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C++ like templates in Delphi Object Pascal

Title: C++-like templates in Delphi Object Pascal Question: How to make C++-like templates in Object Pascal. Answer: Templates in Object Pascal Did it happen to you ? You're talking with a C++ programmer about Delphi and how powerful it is, but at the end they usually say something like "Ok, but Delphi uses Pascal and it doesn't support multiple-inheritance and templates. So it is not as good as C++.". Multiple inheritance is easy - Delphi has interfaces and they do the job just fine, but you have to agree about templates - Object Pascal doesn't support them as a language feature. Well, guess what - you can actually implement templates in Delphi as good as in C++. Templates give you the possibility to make generic containers, like lists, stacks, queues, etc. If you want to implement something like this in Delphi you have two choices : 1) use a container like TList which holds pointers - in this case you have to make explicit typecast all the time 2) subclass a container like TCollection or TObjectList and override all the type-dependent methods each time you want to use new data type A third alternative is to make a unit with generic container and each time you want to use it for a new data type you can perform search-and-replace in the editor. This will work, but if you change the implementation you have to change all of the units for the different types by hand. It would be nice if the compiler can do the dirty work for you and this is exactly what we'll do. Take for example the TCollection / TCollectionItem classes. When you declare a new TCollectionItem descendant you also subclass a new class from TOwnedCollection and override most of the methods so now they use the new collection item class type and then call the inherited method with the proper typecast. Here is how to implement a generic collection class template in 3 easy steps : 1) create a new TEXT file (not an unit file) called "TemplateCollectionInterface.pas" : _COLLECTION_ = class (TOwnedCollection)protected function GetItem (const aIndex : Integer) : _COLLECTION_ITEM_; procedure SetItem (const aIndex : Integer; const aValue : _COLLECTION_ITEM_);public constructor Create (const aOwner : TComponent); function Add : _COLLECTION_ITEM_; function FindItemID (const aID : Integer) : _COLLECTION_ITEM_; function Insert (const aIndex : Integer) : _COLLECTION_ITEM_; property Items [const aIndex : Integer] : _COLLECTION_ITEM_ read GetItem write SetItem;end; Note that there are no "uses" or "interface" clauses, just a generic type declaration, where : a) _COLLECTION_ is the name of the generic collection class. b) _COLLECTION_ITEM_ is the name of the collection item subclass the collection will hold. 2) Create a second TEXT file called "TemplateCollectionImplementation.pas" : constructor _COLLECTION_.Create (const aOwner : TComponent);begin inherited Create (aOwner, _COLLECTION_ITEM_);end;function _COLLECTION_.Add : _COLLECTION_ITEM_;begin Result := _COLLECTION_ITEM_ (inherited Add);end;function _COLLECTION_.FindItemID (const aID : Integer) : _COLLECTION_ITEM_;begin Result := _COLLECTION_ITEM_ (inherited FindItemID (aID));end;function _COLLECTION_.GetItem (const aIndex : Integer) : _COLLECTION_ITEM_;begin Result := _COLLECTION_ITEM_ (inherited GetItem (aIndex));end;function _COLLECTION_.Insert (const aIndex : Integer) : _COLLECTION_ITEM_;begin Result := _COLLECTION_ITEM_ (inherited Insert (aIndex));end;procedure _COLLECTION_.SetItem (const aIndex : Integer; const aValue : _COLLECTION_ITEM_);begin inherited SetItem (aIndex, aValue);end; Again, there are no "uses" or "implementation" clauses here - just the implementation code of the generic type, which is pretty straight-forward. 3) Now, create a new unit file called "MyCollectionUnit.pas" : unit MyCollectionUnit;interface uses Classes;type TMyCollectionItem = class (TCollectionItem) private FMyStringData : String; FMyIntegerData : Integer; public procedure Assign (aSource : TPersistent); override; published property MyStringData : String read FMyStringData write FMyStringData; property MyIntegerData : Integer read FMyIntegerData write FMyIntegerData; end; // !!! tell the generic collection class what is the actual collection item class type _COLLECTION_ITEM_ = TMyCollectionItem; // !!! insert the generic collection class interface file - preprocessor directive {$INCLUDE TemplateCollectionInterface} // !!! rename the generic collection class TMyCollection = _COLLECTION_; implementation uses SysUtils;// !!! insert the generic collection class implementation file - preprocessor directive {$INCLUDE TemplateCollectionImplementation} procedure TMyCollectionItem.Assign (aSource : TPersistent);begin if aSource is TMyCollectionItem then begin FMyStringData := TMyCollectionItem(aSource).FMyStringData; FMyIntegerData := TMyCollectionItem(aSource).FMyIntegerData; end else inherited;end;end. That's it! With only four lines of code the new collection class is ready and the compiler did all the work for you. If you change the interface or implementation of the generic collection class the changes will propagate to all the units which use it. One more example. This time we'll implement a generic class wrapper for dynamic arrays. 