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All routines available in Delphi 6 Part II

Title: All routines available in Delphi 6 - Part II Question: How many times do you make a routine that you find later that already exist as part of Delphi units? Answer: Continuation of All routines available in Delphi 6 (100kb) ==**== Variant support routines ======================== DynArrayFromVariant procedure - Creates a dynamic array from a Variant. DynArrayToVariant procedure - Creates a Variant array from a dynamic array. EmptyParam function - Returns an OleVariant that represents an unused optional parameter on a dual interface. FindCustomVariantType function - Retrieves the object that implements a custom Variant type. GetVariantManager procedure - Returns the entry points of the routines that define variant behavior. IsVariantManagerSet function - Indicates whether variant support is implemented in an application. Null function - Null returns a null Variant. SetVariantManager procedure - Sets the entry points of routines that define variant behavior. Unassigned constant - Used for a variant not yet assigned a value. VarArrayCreate function - Creates a variant array. VarArrayDimCount function - Returns number of dimensions of a variant array. VarArrayFromStrings function - Creates a Variant array that contains the strings in a TStrings object. VarArrayGet function - Returns a Variant that represents a single value from a multi-dimensional Variant array. VarArrayHighBound function - Returns high bound for a dimension in a variant array. VarArrayLock function - Locks a variant array and returns a pointer to the data. VarArrayLowBound function - Returns the low bound of a dimension in a variant array. VarArrayOf function - Creates and fills a one-dimensional variant array. VarArrayPut procedure - Sets the value of a single cell in a multi-dimensional Variant array. VarArrayRedim procedure - Resizes a Variant array. VarArrayRef function - Returns a reference to the specified variant array. VarArrayUnlock procedure - Unlocks a variant array. VarAsComplex function - Casts an arbitrary Variant so that it is a custom Variant representing a complex number. VarAsConvert function - Casts an arbitrary Variant so that it is a custom Variant representing a measurement. VarAsType function - Converts a variant to specified type. VarCheckEmpty procedure - Raises an exception if a specified variants value is Unassigned. VarClear procedure - Empties a Variant, so that it is unassigned. VarCompareValue function - Returns the relationship between Variants. VarComplex function - Returns the Variant type code for custom Variants that represent complex numbers. VarComplexSimplify function - Reduces a Variant that represents a complex number to one that represents a real value, if possible. VarConvert function - Returns the Variant type code for custom Variants that represent measurements. VarConvertCreate function - Returns a custom Variant that represents a measurement. VarCopyNoInd procedure - Copies a Variant. VarEnsureRange function - Returns a Variant with a value in a specified range. VarFMTBcd function - Returns the TVarType constant that identifies the internal type of a Variant as a TBcd value. VarFMTBcdCreate function - Creates a new Variant that stores its value internally as a TBcd value. VarFromDateTime function - Returns a variant containing a specified data and time. VarInRange function - Indicates whether a Variants value is in a specified range. VarIsArray function - Indicates whether the specified variant is an array. VarIsByRef function - Indicates whether the specified variants value is by reference. VarIsClear function - Indicates whether the specified variant has an undefined value. VarIsComplex function - Indicates whether a Variant stores its data internally as a complex number. VarIsConvert function - Indicates whether a Variant is a custom Variant that represents a measurement. VarIsCustom function - Indicates whether the specified variant is a custom variant. VarIsEmpty function - Indicates whether the specified variant is unassigned. VarIsEmptyParam function - Indicates whether the specified variant represents an unassigned optional parameter. VarIsFloat function - Indicates whether the specified variant represents a floating-point value. VarIsFMTBcd function - Indicates whether a specified Variant represents a TBcd value. VarIsNull function - Indicates whether the specified variant is Null. VarIsNumeric function - Indicates whether the specified variant represents a numeric value. VarIsOrdinal function - Indicates whether the specified variant represents an ordinal value. VarIsSQLTimeStamp function - Indicates whether a specified Variant represents a TSQLTimeStamp value. VarIsStr function - Indicates whether the specified variant