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C# a Delphi discussion

Title: C# a Delphi discussion Question: ! Answer: C# a Delphi discussion Comment to Borland's David I article/question: C# ? do we need another language I think the MS objective here is really create a standard (already submitted to ECMA) and improve the 'real programmers language'... C & C++ "(...) the one OS are made of..."). It's no secret that MS 'captured' Anders H. trying to buy some of the success of Delphi (power+simplicity) and I was wrong thinking that the project MS had in the sleeve was J++ (kick int the SUN's thing and do a new one)... instead was C# (almost the same! with benefits)... and MS is waving to programmers what they really want... a better and new C++, with the same power, more simple and a 'cleaned' C++. I use delphi from version 1.00 but I miss in it some elegant, code saving and pratical syntax features from C++ (and I dont miss others like the class/obj defs)... some could be easy implemented in delphi (and are already implemented in other pascal alternatives... free pascal for instance) empowering and evoluting the language... I think MS already realized this and C# is their answer to a product they could not duplicate! or they do not really want to duplicate because I thing they'll use C# to evolve all their future OS base language with not much hassle to the already existing C++ programmers base. I'm waiting to put my hands in a C# IDE... from Borland I hope... very Delphi like and with... CLX why not! Linux people already used to C would appreciate it very much... I would! I think Borland should not ignore this new language if the control stays in ECMA hands, it will be a great tool and it is only 3 years late... they should have done this in reponse to SUN java initiative! Delphi should already have ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, etc. etc. immediate operators for( inits, tests, iter ) true simple iterator to complement for/next switch( test ) case/break to fill pascal case limitations regular expressions language operator ($) pearl like Why... Because these syntax features (and many others like C++ streams ops) are real code savers, very elegant, self explained and missed from the people who came from C++ to Delphi... I'ts not the only reason but for people like me who want put the most perfection and high optimization in their code writing IT'S A BIG REASON TO LOOK AT C++. Of course cross platform it's a grat thing too ;-) ZEE A hug to you code people! * for those who dont understand why i bother with this things (i've already encountered lot's of them)... those little people that drop a component into a form.. set a property and code runs... I recomend the reading of "The importance of being Ernest"!!! I think i'll remember then alse Sir I.N. moto... 'if I've seen further...' Another hug and a 'BYE'