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All routines available in Delphi 6 (100kb)

Title: All routines available in Delphi 6 (100kb) Question: How many times do you make a routine that you find later that already exist as part of Delphi units? Answer: Many routines to work with date/time, strings, files, math are already present in Delphi units. Through the versions many new routines are added. So is always good take a look to Delphi's help file to try find out what are the new ones. I really advice you to take a look to this list, because you'll find some interesting routines. The categories available are : * Action support (4) * Application-level information (16) * Arithmetic routines (37) * Backward compatibility routines (14) * BCD support (3) * BiDiMode support routines (1) * Business and finance routines (12) * Character manipulation routines (3) * Character set conversions (14) * Clipboard routines (2) * COM utilities (44) * Command line utilities (4) * Comparison routines (3) * Complex numbers (39) * Component registration routines (3) * Cursor management routines (4) * Data Dictionary routines (22) * Database routines (18) * Date/time routines (177) * Design tool registration routines (4) * Dialog and message routines (20) * Drag and Drop utilities (1) * Dynamic allocation routines (6) * Exception handling routines (18) * File management routines (34) * File name utilities (18) * Floating point conversion routines (9) * Flow control routines (6) * FPU control (10) * Geometric routines (7) * Graphics utilities (24) * Help Hint routines (2) * HTTP utilities (11) * I/O routines (19) * Interface support routines (2) * Maximum and minimum values (10) * MBCS routines (1) * MBCS utilities (15) * Measurement conversion routines (58) * Memory management routines (12) * Menu support routines (13) * Miscellaneous routines (23) * Mouse handling utilities (4) * Multi-tier support (9) * Numeric formatting routines (6) * Ordinal routines (5) * Package support routines (11) * Pointer and address routines (3) * Printer support (2) * Program control (1) * Property category routines (3) * Qt / CLX conversion routines (4) * Random number routines (6) * Set handling routines (2) * Statistical routines (17) * Streaming utilities (30) * String formatting routines (9) * String handling routines (66) * String handling routines (null-terminated) (30) * Termination procedure support (3) * Text file routines (12) * Thread management routines (6) * Trigonometry routines (30) * Type conversion routines (19) * Unicode routines (3) * Variant support routines (67) * Web Services (6) * Widget utilities (1) * Windows controls utilities (10) * XML support (17) And here it is the index of teh available functions in Delphi 6 (Build 6.163): Action support ============== CreateAction function - Creates an action of a specified type. EnumRegisteredActions procedure - Iterates through the list of registered actions, passing them to a user-defined callback. RegisterActions procedure - Registers action classes so that they appear in the list of predefined actions in the action list editor or customize dialog. UnRegisterActions procedure - Unregisters a set of actions. Application-level information ============================= Application variable (for standard applications) - Represents application-level information. CmdShow variable - CmdShow is passed to the Windows ShowWindow WinAPI routine. ExitProcessProc variable - ExitProcessProc specifies the last procedure to execute before the application shuts down. HInstance variable HintWindowClass variable - Specifies the class for the window used to display help hints. InitProc variable - InitProc is the last installed initialization procedure. IsConsole variable - Indicates whether the module was compiled as a console application. IsLibrary variable - Indicates whether the module is a DLL. JITEnable variable - Controls when the just-in-time debugger is called. Languages function - Lists the locales for which support is available. MainInstance variable - The instance handle for the main executable. MainThreadID variable - The instance handle for the current module's main thread of execution. NoErrMsg variable - Controls whether the application displays an error message when a runtime error occurs. PopupList variable - Provides centralized handling of Windows messages directed at popup menus. Screen variable - Represents a screen device. Win32Platform variable - Specifies the Win32 platform identifier. Arithmetic routines =================== Abs function - Returns an absolute value. Ceil function - Rounds variables up toward positive infinity. CompareValue function - Returns the relationship between two numeric values. DivMod procedure - Returns the result of an integer division, including the remainder. EnsureRange function - Returns the closest value to a specified value within a specified range. Exp function - Returns the exponential of X. Floor function - Rounds variables toward negative infinity. Frac function - Returns the fractional part of a real number. Frexp procedure - Separates the Mantissa and Exponent of X Infinity constant - Represents positive infinity. InRange function - Indicates whether a value falls within a specified range. Int function - Returns the integer part of a real number. IntPower function - Calculates the integral power of a base value. IsInfinite function - Indicates when a variable or expression represents an infinite value. IsNan function - Indicates when a variable or expression does not evaluate to a numeric value. IsZero function - Indicates when a floating-point variable or expression evaluates to zero, or very close to zero. Ldexp function - Calculates X * (2**P) Ln function - Returns the natural log of a real expression. LnXP1 function - Returns the natural log of (X+1) Log10 function - Calculates log base 10. Log2 function - Calculates log base 2. LogN function - Calculates the log of X for a specified base. Max function - Returns the greater of two numeric values. Min function - Returns the lesser of two numeric values. NaN constant - Represents a value that is not a number. NegInfinity constant - Represents negative infinity. Pi function - Returns 3.1415926535897932385. Poly function - Evaluates a uniform polynomial of one variable at the value X. Power function - Raises Base to any power. Round function - Returns the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number. RoundTo function - Rounds a floating-point value to a specified digit or power of ten using Bankers rounding. SameValue function - Indicates whether two floating-point values are (approximately) equal. Sign function - Indicates whether a numeric value is positive, negative, or zero. SimpleRoundTo function - Rounds a floating-point value to a specified digit or power of ten using asymmetric arithmetic rounding. Sqr function - Returns the square of a number. Sqrt function - Returns the square root of X. Trunc function - Truncates a real number to an integer. Backward compatibility routines =============================== AddExitProc procedure - Add procedure to exit list. AppendStr procedure - Appends a dynamically allocated string to an existing string. AssignStr procedure - Assigns a new dynamically allocated string to a specified pointer. Close procedure - Terminates the association between a file variable and an external file. DisposeStr procedure - Disposes of a string pointer that was allocated using NewStr. ExitCode variable - Contains the application's exit code. LoadStr function - Loads a string from the application's executable file. NewStr function - Allocates a string on the heap. StrAlloc function - Allocates a buffer for a null-terminated string and returns a pointer to its first character. StrBufSize function - Returns the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a buffer allocated by StrAlloc. StrDispose procedure - Disposes of a string. StrNew function - Allocates space on and copies a string to the heap; returning a pointer to the string. StrPas function - Converts null-terminated string to a Pascal string. Swap function - Exchanges high order byte with the low order byte of an integer or word. BCD support =========== NullBcd constant - Adds two TBcd values. StrToBcd function - Converts a string to the corresponding binary-coded decimal (BCD) value. TryStrToBcd function - Converts a string to the corresponding binary-coded decimal (BCD) value. BiDiMode support routines ========================= DBUseRightToLeftAlignment function - Indicates whether a data-aware controls alignment is reversed to a right-to-left mode. Business and finance routines ============================= DoubleDecliningBalance function - Calculates the depreciation of an asset using the double-declining balance method. FutureValue function - Calculates the future value of an investment. InterestPayment function - Calculates the interest portion of a loan payment. InterestRate function - Returns the interest rate required to increase PresentValue to FutureValue. InternalRateOfReturn function - Calculates the internal rate of return for an investment. NetPresentValue function - Calculates the current value from an array of estimated cash flow values. NumberOfPeriods function - Returns the number of payment periods for an investment. Payment function - Calculates a fully amortized payment. PeriodPayment function - Returns the principal amount from a full payment. PresentValue function - Calculates the present value of an investment. SLNDepreciation function - Returns the straight-line depreciation allowance of an asset. SYDDepreciation function - Calculates depreciation for an asset. Character manipulation routines =============================== Chr function - Returns the character for a specified ASCII value. FillChar procedure - Fills contiguous bytes with a specified value. UpCase function - Converts a character to uppercase. Character set conversions ========================= AnsiToUtf8 function - Converts a string encoded in Ansi to UTF-8. PUCS4Chars function - Converts a UCS4 string to an null-terminated array of UCS4 characters. StringToWideChar function - Returns a UNICODE string from a Pascal string. UCS4StringToWideString function - Converts a string of 4-byte Unicode characters into a WideString value. UnicodeToUtf8 function - Converts a string of Unicode characters into a UTF-8 string. Utf8Decode function - Converts a UTF8 string to a Unicode string (WideString). Utf8Encode function - Converts a WideString value to a UTF8 string. Utf8ToAnsi function - Converts a UTF8 string to a string of Ansi characters. Utf8ToUnicode function - Converts a string of UTF-8 characters to a Unicode string. WideCharLenToString function - Converts Unicode characters to single or multi byte character data. WideCharLenToStrVar procedure - WideCharLenToStrVar converts Unicode characters to single or multi byte character data. WideCharToString function - Converts null-terminated Unicode string to single or multi byte character data. WideCharToStrVar procedure - Converts Unicode string to a single or multi byte character data. WideStringToUCS4String function - Converts a WideString value to a string of 4-byte Unicode characters. Clipboard routines ================== Clipboard function - Returns an instance of TClipboard. SetClipboard function - Replaces the single global clipboard instance with another clipboard object. COM utilities ============= ClassIDToProgID function - Returns the programmatic ID for a specified class given its class ID (CLSID). CoInitFlags variable - Specifies the level of threading support requested for a COM server .EXE. ComClassManager function - Returns a TComClassManager object. ComServer variable - Provides class and registry information about server objects. CreateClassID function - CreateClassID generates a new GUID and returns it as a string. CreateComObject function - Instantiates a single instance of a COM