represents a string value. VarIsType function - Indicates whether the specified variant represents a specified type. VarSameValue function - Indicates whether two Variants have equivalent values. VarSQLTimeStamp function - Returns the TVarType constant that identifies the internal type of a Variant as a TSQLTimeStamp value. VarSQLTimeStampCreate function - Creates a new Variant that stores its value internally as a TSQLTimeStamp v alue. VarSupports function - Indicates whether the Variants value is an interface that supports a specified interface. VarToBcd function - Converts a Variant into a TBcd type. VarToDateTime function - Converts a specified variant to a TDateTime value. VarToSQLTimeStamp function - Converts a Variant that represents a TSQLTimeStamp value to the corresponding TSQLTimeStamp. VarToStr function - Converts a variant to a string. VarToStrDef function - Converts a variant to a string. VarToWideStr function - Converts a variant to a WideString. VarToWideStrDef function - Converts a variant to a WideString. VarType function - Returns the type code of a specified variant. VarTypeIsValidArrayType function - Indicates whether a Variant type code represents a type that can be used for the elements in a Variant array. VarTypeIsValidElementType function - Indicates whether a Variant type code represents a type that can be used for the elements in a Variant array. Web Services ============ AppNameSpacePrefix variable - Supplies a unique prefix to use for automatically generated namespaces given to invokable interfaces and remotable types. DateTimeToXSDateTime function - Returns a TXSDateTime object that encodes a TDateTime value. GetRemotableDataContext function - Returns the TDataContext object that provides temporary storage during a call to an invokable interface. InvRegistry function - Provides access to the invocation registry. RemClassRegistry function - Provides access to the remotable class registry. RemTypeRegistry function - Provides access to the remotable type registry. SetRemotableDataContext procedure - Sets the data context that provides temporary storage during a call to an invokable interface. Widget utilities ================ FindControl function - Returns the widget whose window is identified by the specifiedhandle or which appears at a specified position. Windows controls utilities ========================== AllocateHwnd function - Creates a window that implements a specified window procedure. CheckToolMenuDropdown procedure - Displays a tool buttons dropdown menu. DeallocateHwnd procedure - Frees a window that was created using AllocateHWnd. DestroyMetaPict procedure - Frees a metafile resource given its handle. FindControl function - Returns the windowed control whose window is identified by the specified window handle. GetComCtlVersion function - Indicates which version of ComCtl32.dll is installed. GetParentForm function - Returns the form or property page that contains a specified control. InitCommonControl function - Wraps the API routine, InitCommonControlsEx, which registers common control classes from ComCtl32.dll. NewStyleControls variable - Determines whether controls are drawn using the Windows 3.x look. SendAppMessage function - Sends a Windows message to the application. XML support =========== DefaultVendorName variable - Identifies the DOM implementation that is used by default. DOMVendors variable - Lists all registered DOM Vendors. ExtractLocalName function - Strips the namespace prefix, if present, from the tag name of an XML node. ExtractPrefix function - Returns the namespace prefix of an XML nodes tag name. FormatXMLData function - Formats a string of XML so that it is more readable. GetDOM function - Returns the top-level DOM interface for a registered DOM implementation. GetDOMVendor function - Returns the TDOMVendor object for a specified DOM vendor. IsPrefixed function - Indicates whether an XML tag name includes a namespace prefix. LoadXMLData function - Creates and returns the interface of an XML document object, given a string of XML. LoadXMLDocument function - Returns the interface for an XML document given the name of an XML file. MakeNodeName function - Assembles a full tag name from a local name and namespace prefix. NewXMLDocument function - Returns the interface for a new, empty XML document. NodeMatches function - Indicates whether a specified node matches a given namespace and tag name. RegisterDOMVendor procedure - Registers an implementation of the DOM interfaces so that it is available to the TXMLDocument class. SameNamespace function - Indicates whether a specified node is defined within a specified namespace. UnRegisterDOMVendor procedure - Unregisters a DOM implementation that was registered using RegisterDOMVendor. XMLDocError procedure - Raises an EXMLDocError exception.