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Auto TabOrder Programmatically Fix the TabOrder property in your Delphi applications

Title: Auto TabOrder - Programmatically Fix the TabOrder property in your Delphi applications Tip submitted by Jens Borrisholt The TabOrder property exposed by all TWinControl descendant controls (such as TButton, TEdit, TComboBox, etc.) indicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order. Tab order is the order in which child controls are visited when the user presses the Tab key. Initially, the tab order is always the order in which the controls were added to the form. Auto Tab Order - Programmatically How many times have you "inserted" a visual component (control) between two control - and have forgotten to fix the tab order of the controls? The SetChildTaborders function will programmatically fix the TabOrder property to all child controls for a given Parent. Procedure SetChildTaborders(const Parent: TWinControl) ; procedure FixTabOrder(const Parent: TWinControl) ; var ctl, L: Integer; List: TList; begin List := TList.Create; try for ctl := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do begin if Parent.Controls[ctl] is TWinControl then begin if List.Count = 0 then L := 0 else begin with Parent.Controls[ctl] do for L := 0 to List.Count - 1 do if (Top or ((Top = TControl(List[L]).Top) and (Left then Break; end; List.Insert(L, Parent.Controls[ctl]) ; FixTabOrder(TWinControl(Parent.Controls[ctl])) ; end; end; for ctl := 0 to List.Count - 1 do TWinControl(List[ctl]).TabOrder := ctl; finally List.Free; end; end; begin FixTabOrder(Parent) ; end; Note: TabOrder is meaningful only if the TabStop property is true.