object. CreateOleObject function - Instantiates a single instance of an Automation object. CreateRegKey procedure - Creates or opens a registry key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. CreateRemoteComObject function - Creates a Com object on another machine and returns an IUnknown interface for it. CreateSharedPropertyGroup function - Returns the interface for a SharedPropertyGroup that allows MTS objects within a server process to share state. CreateTransactionContextEx function - Returns an interface for a new shared property group manager that creates and coordinates shared properties of MTS objects. CreateVCLComObjectProc variable - Specifies a procedure that creates a COM object associated with a component. DeleteRegKey procedure - Deletes a single key that is a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry. DLLCanUnloadNow function - Tells Windows whether it can unload the in-process server exporting this function. DllGetClassObject function - Obtains a class factory for an ActiveX object when the ActiveX object resides in an in-process ActiveX server (DLL). DllRegisterServer function - Registers an in-process ActiveX server in the current module within the system registry. DllUnregisterServer function - Unregisters an OLE automation server in the current module with the system registry. EmptyParam variable - Specifies that an optional parameter on a dual interface is not used. EnumDispatchProperties procedure - Fills a TStringList will all the property names and DispIDs in a specified IDispatch interface. FontToOleFont function - Returns a Variant containing an IFontDispatch interface that represents a TFont object. GetActiveOleObject function - Retrieves a reference to an IDispatch interface to a currently running, registered COM object. GetDispatchPropValue function - Returns the value of a property on an IDispatch interface. GetOleFont procedure - Creates an OLE font object that is directly mapped to a native TFont. GetOlePicture procedure - Creates an OLE picture object that is directly mapped to a native TPicture. GetOleStrings procedure - Implements a TStrings object as an IStrings interface for use by OLE objects. GetRegStringValue function - Retrieves a value stored under a subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from the system registry. InterfaceConnect procedure - Connects an IConnectionPoint interface. InterfaceDisconnect procedure - Disconnects an IConnectionPoint interface connection that was previously made by the InterfaceConnect procedure. OleCheck procedure - Throws an EOleSysError exception if the result code indicates an error. OleError procedure - Raises an EOleSysError exception. OleFontToFont procedure - Fills in a TFont structure to represent an IFontDispatch. OleStrToString function - Copies data received from a COM interface to a string. OleStrToStrVar procedure - Copies a string from its COM representation to an existing Pascal string. ParkingWindow function - Provides a temporary parent window for activeX controls when the container is not ready to act as a parent. ProgIDToClassID function - Returns the class ID (CLSID) TGUID that corresponds to the string specified as the ProgID parameter. RegisterAsService procedure - Registers an in-process COM server with the operating system. SafeRef function - Returns a reference to a transactional object that is safe to pass outside its context. SetDispatchPropValue procedure - Sets the value of a property on an IDispatch interface. SetOleFont procedure - Connects an OLE font object to a TFont object and copies the properties of the OLE font object to the TFont. SetOlePicture procedure - Connects an OLE picture object to a TPicture object, and copies the properties of the OLE picture object to the TPicture. SetOleStrings procedure - Uses an IStrings interface to assign the contents of a TStrings object. StringToOleStr function - Allocates memory and copies a string to the OLE format. Supports function - Indicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface. VarDispProc variable - Provides the support for IDispatch-based Automation. Command line utilities ====================== CmdLine variable - CmdLine is a pointer to the command-line arguments specified when the application is invoked. FindCmdLineSwitch function - Determines whether a string was passed as a command line argument to the application. ParamCount function - Returns the number of parameters passed on the command line. ParamStr function - Returns a specified parameter from the command-line. Comparison routines =================== CollectionsEqual function - Compares the contents of two collections. CompareMem function - Performs a binary comparison of two memory images. EqualRect function - Indicates whether two TRect values are the same. Complex numbers =============== ComplexNumberSymbol variable - Indicates the symbol used to represent the imaginary part of a complex number. ComplexNumberSymbolBeforeImaginary variable - Indicates the placement of the symbol that represents the imaginary part of a complex number. VarComplexAbs function - Returns the absolute value of a complex number. VarComplexAbsSqr function - Returns the square of the absolute value of a complex number. VarComplexAngle function - Returns the angle made by a complex number. VarComplexArcCos function - Returns the inverse cosine of a complex number. VarComplexArcCosH function - Returns the hyperbolic inverse cosine of a complex number. VarComplexArcCot function - Returns the inverse cotangent of a complex number. VarComplexArcCsc function - Returns the hyperbolic inverse cotangent of a complex number. VarComplexArcCscH function - Returns the hyperbolic inverse cosecant of a complex number. VarComplexArcSec function - Returns the inverse secant of a complex number. VarComplexArcSecH function - Returns the hyperbolic inverse secant of a complex number. VarComplexArcSin function - Returns the inverse sine of a complex number. VarComplexArcSinH function - Returns the hyperbolic inverse sine of a complex number. VarComplexArcTan function - Returns the inverse tangent of a complex number. VarComplexArcTanH function - Returns the hyperbolic inverse tangent of a complex number. VarComplexConjugate function - Returns the conjugate of a complex number. VarComplexCos function - Returns the cosine of a complex number. VarComplexCosH function - Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number. VarComplexCot function - Returns the cotangent of a complex number. VarComplexCreate function - Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number. VarComplexCsc function - Returns the cosecant of a complex number. VarComplexCscH function - Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number. VarComplexExp function - Returns the exponential of a complex number. VarComplexFromPolar function - Converts a set of polar coordinates to a complex number. VarComplexInverse function - Returns the inverse of a complex number. VarComplexLn function - Returns the natural log of a complex number. VarComplexPower function - Returns the value of a complex number raised to a specified power. VarComplexSec function - Returns the secant of a complex number. VarComplexSecH function - Returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number. VarComplexSin function - Returns the sine of a complex number. VarComplexSinH function - Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number. VarComplexSqr function - Returns the square of a complex number. VarComplexSqrt function - Returns the square root of a complex number. VarComplexTan function - Returns the tangent of a complex number. VarComplexTanH function - Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number. VarComplexTimesNegI function - Returns the value of a complex number multiplied by i. VarComplexTimesPosI function - Returns the value of a complex number multiplied by i. VarComplexToPolar procedure - Computes the polar coordinates that correspond to a custom Variant that represents a complex number. Component registration routines =============================== RegisterComponents procedure - Registers a set of components so that they all appear on the same page of the component palette. RegisterFields procedure - Registers a set of field components so that they appear in the Dataset designer. RegisterNoIcon procedure - Registers a set of components but does not add them to the component palette. RegisterNonActiveX procedure - Prevents a set of components from being made available to the ActiveX wizard. Cursor management routines ========================== CursorToIdent function - Returns the name of the predefined constant that corresponds to a cursor. CursorToString function - Returns the AnsiString representation of a cursor. GetCursorValues procedure - Passes the name of every predefined cursor constant to a callback. IdentToCursor function - Translates a predefined cursor constant into a cursor. StringToCursor function - Returns a TCursor value given its string representation. Data Dictionary routines ======================== AssociateAttr procedure - Sets up an association between an attribute ID and a field ID. CreateField function - Creates a new field from information stored in the Data Dictionary. DictionaryActive function - Indicates whether there is an active Data Dictionary. DictionaryDeactivate procedure - Deactivates the Data Dictionary. FindAttrID function - Returns the ID of a specified attribute set. FindDatabaseID function - Returns the ID of a specified database. FindFieldID function - Returns the ID of a specified field. FindTableID function - Returns the ID of a specified table. GetAttrID function - Returns the ID of the attribute set associated with a field. GetAttrName function - Returns the name of an attribute set given its ID. GetAttrNames procedure - Executes a callback for every attribute set name. GetControlClass function - Returns the class associated with an attribute set. HasConstraints function - Indicates whether there are any data constraints for a dataset stored in the Data Dictionary. IsNullID function - Indicates whether a Data Dictionary Identifier is null. NewAttr function - Creates an attribute set based on the properties of a field component. QualifyTableName function - Returns the fully qualified name of a table in the Data Dictionary. QualifyTableNameByName function - Returns the fully qualified name of a table in the Data Dictionary. UnassociateAttr procedure - Removes the association between an attribute ID and a field ID. UpdateAttr procedure - Updates an attribute set to match the properties of a field component. UpdateConstraints procedure - Replaces all imported constraints for a dataset with the current constraints in the Data Dictionary. UpdateDataset procedure - Updates a dataset and all its field components to match the Data Dictionary. UpdateField procedure - Updates a field component to match the associated attribute set in the Data Dictionary. Database routines ================= AnsiToNative function - Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. Check procedure - Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. DBbiError procedure - Creates and raises an EDBEngineError exception for an error code returned by the Borland Database Engine (BDE). ExtractFieldName function - Returns the next name in a semicolon-delimited string of field names. FreeProcParams procedure - Frees a list of procedure parameters that is allocated by GetProcedureParams. GetDriverNames procedure - Populates a string list with the names of all available dbExpress drivers. GetFieldProperty function - Returns a TField object for a dataset and data control. LoadParamListItems procedure - Fills a TParams object with information from a list of parameter descriptors. NativeCompareStr function - Compares strings based on a database locale case sensitively. NativeCompareStrBuf function - Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale