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Categories / Delphi / Ide Indy

Changing the default width-height of the editor

Question: How can I change the default width and height of the IDE's Editor window? Answer: The following steps will allow you to change the default size of the IDE's editors window: 1) Run the Windows registry editor program "RegEdit.exe". Depending on the version of the compiler you are using, open one of the following keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\2.0\Editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\3.0\Editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\C++Builder\1.0\Editor 2) Right click on the Editor folder in the left window pane, and choose "New -> String Value" from the popup menu. A new item titled "New Value #1" will appear in the right window pane. 3) Right click on the new item that was added in the right window pane, select "Rename" from the popup menu, can change the name of the new item to "DefaultWidth". 4) Right click on the new item that you renamed to "DefaultWidth", and select "Modify" from the pop up window. Now type in the value in pixels that you wish the IDE's Editor Window default width to be. 5) Repeat the above steps starting with step #2, but this time add a second item called "DefaultHeight". 6) Close the "regedit.exe" program. Note that the change will not be effective until you exit the IDE and restart it.