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Bug in Delphi 3

Title: Bug in Delphi 3 Question: Blockread and Write with file of text Answer: Check this code out: var s1,ss,s2:string[50]; f :file of string[50]; begin assignfile(f,'bugg.str'); Rewrite(f); ss:='Missing something?'; Blockwrite (f,ss,1); Blockwrite (f,'Missing something?',1); seek (f,Filepos(f)-2); BlockRead(f,s2,1); BlockRead (f,s1,1); ....... (put here something to view s1 and s2) end; Well the intereting here is that s1 and s2 differ, hence Blockwrite wrtites in different way ss and 'Missing something?' I don't know if this bug is patched in later versions. Please let me know if you make some conclusions. gang@stz.orbitel.b