case sensitively. NativeCompareText function - Compares strings based on a database locale without case sensitivity. NativeCompareTextBuf function - Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale and is not case sensitive. NativeToAnsi function - Converts a string from the character set of the given locale to the ANSI character set. NativeToAnsiBuf procedure - Converts a string from the character set of a specified locale into the ANSI character set. PasswordDialog function - Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for the password of a local password-protected table. Session variable - Maintains database components used by an application. Sessions variable - Provides access to TSessionList methods and properties. VarTypeToDataType function - Returns the field type value that most closely corresponds to a Variant type. Date/time routines ================== CheckSqlTimeStamp procedure - Checks whether a TSQLTimeStamp value represents a valid date and time. CompareDate function - Indicates the relationship between the date portions of two TDateTime values. CompareDateTime function - Indicates the relationship between two TDateTime values. CompareTime function - Indicates the relationship between the time portions of two TDateTime values. CurrentYear function - Returns the current year. Date function - Returns the current date. DateDelta constant - Specifies the difference between TDateTime and TTimeStamp values. DateOf function - Strips the time portion from a TDateTime value. DateTimeToFileDate function - Converts a TDateTime object to an OS timestamp. DateTimeToSQLTimeStamp function - Converts a TDateTime value to a TSQLTimeStamp value. DateTimeToStr function - Converts a TDateTime value to a string. DateTimeToString procedure - Converts a TDateTime value to a string using a specified Format. DateTimeToSystemTime procedure - Converts a TDateTime value into the Win32 API's TSystemTime type. DateTimeToTimeStamp function - Converts a TDateTime value into the corresponding TTimeStamp value. DateToStr function - Converts a TDateTime value to a string. Day of week constants - Provide symbolic constants for ISO 8601-compliant day of the week values. DayOf function - Returns the day of the month represented by a TDateTime value. DayOfTheMonth function - Returns the day of the month represented by a TDateTime value. DayOfTheWeek function - Returns the day of the week represented by a TDateTime value. DayOfTheYear function - Returns the number of days between a specified TDateTime value and December 31 of the previous year. DayOfWeek function - Returns the day of the week for a specified date. DaysBetween function - Returns the number of whole days between two specified TDateTime values. DaysInAMonth function - Returns the number of days in a specified month of a specified year. DaysInAYear function - Returns the number of days in a specified year. DaysInMonth function - Returns the number of days in the month of a specified TDateTime value. DaysInYear function - Returns the number of days in the year of a specified TDateTime value. DaySpan function - Returns the number of days (including fractional days) between two specified TDateTime values. DecodeDate procedure - Returns Year, Month, and Day values for a TDateTime value. DecodeDateDay procedure - Returns the year and day of the year for a specified TDateTime value. DecodeDateFully function - Returns Year, Month, and Day, and Day-of-Week values for a TDateTime value. DecodeDateMonthWeek procedure - Returns the year, month, week of the month, and day of the week for a specified TDateTime value. DecodeDateTime procedure - Returns Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, and MilliSecond values for a TDateTime value. DecodeDateWeek procedure - Returns the year, week of the year, and day of the week for a specified TDateTime value. DecodeDayOfWeekInMonth procedure - For a given TDateTime value, returns the year, month, day of the week, and the count of that day of the week in the month. DecodeTime procedure - Breaks a TDateTime value into hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. EncodeDate function; TryEncodeDate function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents a specified Year, Month, and Day. EncodeDateDay function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents a specified day of the year for a specified year. EncodeDateMonthWeek function - Returns a TDateTime objectvalue that represents a specified day of a specified week in a specified month and year. EncodeDateTime function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents a specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. EncodeDateWeek function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents a specified day of a specified week in a specified year. EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents a specified occurrence of a day of the week within a specified month and year. EncodeTime function;TryEncodeTime function - Returns a TDateTime value for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec. EndOfADay function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of a specified day. EndOfAMonth function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of the last day of a specified month. EndOfAWeek function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of a specified day of a specified week. EndOfAYear function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of a specified year. EndOfTheDay function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of the day identified by a specified TDateTime value. EndOfTheMonth function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of the last day of the month identified by a specified TDateTime value. EndOfTheWeek function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of the last day of the week identified by a specified TDateTime value. EndOfTheYear function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the last millisecond of the last day of the year identified by a specified TDateTime value. FormatDateTime function - Formats a TDateTime value. HourOf function - Returns the hour of the day represented by a TDateTime value. HourOfTheDay function - Returns the hour of the day represented by a TDateTime value. HourOfTheMonth function - Returns the number of hours between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00 AM of the first day of the month. HourOfTheWeek function - Returns the number of hours between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00 AM of the first day of the week. HourOfTheYear function - Returns the number of hours between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00 AM of the first day of the year. HoursBetween function - Returns the number of whole hours between two specified TDateTime values. HourSpan function - Returns the number of Hours (including fractional Hours) between two specified TDateTime values. HoursPerDay constant;MinsPerDay constant;SecsPerDay constant;MSecsPerDay constant - Values useful in time calculations. IncAMonth procedure - Increments date data by one month. IncDay function - Returns a date shifted by a specified number of days. IncHour function - Returns a date/time value shifted by a specified number of hours. IncMilliSecond function - Returns a date/time value shifted by a specified number of milliseconds. IncMinute function - Returns a date/time value shifted by a specified number of minutes. IncMonth function - Returns a date shifted by a specified number of months. IncSecond function - Returns a date/time value shifted by a specified number of seconds. IncWeek function - Returns a date shifted by a specified number of weeks. IncYear function - Returns a date shifted by a specified number of years. IsInLeapYear function - Indicates whether a specified TDateTime value occurs in a leap year. IsLeapYear function - Indicates whether a specified year is a leap year. IsPM function - Indicates whether the time portion of a specified TDateTime value occurs after noon. IsSameDay function - Indicates whether a specified TDateTime value occurs on a the same day as a criterion date. IsToday function - Indicates whether a specified TDateTime value occurs on the current date. IsValidDate function - Indicates whether a specified year, month, and day represent a valid date. IsValidDateDay function - Indicates whether a specified year and day of the year represent a valid date. IsValidDateMonthWeek function - Indicates whether a specified year, month, week of the month, and day of the week represent a valid date. IsValidDateTime function - Indicates whether a specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond represent a valid date and time. IsValidDateWeek function - Indicates whether a specified year, week of the year, and day of the week represent a valid date. IsValidTime function - Indicates whether a specified hour, minute, second, and millisecond represent a valid date and time. MilliSecondOf function - Returns the millisecond of the second represented by a TDateTime value. MilliSecondOfTheDay function - Returns the number of milliseconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00:00 AM of the same day. MilliSecondOfTheHour function - Returns the number of milliseconds between a specified TDateTime value and the beginning of the same hour. MilliSecondOfTheMinute function - Returns the number of milliseconds between a specified TDateTime value and the beginning of the same minute. MilliSecondOfTheMonth function - Returns the number of milliseconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00:00 AM of the first day of the month. MilliSecondOfTheSecond function - Returns the millisecond of the second represented by a TDateTime value. MilliSecondOfTheWeek function - Returns the number of milliseconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00:00 AM of the first day of the week. MilliSecondOfTheYear function - Returns the number of milliseconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00:00 AM of the first day of the year. MilliSecondsBetween function - Returns the number of milliseconds between two specified TDateTime values. MilliSecondSpan function - Returns the number of milliseconds between two specified TDateTime values. MinuteOf function - Returns the minute of the hour represented by a TDateTime value. MinuteOfTheDay function - Returns the number of minutes between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00 AM of the same day. MinuteOfTheHour function - Returns the number of minutes between a specified TDateTime value and the beginning of the same hour. MinuteOfTheMonth function - Returns the number of minutes between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00 AM of the first day of the month. MinuteOfTheWeek function - Returns the number of minutes between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00 AM of the first day of the week. MinuteOfTheYear function - Returns the number of minutes between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00 AM of the first day of the year. MinutesBetween function - Returns the number of minutes between two specified TDateTime values. MinuteSpan function - Returns the number of minutes, including fractions thereof, between two specified TDateTime values. MonthOf function - Returns the month of the year represented by a TDateTime value. MonthOfTheYear function - Returns the month of the year represented by a TDateTime value. MonthsBetween function - Returns the approximate number of months between two specified TDateTime values. MonthSpan function - Returns the approximate number of months (including fractions thereof) between two specified TDateTime values. MSecsToTimeStamp function - Converts a specified number of milliseconds into a TTimeStamp value. Now function - Returns the current date and time. NthDayOfWeek function - Returns which occurence of its weekday a