1) Create a new TEXT file named "TemplateVectorInterface.pas" : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_ = nterface function GetLength : Integer; procedure SetLength (const aLength : Integer); function GetItems (const aIndex : Integer) : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_; procedure SetItems (const aIndex : Integer; const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_); function GetFirst : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_; procedure SetFirst (const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_); function GetLast : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_; procedure SetLast (const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_); function High : Integer; function Low : Integer; function Clear : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_; function Extend (const aDelta : Word = 1) : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_; function Contract (const aDelta : Word = 1) : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_; property Length : Integer read GetLength write SetLength; property Items [const aIndex : Integer] : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_ read GetItems write SetItems; default; property First : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_ read GetFirst write SetFirst; property Last : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_ read GetLast write SetLast;end;_VECTOR_CLASS_ = class (TInterfacedObject, _VECTOR_INTERFACE_)private FArray : array of _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_;protected function GetLength : Integer; procedure SetLength (const aLength : Integer); function GetItems (const aIndex : Integer) : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_; procedure SetItems (const aIndex : Integer; const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_); function GetFirst : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_; procedure SetFirst (const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_); function GetLast : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_; procedure SetLast (const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_);public function High : Integer; function Low : Integer; function Clear : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_; function Extend (const aDelta : Word = 1) : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_; function Contract (const aDelta : Word = 1) : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_; constructor Create (const aLength : Integer);end; 2) Create a new TEXT file named "TemplateVectorImplementation.pas" : constructor _VECTOR_CLASS_.Create (const aLength : Integer);begin inherited Create; SetLength (aLength);end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.GetLength : Integer;begin Result := System.Length (FArray); end;procedure _VECTOR_CLASS_.SetLength (const aLength : Integer);begin System.SetLength (FArray, aLength); end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.GetItems (const aIndex : Integer) : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_;begin Result := FArray [aIndex]; end;procedure _VECTOR_CLASS_.SetItems (const aIndex : Integer; const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_);begin FArray [aIndex] := aValue; end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.High : Integer;begin Result := System.High (FArray); end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.Low : Integer;begin Result := System.Low (FArray); end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.GetFirst : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_;begin Result := FArray [System.Low (FArray)]; end;procedure _VECTOR_CLASS_.SetFirst (const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_);begin FArray [System.Low (FArray)] := aValue; end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.GetLast : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_;begin Result := FArray [System.High (FArray)]; end;procedure _VECTOR_CLASS_.SetLast (const aValue : _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_);begin FArray [System.High (FArray)] := aValue; end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.Clear : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_;begin FArray := Nil; Result := Self;end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.Extend (const aDelta : Word) : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_;begin System.SetLength (FArray, System.Length (FArray) + aDelta); Result := Self; end;function _VECTOR_CLASS_.Contract (const aDelta : Word) : _VECTOR_INTERFACE_;begin System.SetLength (FArray, System.Length (FArray) - aDelta); Result := Self; end; 3) Finally, create UNIT file named "FloatVectorUnit.pas" : unit FloatVectorUnit;interface uses Classes; // !!! "Classes" unit contains TInterfacedObject class declaration type _VECTOR_DATA_TYPE_ = Double; // !!! the data type for the array class is Double {$INCLUDE TemplateVectorInterface} IFloatVector = _VECTOR_INTERFACE_; // !!! give the interface a meanigful name TFloatVector = _VECTOR_CLASS_; // !!! give the class a meanigful name function CreateFloatVector (const aLength : Integer = 0) : IFloatVector; // !!! this is an optional factory function implementation {$INCLUDE TemplateVectorImplementation} function CreateFloatVector (const aLength : Integer = 0) : IFloatVector; begin Result := TFloatVector.Create (aLength); end;end. You can also easily extend the generic vector class with iterators and some additional functions. And here is how you can use the new vector interface : procedure TestFloatVector; var aFloatVector : IFloatVector; aIndex : Integer;begin aFloatVector := CreateFloatVector; aFloatVector.Extend.Last := 1; aFloatVector.Extend.Last := 2; for aIndex := aFloatVector.Low to aFloatVector.High do begin WriteLn (FloatToStr (aFloatVector [aIndex])); end;end. The only requirements when implementing templates this way is that each new type should be declared in a separate unit and you should have the sources for the generic classes. Suggestions and comments are welcomed at :