web page with the default web browser. Here it is: ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(''), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ; Since you as a developer should not be responsible for actually deleting the Facebook account, the user will need to finish the action by confirming the delete operation. Just pointing the user to the correct "delete my account" should be enough. Note: when using ShellExecute (as explained in the above article) to open a web site or a htm file with the default web browser you *don't* have the option to specify that you want to start a new instance of the browser - in general an existing window is used. Here's how to open a web site with the default web browser in a NEW window. Join About Delphi Programming Facebook Fans Page If *you* have no intention in deleting your Facebook account, and you want Delphi related topics to appear on your wall, join the About Delphi Programming Facebook Fans Page.