specified TDateTime value represents. NullSQLTimeStamp constant - Represents a NULL TSQLTimeStamp value. RecodeDate function - Replaces the date portion of a specified TDateTime value. RecodeDateTime function - Selectively replaces parts of a specified TDateTime value. RecodeDay function - Replaces the day of the month for a specified TDateTime value. RecodeHour function - Replaces the hour of the day for a specified TDateTime value. RecodeLeaveFieldAsIs constant - Identifies a parameter to RecodeDateTime that should not be used. RecodeMilliSecond function - Replaces the millisecond of the second for a specified TDateTime value. RecodeMinute function - Replaces the minute of the hour for a specified TDateTime value. RecodeMonth function - Replaces the month of the year for a specified TDateTime value. RecodeSecond function - Replaces the second of the minute for a specified TDateTime value. RecodeTime function - Replaces the time portion of a specified TDateTime value. RecodeYear function - Replaces the year for a specified TDateTime value. ReplaceDate procedure - Replaces the date portion of a TDateTime value with a specified date. ReplaceTime procedure - Replaces the time portion of a TDateTime value with a specified time. SameDate function - Indicates whether two TDateTime values represent the same year, month, and day. SameDateTime function - Indicates whether two TDateTime values represent the same year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. SameTime function - Indicates whether two TDateTime values represent the same time of day, ignoring the date portion. SecondOf function - Returns the second of the minute represented by a TDateTime value. SecondOfTheDay function - Returns the number of seconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00 AM of the same day. SecondOfTheHour function - Returns the number of seconds between a specified TDateTime value and the beginning of the same hour. SecondOfTheMinute function - Returns the number of seconds between a specified TDateTime value and the beginning of the same minute. SecondOfTheMonth function - Returns the number of seconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the month. SecondOfTheWeek function - Returns the number of seconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00 AM of the first day of the week. SecondOfTheYear function - Returns the number of seconds between a specified TDateTime value and 12:00:00 AM on the first day of the year. SecondsBetween function - Returns the number of seconds between two specified TDateTime values. SecondSpan function - Returns the number of seconds (including fractions thereof) between two specified TDateTime values. SQLDayOfWeek function - Indicates the day of the week when a specified TSQLTimeStamp value occurs. SQLTimeStampToDateTime function - Converts a TSQLTimeStamp value to a TDateTime value. SQLTimeStampToStr function - Converts a TSQLTimeStamp value to a string. StartOfADay function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on a specified day. StartOfAMonth function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on the first day of a specified month. StartOfAWeek function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on a specified day of a specified week. StartOfAYear function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on the first day of a specified year. StartOfTheDay function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on the day identified by a specified TDateTime value. StartOfTheMonth function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on the first day of the month identified by a specified TDateTime value. StartOfTheWeek function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on the first day of the week identified by a specified TDateTime value. StartOfTheYear function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents 12:00:00:00 AM on the first day of the year identified by a specified TDateTime value. StrToDate function - Converts a string to a TDateTime value. StrToDateTime function - Converts a string to a TDateTime value. StrToSQLTimeStamp function - Converts a string to a TSQLTimeStamp value. StrToTime function - Converts a string to a TDateTime value. SystemTimeToDateTime function - Converts a _SYSTEMTIMETSystemTime value into a TDateTime objectvalue. Time function - Returns the current time. TimeOf function - Strips the date portion from a TDateTime value. TimeStampToDateTime function - Converts a TTimeStamp value into the corresponding TDateTime value. TimeStampToMSecs function - Converts a TTimeStamp value into an absolute number of milliseconds. TimeToStr function - Returns a string that represents a TDateTime value. Today function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the current date. Tomorrow function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the following day. TryEncodeDateDay function - Calculates the TDateTime value that represents a specified day of the year for a specified year. TryEncodeDateMonthWeek function - Calculates the TDateTime value that represents a specified day of a specified week in a specified month and year. TryEncodeDateTime function - Calculates the TDateTime value that represents a specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. TryEncodeDateWeek function - Calculates the TDateTime value that represents a specified day of a specified week in a specified year. TryEncodeDayOfWeekInMonth function - Calculates a TDateTime value that represents a specified occurrence of a day of the week within a specified month and year. TryRecodeDateTime function - Selectively replaces parts of a specified TDateTime value. TryStrToSQLTimeStamp function - Converts a string to a TSQLTimeStamp value. UnixDateDelta constant - Specifies the difference between TDateTime and TIME_T values. WeekOf function - Returns the week of the year represented by a TDateTime value. WeekOfTheMonth function - Returns the week of the month represented by a TDateTime value. WeekOfTheYear function - Returns the week of the year represented by a TDateTime value. WeeksBetween function - Returns the number of whole weeks between two specified TDateTime values. WeeksInAYear function - Returns the number of weeks in a specified year. WeeksInYear function - Returns the number of weeks in the year of a specified TDateTime value. WeekSpan function - Returns the number of weeks (including fractional weeks) between two specified TDateTime values. WithinPastDays function - Indicates whether two dates are within a specified number of days of each other. WithinPastHours function - Indicates whether two date/time values are within a specified number of hours of each other. WithinPastMilliSeconds function - Indicates whether two date/time values are within a specified number of milliseconds of each other. WithinPastMinutes function - Indicates whether two date/time values are within a specified number of minutes of each other. WithinPastMonths function - Indicates whether two date/time values are within a specified number of months of each other. WithinPastSeconds function - Indicates whether two date/time values are within a specified number of seconds of each other. WithinPastWeeks function - Indicates whether two date/time values are within a specified number of weeks of each other. WithinPastYears function - Indicates whether two date/time values are within a specified number of years of each other. YearOf function - Returns the year represented by a TDateTime value. YearsBetween function - Returns the approximate number of years between two specified TDateTime values. YearSpan function - Returns the approximate number of years (including fractions thereof) between two specified TDateTime values. Yesterday function - Returns a TDateTime value that represents the preceding day. Design tool registration routines ================================= GReferenceExpandable variable - Indicates whether the Object Inspector treats component properties as expandable subproperties. GShowReadOnlyProps variable - Indicates whether the Object Inspector displays published read-only properties. RegisterComponentEditor procedure - Registers an editor so that it is available at design time. RegisterLibraryExpert procedure - Registers an expert so that it is installed when a package is installed. RegisterPropertyEditor procedure - Allows a component to bring up a custom property editor from the Object Inspector. Dialog and message routines ============================ CreateMessageDialog function - Creates a specified message dialog. ForceCurrentDirectory variable - Indicates whether open and save dialogs should display the current directory if no initial directory is assigned. InputBox function - Displays an input dialog box that lets the user enter a string. InputQuery function - Displays an input dialog box that lets the user enter a string. IsAbortResult function - Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected Abort or Cancel. IsAnAllResult function - Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected All, Yes to All, or No to All. IsNegativeResult function - Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected No or No to All. IsPositiveResult function - Checks the return value from a modal form dialog and indicates whether the user selected Ok, Yes, Yes to All, or All. LoginDialog function - Brings up the database Login dialog to allow the user to connect to a database server. LoginDialogEx function - Brings up the database Login dialog to allow the user to connect to a database server. MessageDlg function - Displays a message dialog box in the center of the screen. MessageDlgPos function - Displays a message dialog box at the specified screen coordinates. MessageDlgPosHelp function - Displays a message dialog box whose help is supplied in a named help file. PromptForFileName function - Displays an open or save dialog, where the user can specify a file name. RemoteLoginDialog function - Brings up the database Login dialog to allow the user to connect to a database server. SelectDirectory function - Brings up a dialog to allow the user to enter a directory name. ShowMessage procedure - Displays a message box with an OK button. ShowMessageFmt procedure - Displays a message box with a formatted message. ShowMessagePos procedure - Displays a message box at a specified location. StripAllFromResult function - Converts a TModalResult value from a constant that refers to all to the corresponding simple constant. Drag and Drop utilities ======================= DragImageList function - Returns list of drag images Dynamic allocation routines =========================== Dispose procedure - Releases memory allocated for a dynamic variable. Finalize procedure - Uninitializes a dynamically allocated variable. FreeMem procedure - Disposes of a dynamic variable of a given size. GetMem procedure - Creates a dynamic variable and a pointer to the address of the block. Initialize procedure - Initializes a dynamically allocated variable. New procedure - Creates a new dynamic variable and sets P to point to it. Exception handling routines =========================== AcquireExceptionObject function - Allows an exception object to persist after the except clause exits. DatabaseError procedure - Creates and raises an EDatabaseError exception. DatabaseErrorFmt procedure - Creates and raises an EDatabaseError exception with a formatted error message. ErrorAddr variable - Contains the address of a statement causing a runtime error. ErrorProc variable - Points to the RTL run-time error handler. ExceptAddr function - Returns the address at which the current exception was raised. ExceptionErrorMessage function - Formats a standard error message. ExceptObject function - Returns a reference to the object associated with the current exception. ExceptProc variable - Points to the lowest-level RTL exception handler. GetLastError function - Returns the last error reported by an operating system API call. OutOfMemoryError procedure - Raises an EOutOfMemory exception. RaiseLastOSError procedure - Raises an exception for the last occurring OS or system library error. RaiseLastWin32Error procedure - Raises an exception for the last occurring Win32 error. ReleaseExceptionObject procedure - Decrements the reference count on an exception object that was incremented by a call to AcquireExceptionObject. SetErrorProc function - Replaces the exception handler for error messages that are received from a Windows socket connection. ShowException procedure - Displays an exception message with its physical address SysErrorMessage function - Converts OS error codes into strings. Win32Check function - Checks the return value of a Windows API call and raises an appropriate exception when it indicates failure. File management routines ======================== AssignFile procedure - Associates the name of an external file with a file variable. ChDir procedure - Changes the current directory. CloseFile procedure - Terminates the association between file variable and an external disk file. CreateDir function - Creates a new directory. DeleteFile function - Deletes a file from disk. DirectoryExists function - Determines whether a specified directory exists. DiskFree function - Returns the number of free bytes on a specified drive. DiskSize function - Returns the size, in bytes, of a specified drive. File mode constants - File mode constants are used to open and close disk files. File open mode constants - File open mode constants are used to control the access mode to a file or stream. FileAge function - Returns the OS timestamp of a file. FileClose procedure - Closes a specified file. FileCreate function - Creates a new file. FileDateToDateTime function - Converts an OS timestamp value to TDateTime value. FileExists function - Tests if a specified file exists. FileGetAttr function - Returns the file attributes of FileName. FileGetDate function - Returns an OS timestamp for a specified file. FileIsReadOnly function - Report if file is read-only. FileOpen function - Opens a specified file using a specified access mode. FileRead function - Reads a specified number of bytes from a file. FileSearch function - Searches a specified directory path for a file. FileSeek function - Repositions read/write point. FileSetAttr function - Sets the file attributes of a specified file. FileSetDate function - Sets the OS time stamp for a specified file. FileWrite function - Writes the contents of a buffer to the current position in a file. FindClose procedure - Releases memory allocated by FindFirst. FindFirst function - Searches for the first instance of a file name with a given set of attributes in a specified directory. FindNext function - Returns the next entry matching the name and attributes specified in a previous call to FindFirst. ForceDirectories function - Creates a new directory, also creating parents as needed. GetCurrentDir function - Returns the name of the current directory. GetDir procedure - Returns the current directory for a specified drive. RemoveDir function - Deletes an existing empty directory. RenameFile function - Changes a file name. SetCurrentDir function - Sets the current directory. File name utilities =================== ChangeFileExt function - Changes the extension of a file name. ExcludeTrailingBackslash function - Returns a path name without a trailing delimiter. ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter function - Returns a path name without a trailing delimiter. ExpandFileName function - Returns the full path name for a relative file name. ExpandUNCFileName function - Returns the full path of a file name in UNC format, if appropriate. ExtractFileDir function - Extracts the drive and directory parts from FileName. ExtractFileDrive function - Returns the drive portion of a file name. ExtractFileExt function - Returns the extension portions of a file name. ExtractFileName function - Extracts the name and extension parts of a file name. ExtractFilePath function - Returns the drive and directory portions of a file name. ExtractRelativePath function - Returns a relative path name, relative to a specific base directory. ExtractShortPathName function - Converts a file name to the short 8.3 form. IncludeTrailingBackslash function - Ensures path name ends with delimiter IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter function - Ensures path name ends with delimiter. IsPathDelimiter function - Indicates whether the byte at position Index of a string is the path delimiter. MatchesMask function - Indicates whether a file name conforms to the format specified by a filter string. MinimizeName function - Shortens a fully qualified path name so that it can be drawn with a specified length limit. ProcessPath procedure - Parses a file name into its constituent parts. Floating point conversion routines ================================== FloatToCurr function - Converts a floating-point value to a Currency value. FloatToDecimal procedure - Converts a floating-point value to a TDateTime value. FloatToStr function - Converts a floating point value to a string. FloatToStrF function - Converts a floating point value to a string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits. FloatToText function - Converts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified Format, Precision and Digits. FloatToTextFmt function - Converts a floating-point value to to an unterminated character string, using a specified format. FormatFloat function - Formats a floating point value. StrToCurr function - Converts a string to a Currency value. StrToFloat function - Converts a given string to a floating-point value. Flow control routines ===================== Abort procedure - Raises a silent exception. Break procedure - Causes the flow of control to exit a for, while, or repeat statement. Continue procedure - Allows the flow of control to proceed to the next iteration of for, while, or repeat statements. Exit procedure - Exits from the current procedure. Halt procedure - Initiates abnormal termination of a program. RunError procedure - Stops execution and generates a run-time error. FPU control =========== ClearExceptions procedure - Clears any pending exception bits in the status word. Default8087CW variable - Specifies the Default 8087 control word. Get8087CW function - Returns the value of the 8087 code word. GetExceptionMask function - Returns the exception mask from the FPU control word. GetPrecisionMode function - Returns the FPU precision control mode. GetRoundMode function - Returns the FPU rounding mode. Set8087CW procedure - Sets both the control word in the floating point unit and the variable NoErrMsg declared in the system unit. SetExceptionMask function - Sets the exception mask on the FPU control word. SetPrecisionMode function - Sets the FPU precision control mode. SetRoundMode function - Sets the FPU rounding mode. Geometric routines ================== CenterPoint function - Returns the point in the center of a rectangle. IntersectRect function - Returns the intersection of two rectangles InvalidPoint function - Indicates whether a specified point is equal to (-1,-1). IsRectEmpty function - Indicates wither a specified rectangle has a positive width and height. PointsEqual function - Indicates whether two points have the same coordinates. PtInRect function - Indicates whether a specified point lies inside a specified rectangle. UnionRect function - Returns the union of two rectangles Graphics utilities ================== CharsetToIdent function - Obtains the name of a character set. ColorToIdent function - Provides the symbolic name of a TColor value. ColorToRGB function - Converts a TColor value into an RGB representation of the color. ColorToString function - Returns a string that represents the name of a TColor value. CopyPalette function - Creates a new palette object that matches an existing palette. CreateGrayMappedBmp function - Remaps the standard gray colors in a bitmap with the system grays. CreateGrayMappedRes function - Remaps the standard gray colors in a bitmap resource with the system grays. CreateMappedBmp function - Changes the color table in a bitmap. CreateMappedRes function - Changes the color table in a bitmap resource. DDBsOnly variable - Determines whether bitmap handles are created as device-dependent bitmaps (DDB). Frame3D procedure - Draws a three dimensional frame on a canvas. GetCharsetValues procedure - Passes the name of every predefined character set string to a callback function. GetColorValues procedure - Passes the name of every predefined color constant to a callback function. GetDefFontCharSet function - Returns the character set of the default system font. GetDIB function - Returns the info header and image for a device independent bitmap. GetDIBSizes procedure - Returns the size of the info header and of the image for a device independent bitmap. GraphicExtension function - Returns the default file-name extension of a graphics object. GraphicFileMask function - Returns a file mask that specifies the valid extensions for a graphic class. GraphicFilter function - Returns a file filter compatible with the Filter property of an Open or Save dialog. IdentToCharset function - Translates the name of a character set constant to the corresponding character set. IdentToColor function - Translates the name of a color constant to the corresponding TColor value. MoveWindowOrg procedure - Changes the location of the point (0,0) within a device context. StringToColor function - Translates a string representation of a color to the corresponding TColor value. SystemPalette16 variable - Contains the 16 VGA system colors. Help Hint routines ================== GetLongHint function - Returns the second part of a two-part hint string. GetShortHint function - Returns the first part of a two-part hint string. HTTP utilities ============== Application variable (for Web server applications) - Represents a web server application for an Internet project. DosPathToUnixPath function - Converts a Unix-compatible path specification to a Dos-compatible path specification. ExtractHeaderFields procedure - Parses a multi-valued string into its constituent fields. ExtractHTTPFields procedure - Parses a multi-valued string into its constituent fields. GetExtensionVersion function - Returns the name and version number of an ISAPI or NSAPI application. HTTPDecode function - Decodes a string that includes HTTP escape characters. HTTPEncode function - Converts a string into a form that contains no values that are illegal in an HTTP message header. HTTPExtensionProc function - Receives an HTTP request message for an ISAPI or NSAPI application. ParseDate function - Converts a TDateTime value into a string representing the month. StatusString function - Returns the explanatory string associated with one of the predefined HTTP response status codes. UnixPathToDosPath function - Converts a Unix-compatible path specification to a Dos-compatible path specification. I/O routines ============ Append procedure - Prepares an existing file for adding text to the end. BlockRead procedure - Reads one or more records from an open file into a variable. BlockWrite procedure - Writes one or more records from a variable to an open file. Eof function - Tests whether the file position is at the end of a file. ErrOutput variable - Specifies a write-only file associated with stderr, usually the display. FileMode variable - Indicates the access mode on typed and untyped files opened by the Reset procedure. FilePos function - Returns the current file position. FileSize function - Returns the number of records in a file. Input variable - Specifies a read-only file associated with an operating system's standard input device. IOResult function - Returns the status of the last I/O operation performed. MkDir procedure - Creates a new subdirectory. Output variable - Specifies a write-only file associated with standard output, usually the display. Rename procedure - Changes the name of an external file. Reset procedure - Opens an existing file. Rewrite procedure - Creates a new file and opens it. RmDir procedure - Deletes an empty subdirectory. Seek procedure - Moves the current position of a file to a specified component. Truncate procedure - Deletes all the records after the current file position. Write procedure (for typed files) - Writes to a typed file. Interface support routines ========================== CreateGUID function - Creates a globally unique identifier. IsEqualGUID function - Indicates whether two TGUIDs are the same. Maximum and minimum values ========================== MaxComp constant - The maximum value of the Comp data type. MaxDouble constant - The maximum value of the Double data type. MaxExtended constant - The maximum value of the Extended data type. MaxInt constant - The maximum value of the Integer data type. MaxLongint constant - The maximum value of the Longint data type. MaxSingle constant - The maximum value of the Single data type. MinComp constant - The minimum value of the Comp data type. MinDouble constant - The minimum value of the Double data type. MinExtended constant - The minimum value of the Extended data type. MinSingle constant - The minimum value of the Single data type. MBCS routines ============= NextCharIndex function - Return byte index of next character. MBCS utilities ============== AnsiCompareFileName function - Compares file names based on the current locale. AnsiLastChar function - Returns a pointer to the last character in a string. AnsiLowerCaseFileName function - Converts a file name to lower case. AnsiStrLastChar function - Returns a pointer to the last character in a null-terminated string. AnsiUpperCaseFileName function - Converts a file name to upper case. ByteToCharIndex function - Returns the position of the character that contains a specified byte in a string. ByteToCharLen function - Returns the number of characters fully contained in the first MaxLen bytes of a string. ByteType function - Indicates whether a byte in a string is a single byte character, the first byte of a double byte character, or the second byte of a double byte character. CharLength function - Returns number of bytes used by a character. CharToByteIndex function - Returns the 1-based index of the first byte of a specified character in a string. CharToByteLen function - Returns the length, in bytes, of the first MaxLen characters of a string. LeadBytes variable - Lists all Char values that can be the first byte of a double byte character on the local system. SameFileName function - Compares file names based on the current locale. StrByteType function - Indicates whether a byte in a string is a single byte character, the first byte of a double byte character, or the second byte of a double byte character. StrCharLength function - Find character size. StrNextChar function - Returns pointer to following character. Measurement conversion routines =============================== area unit variables - Represent units that measure area. CelsiusToFahrenheit function - Converts a temperature expressed in degrees Celsius to the corresponding temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. CompatibleConversionType function - Indicates whether a specified conversion type is registered with a specified conversion family. CompatibleConversionTypes function - Indicates whether the Convert function can convert between two specified conversion types. conversion family variables - Represent a family of measurement units. Convert function - Converts a measurement from one set of units to another. ConvertFrom function - Converts a measurement from the specified units to the base units of its conversion family. ConvertTo function - Converts a measurement from the base units of a conversion family into a specified conversion type. ConvFamilyToDescription function - Returns the string description of what a conversion family measures. ConvTypeToDescription function - Returns the string description of a conversion type (measurement unit). ConvTypeToFamily function - Returns the identifier for the conversion family with which a conversion type or pair of types is registered. ConvUnitAdd function - Adds two measurements and returns the result using a specified unit of measurement. ConvUnitCompareValue function - Indicates the relationship between two measurements. ConvUnitDec function - Decrements a specified measurement by a specified amount. ConvUnitDiff function - Subtracts one measurement from another and returns the result using a specified unit of measurement. ConvUnitInc function - Increments a specified measurement by a specified amount. ConvUnitSameValue function - Indicates whether two measurements are equivalent. ConvUnitToStr function - Formats a measurement and its conversion unit into a human-readable string. ConvUnitWithinNext function - Indicates whether a specified measurement exceeds another measurement by at most a specified amount. ConvUnitWithinPrevious function - Indicates whether a specified measurement is at most a specified amount less than another measurement. CycleToDeg function - Converts an angle measurement from cycles to degrees. CycleToGrad function - Converts an angle measurement from cycles to grads. CycleToRad function - Converts an angle measurement from cycles to radians. DateTimeToJulianDate function - Converts a TDateTime value into a Julian date. DateTimeToModifiedJulianDate function - Converts a TDateTime value into a modified Julian date. DateTimeToUnix function - Converts a TDateTime value into a Unix-based date-and-time value. DegToCycle function - Returns the value of a degree measurement expressed in cycles. DegToGrad function - Returns the value of a degree measurement expressed in grads. DegToRad function - Returns the value of a degree measurement expressed in radians. DescriptionToConvFamily function - Retrieves the identifier for a conversion family given its name. DescriptionToConvType function - Retrieves the identifier for a conversion type given its name and family. distance unit variables - Represent units that measure distance. FahrenheitToCelsius function - Converts a temperature expressed in degrees Fahrenheit to the corresponding temperature in degrees Celsius. GetConvFamilies procedure - Returns a list of all registered conversion families. GetConvTypes procedure - Returns a list of all registered conversion types in a specified conversion family. GradToCycle function - Converts grad measurements to cycles. GradToDeg function - Converts grad measurements to degrees. GradToRad function - Converts grad measurements to radians. JulianDateToDateTime function - Converts a Julian date to a TDateTime value. mass unit variables - Represent units that measure weight. ModifiedJulianDateToDateTime function - Converts a modified Julian date to a TDateTime value. RadToCycle function - Converts radians to cycles. RadToDeg function - Converts radians to degrees. RadToGrad function - Converts radians to grads. RaiseConversionError procedure - Raises an EConversionError exception. RegisterConversionFamily function - Registers a new conversion family and returns its identifier. RegisterConversionType function - Registers a new conversion type and returns its identifier. StrToConvUnit function - Parses a string into a value and conversion type. temperature unit variables - Represent units that measure temperature. time unit variables - Represent units that measure time. TryConvTypeToFamily function - Retrieves the identifier for the conversion family with which a conversion type or pair of types is registered. TryJulianDateToDateTime function - Converts a Julian date to a TDateTime value. TryModifiedJulianDateToDateTime function - Converts a modified Julian date to a TDateTime value. TryStrToConvUnit function - Parses a string into a value and conversion type. UnixToDateTime function - Converts a Unix-based date-and-time value to a TDateTime value. UnregisterConversionFamily procedure - Unregisters a conversion family previously registered using RegisterConversionFamily. UnregisterConversionType procedure - Unregisters a conversion type previously registered using RegisterConversionType. volume unit variables - Represent units that measure distance. Memory management routines ========================== AllocMem function - Allocates a memory block and initializes each byte to zero. AllocMemCount variable - Represents the total number of allocated memory blocks in an application. AllocMemSize variable - Represents the total size of allocated memory blocks. GetHeapStatus function - Returns the current status of the memory manager. GetMemoryManager procedure - Returns the entry points of the currently installed memory manager. HeapAllocFlags variable - Flags that indicate how the memory manager obtains memory from the operating system. IsMemoryManagerSet function - Indicates whether the memory manager has been overridden using the SetMemoryManager procedure. ReallocMem procedure - Reallocates a dynamic variable. SetMemoryManager procedure - Sets entry points of the memory manager. SysFreeMem function - Frees the memory pointed to by a specified pointer. SysGetMem function - Allocates a specified number of bytes and returns a pointer to them. SysReallocMem function - Returns a pointer to a specified number of bytes, preserving the values pointed to by the Pointer parameter. Menu support routines ===================== AnsiSameCaption function - Indicates whether two strings are the same based on the current Windows locale, ignoring case information and accelerator characters. GetHotkey function - Returns the last character in a string marked with an ampersand (&). NewItem function - Creates and initializes a menu item. NewLine function - Creates a menu item for a separator. NewMenu function - Creates and initializes a main menu. NewPopupMenu function - Creates and initializes a popup menu. NewSubMenu function - Creates and initializes a menu item that represents a submenu. ShortCut function - Creates a menu shortcut for a specified key combination. ShortCutToKey procedure - Returns the virtual key code and shift state of a menu shortcut. ShortCutToText function - Converts a menu shortcut into a string that describes the shortcut. StripHotKey function - Removes the accelerator character marker from a string. TextToShortCut function - Creates a menu shortcut from a text string. ValidMenuHotkeys variable - Determines what accelerator keys can be automatically assigned to a menu item caption. Miscellaneous routines ====================== Assert procedure - Tests whether a Boolean expression is true. AssertErrorProc variable - Points to the assertion error-handler. Assigned function - Tests for a nil (unassigned) pointer or procedural variable. Beep procedure - Generates a message beep. CountGenerations function - Returns the number of intermediate classes between a derived class and its ancestor. DefaultTextLineBreakStyle variable - Specifies the characters that are used by default to separate lines in text. DLLProc variable - Points to a procedure invoked by a DLL entry point. FormatMaskText function FreeAndNilProperties function - Frees any property values that are objects and sets their value to nil. GetEnvironmentVariable function - Returns environment variable value.. Hi function - Returns the high-order byte of X as an unsigned value. High function - Returns the highest value in the range of an argument. HtmlTable function - Generates the HTML image of a dataset, using the properties and events of a table producer object. IfThen function - Conditionally returns one of two specified values. IsAccel function - Indicates whether a particular character is an accelerator character (or hot key) within a given menu caption or other text string. IsValidIdent function - Tests for a valid Pascal identifier. Lo function - Returns the low order Byte of argument X. Low function - Returns the lowest value in a range. Move procedure - Copies bytes from a source to a destination. SizeOf function - Returns the number of bytes occupied by a variable or type. Slice function - Returns a sub-section of an array. UniqueString procedure - Ensures that a given string has a reference count of one. ValidParentForm function - Returns the form or property page that contains a specified control. Mouse handling utilities ======================== FindVCLWindow function - Returns the windowed control, if any, at the specified location. GetCaptureControl function - Returns the control, if any, that currently receives all mouse messages. Mouse variable - Contains information about the systems mouse. SetCaptureControl procedure - Causes the specified control to receive all mouse messages. Multi-tier support ================== DisableSocketTransport procedure - Unregisters a remote data module so clients cant access it using a Socket connection. DisableWebTransport procedure - Unregisters a remote data module so clients cant access it using a Web connection. EnableSocketTransport procedure - Registers a remote data module so clients can access it using a Socket connection. EnableWebTransport procedure - Registers a remote data module so clients can access it using a Web connection. HandleReconcileError function - Displays a dialog that lets users determine what action to take when an update could not be applied. PackageParams function - Converts a TParams object into an OleVariant that can be used in multi-tiered applications. RegisterPooled procedure - Registers a remote data module so that instances are pooled. UnpackParams procedure - Converts an OleVariant that represents a set of parameters into a TParams object. UnregisterPooled procedure - Removes the object pooling registry entries for a remote data module. Numeric formatting routines =========================== CurrToStr function - Formats a Currency value as a string. CurrToStrF function - Converts a Currency value to a string, using a specified format. DoubleToComp function - Converts a Double value to a Comp. FormatCurr function - Formats a Currency object. IntToHex function - Returns the hex representation of an integer. IntToStr function - Converts an integer to a string. Ordinal routines ================ In procedure - Increments an ordinal value by one or N. Odd function - Returns True if argument is an odd number. Ord function - Returns the ordinal value of an ordinal-type expression. Pred function - Returns the predecessor of the argument. Succ function - Returns the successor of an argument. Package support routines ======================== CurrentGroup variable - Keeps track of which objects are associated with which packages. EnumModules procedure - Executes a callback for all the modules in an application. EnumResourceModules procedure - Executes a callback for all resource modules in an application. FinalizePackage procedure - Finalizes the specified package .BPL. GetPackageDescription function - Returns the description resource from a package. GetPackageInfo procedure - Enumerates all the units and required packages for a package. InitializePackage procedure - Validates and initializes a given package. LibModuleList variable - Lists module records for enumeration procedures. LoadPackage function - Loads a specified package. SafeLoadLibrary function - Loads a DLL while suppressing error dialogs and preventing the DLL from changing the FPU control word. UnloadPackage procedure - Unloads a package. Pointer and address routines ============================ Addr function - Returns a pointer to a specified object. FreeAndNil procedure - Frees an object reference and replaces the reference with nil.. Ptr function - Converts a specified address to a pointer. Printer support =============== Printer function - Returns a global instance of TPrinter to manage interaction with the printer. SetPrinter function - Replaces the global instance of TPrinter that manages interaction with the printer. Program control =============== Sleep procedure - Delay program execution for a specified number of microseconds. Property category routines ========================== IsPropertyInCategory function RegisterPropertiesInCategory function - Registers multiple properties in a specific property category. RegisterPropertyInCategory function - Registers a single property in a specific property category. Qt / CLX conversion routines ============================ CopyQStringListToTStrings function - Copies the contents of a Qt QStringList to a TStrings object. IODeviceFromStream function - Converts a TStream object to a Qt QIOStream object. QStringListToTStringList function - Converts a Qt QStringList to a TStringList object. TStringsToQStringList function - Converts of a TStrings object to a Qt QStringList object. Random number routines ====================== RandG function - Generates random numbers with Gaussian distribution. Random function - Generates random numbers within a specified range. RandomFrom function - Returns a randomly selected element from an array. Randomize procedure - Initializes the random number generator with a random value. RandomRange function - Returns a random integer from a specified range. RandSeed variable - RandSeed stores the built-in random number generator's seed. Set handling routines ===================== Exclude procedure - Removes an element from a set. Include procedure - Adds an element to a set. Statistical routines ==================== MaxIntValue function - Returns the largest signed value in an integer array. MaxValue function - Returns the largest signed value in an array. Mean function - Returns the average of all values in an array. MeanAndStdDev procedure - Calculates the mean and standard deviation of array elements. MinIntValue function - Returns the smallest signed value in an integer array. MinValue function - Returns smallest signed value in an array. MomentSkewKurtosis procedure - Calculates the mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis. Norm function - Returns the Euclidean 'L-2' norm. PopnStdDev function - Calculates the population standard deviation. PopnVariance function - Calculates the population variance. StdDev function - Returns the sample standard deviation for elements in an array. Sum function - Returns the sum of the elements in an array. SumInt function - Returns the sum of the elements in an integer array. SumOfSquares function - Returns the sum of the squared values from a data array. SumsAndSquares procedure - Returns the sum of the values and the sum of the squared values in an array. TotalVariance function - Returns the statistical variance from an array of values. Variance function - Calculates statistical sample variance from an array of data. Streaming utilities =================== ActivateClassGroup procedure - Activates a group of classes that derive from TPersistent. FindClass function - Finds and returns a class that is derived from TPersistent. FindClassHInstance function - Returns the instance handle for the module in which a class type is defined. FindGlobalComponent function - Returns a top-level container component. FindHInstance function - Returns the instance handle of the module that contains a specified address. FindResourceHInstance function - Returns the instance handle of the resource module associated with a specified HInstance. GetClass function - Returns a registered persistent class given its name. GroupDescendentsWith procedure - Adds a specified class to the group in which another class appears. IdentToInt function - Uses a mapping array to convert string identifiers into their corresponding integer values. InitInheritedComponent function - Initializes streaming of a form file for an inherited root class. IntToIdent function - Uses a mapping array to convert integers into their corresponding string identifiers. IsUniqueGlobalComponentName function - Indicates whether a proposed component name is unambiguous. ObjectBinaryToText procedure - Converts the binary representation of an object into more readily understandable text. ObjectResourceToText procedure - Converts the binary representation of an object resource into more readily understandable text. ObjectTextToBinary procedure - Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into the binary version that is used to save the object to files or memory streams. ObjectTextToResource procedure - Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into an internal binary representation. ReadComponentRes function - Reads components and their properties from a specified Windows resource. ReadComponentResEx function - Reads a component from a resource. ReadComponentResFile function - Reads components and their properties from a specified Windows resource file. RegisterClass procedure - Registers a class of persistent object so that its class type can be retrieved. RegisterClassAlias procedure - Registers a class that is identical to another class except for the name. RegisterClasses procedure - Registers a set of classes. RegisterIntegerConsts procedure - Registers conversion functions for string identifiers that represent type values. StartClassGroup procedure - Starts a class group derived from TPersistent. TestStreamFormat function - Identifies the format of a form file when reading it from a stream. TypeInfo function - Returns a pointer to compiler-generated runtime type information for a type identifier. UnregisterClass procedure - Unregisters an object class. UnregisterClasses procedure - Unregisters a set of classes. UnregisterIntegerConsts procedure - Unregisters conversion functions for string identifiers that represent type values. UnregisterModuleClasses procedure - Unregisters all classes defined in a specified module. WriteComponentResFile procedure - Writes components and their properties to a file using a Windows resource file format. String formatting routines ========================== FmtLoadStr function - Returns formatted output using a resourced format string. FmtStr procedure - Assembles a formatted string using a format string and an array of arguments. Format function - Returns a formatted string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments. FormatBuf function - Formats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer. GetFormatSettings procedure - Resets the date and number format parameters to initial values. StrFmt function - Formats entries in an array. StrLFmt function - Formats a series of arguments from a specified open array into a buffer. WideFormat function - Returns a formatted Unicode string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments. WideFormatBuf function - Formats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer. String handling routines ======================== AnsiCompareStr function - Compares strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. AnsiCompareText function - Compares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. AnsiContainsStr function - Indicates whether one string is a (case-sensitive) substring of another. AnsiContainsText function - Indicates whether one string is a (case-insensitive) substring of another. AnsiDequotedStr function - Converts a quoted string into an unquoted AnsiEndsStr function - Indicates whether one string is a (case-sensitive) suffix of another. AnsiEndsText function - Indicates whether one string is a (case-insensitive) suffix of another. AnsiExtractQuotedStr function - Converts a quoted string into an unquoted string. AnsiIndexStr function - Provides the index of a specified string in an array of strings. AnsiIndexText function - Provides the index of a specified string in an array of strings. AnsiLowerCase function - Returns a string that is a copy of the given string converted to lower case. AnsiMatchStr function - Indicates whether an array of strings contains an exact match to a specified string. AnsiMatchText function - Indicates whether an array of strings contains a case-insensitive match to a specified string. AnsiPos function - Locates the position of a substring within a string. AnsiQuotedStr function - Returns the quoted version of a string. AnsiReplaceStr function - Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another string. AnsiReplaceText function - Replaces all case-insensitive matches of a substring with another string. AnsiResemblesProc variable - Controls the algorithm used by AnsiResemblesText to determine when two strings are similar. AnsiResemblesText function - Indicates whether two strings are similar. AnsiSameStr function - Compares strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. AnsiSameText function - Compares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. AnsiStartsStr function - Indicates whether one string is a (case-sensitive) prefix of another. AnsiStartsText function - Indicates whether one string is a (case-insensitive) prefix of another. AnsiUpperCase function - Converts a string to upper case. CompareStr function - Compares two strings case sensitively. CompareText function - Compares two strings by ordinal value without case sensitivity. Concat function - Concatenates two or more strings into one. Copy function - Returns a substring of a string or a segment of a dynamic array. DecodeSoundExInt function - Converts an integer representation of a SoundEx encoding into the corresponding phonetic string. DecodeSoundExWord function - Converts a Word representation of a SoundEx encoding into the corresponding phonetic string. Delete procedure - Removes a substring from a string. DupeString function - Returns the concatenation of a string with itself a specified number of repeats. Insert procedure - Inserts a substring into a string beginning at a specified point. IsDelimiter function - Indicates whether a specified character in a string matches one of a set of delimiters. LastDelimiter function - Returns the byte index in S of the last character that matches any character in the Delimiters AnsiString. LeftStr function - Returns the substring of a specified length that appears at the start of a string. Length function - Returns the number of characters in a string or elements in an array. LowerCase function - Converts an ASCII string to lowercase. MidStr function - Returns the substring of a specified length that appears at a specified position in a string. NullStr constant - Declares a pointer to EmptyStr. Pos function - Returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string. QuotedStr function - Returns the quoted version of a string. ReverseString function - Returns the reverse of a specified string. RightStr function - Returns the substring of a specified length that appears at the end of a string. SameText function - Compares two strings by ordinal value without case sensitivity. SetLength procedure - Sets the length of a string or dynamic-array variable. SetString procedure - Sets the contents and length of the given string. SoundEx function - Converts a string into its SoundEx representation. SoundExCompare function - Compares the SoundEx representations of two strings. SoundExInt function - Converts a string into an integer that represents its phonetic value. SoundExProc function - Indicates whether two strings are similar. SoundExSimilar function - Indicates whether two strings are similar. SoundExWord function - Converts a string into a Word that represents its phonetic value. Str procedure - Formats a string and returns it to a variable. StringOfChar function - Returns a string with a specified number of repeating characters. StringToGUID function - Returns a string with occurrences of one substring replaced by another substring. StuffString function - Inserts a substring into a specified position of a string, replacing the current characters. Trim function - Trims leading and trailing spaces and control characters from a string. TrimLeft function - Trims leading spaces and control characters from a string. TrimRight function - Trims trailing spaces and control characters from a string. UpperCase function - Returns a copy of a string in uppercase. Val procedure - Converts a string to a numeric representation. WideLowerCase function - Returns Unicode string converted to lower case. WideSameStr function - Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. WideSameText function - Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. WideUpperCase function - Returns Unicode string converted to upper case. WrapText function - Splits a string into multiple lines as its length approaches a specified size. String handling routines (null-terminated) ========================================== AnsiStrComp function - Compares null-terminated character strings. AnsiStrIComp function - Compares null terminated character strings case insensitively. AnsiStrLComp function - Compares the first MaxLen bytes of two null-terminated strings, case-sensitively. AnsiStrLIComp function - Compares two strings, case-insensitively, up to the first MaxLen bytes. AnsiStrLower function - Converts all characters in a null-terminated string to lower case. AnsiStrPos function - Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of SubStr in Str. AnsiStrRScan function - Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a specified string. AnsiStrScan function - Returns a pointer to first occurrence of a character in a string. AnsiStrUpper function - Converts all characters in a null-terminated string to upper case. ExtractStrings function - Fills a string list with substrings parsed from a delimited list. LineStart function - Finds the end of the last whole line in a buffer. SearchBuf function - Locates a substring within a text buffer. StrCat function - Appends a copy of Source to the end of Dest and returns the concatenated string. StrComp function - Compares two strings with case sensitivity. StrCopy function - Copies Source to Dest and returns Dest. StrECopy function - Copies null-terminated string. StrEnd function - Returns a pointer to the end of a null terminated string. StrIComp function - Compares two strings without case sensitivity. StrLCat function - Appends up to a specified maximum number of characters to string. StrLComp function - Compares up to a specified maximum number of characters in two strings. StrLCopy function - Copies up to a specified maximum number of characters from Source to Dest. StrLen function - Returns number of characters in a string excluding the null terminator. StrLIComp function - Compares strings up to a specified maximum number of characters, without case sensitivity. StrLower function - Converts a string to lowercase. StrMove function - Copies specified number of characters to string. StrPCopy function - Copies a Pascal string to a null-terminated string. StrPLCopy function - Copies characters from a Pascal-style string into a null-terminated string. StrPos function - Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of STR2 in STR1. StrRScan function - Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a string. StrScan function - Returns a pointer to first occurrence of a specified character in a string. StrUpper function - Returns a string in upper case. Termination procedure support ============================= AddTerminateProc procedure - Adds a terminate procedure to the system list of termination procedures. CallTerminateProcs function - Calls all of the functions in the termination procedure list. ExitProc variable - Points to a program's exit procedure (provided for backward compatibility). Text file routines ================== AssignPrn procedure - Assigns a text-file variable to the printer. Eoln function - Tests whether the file pointer is at the end of a line. Erase procedure - Deletes an external file. Flush procedure - Empties the buffer of a text file opened for output. Read procedure - Read reads data from a file. Readln procedure - Reads a line of text from a file. SeekEof function - Returns the end-of-file status of a file, ignoring whitespace. SeekEoln function - Returns the end-of-line status of a file, ignoring whitespace. SetLineBreakStyle procedure - Determines the end-of-line and end-of-file conventions for text file I/O. SetTextBuf procedure - Assigns an I/O buffer to a text file. Write procedure (for text files) - Writes to a text file. Writeln procedure - Writes to a text file and adds an end-of-line marker Thread management routines ========================== BeginThread function - Spawns a separate thread of execution. CheckSynchronize function - Allows background threads to synchronize their execution with the main thread. EndThread function - Terminates the execution of a thread. ForegroundTask function - Indicates whether the current thread is running in the foreground. IsMultiThread variable - Indicates whether the application spawned additional threads using BeginThread or TThread objects. WakeMainThread variable - Represents a method (event handler) that is forced into the main threads queue. Trigonometry routines ===================== ArcCos function - Calculates the inverse cosine of a given number. ArcCosh function - Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a given number. ArcCot function - Calculates the inverse cotangent of a given number. ArcCotH function - Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a given number. ArcCsc function - Calculates the inverse cosecant of a given number. ArcCscH function - Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a given number. ArcSec function - Calculates the inverse secant of a given number. ArcSecH function - Calculates the inverse hyperbolic secant of a given number. ArcSin function - Calculates the inverse sine of a given number. ArcSinh function - Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a given number. ArcTan function - Calculates the arctangent of a given number. ArcTan2 function - Calculates the arctangent angle and quadrant of a given number. ArcTanh function - Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a given number. Cos function - Calculates the cosine of an angle. Cosecant function - Returns the cosecant of an angle. Cosh function - Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of an angle. Cot function - Calculates the cotangent of an angle. Cotan function - Calculates the cotangent of an angle. CotH function - Calculates the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle. Csc function - Returns the cosecant of an angle. CscH function - Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle. Hypot function - Calculates the length of the hypotenuse. Sec function - Calculates the secant of an angle. Secant function - Calculates the secant of an angle. SecH function - Calculates the hyperbolic secant of an angle. Sin function - Returns the sine of the angle in radians. SinCos procedure - Returns sine and cosine of an angle. Sinh function - Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle. Tan function - Returns the tangent of X. Tanh function - Returns the hyperbolic tangent of X. Type conversion routines ======================== BinToHex procedure - Converts a binary value into its hexadecimal representation. BoolToStr function - Converts a boolean value to a string. Bounds function - Returns the TRect for a rectangle of given dimensions. CompToCurrency function - Converts a Comp value to a Currency value. CompToDouble function - Converts a Comp value to a Double value. Dec procedure - Converts a Currency value to a Comp value. FalseBoolStrs variable - Lists strings that can represent the boolean value False. HexToBin function - Converts a string of hexadecimal digits to the corresponding binary value. OffsetRect function - Changes the origin of a rectangle by a specified amount. Point function - Creates a TPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. Rect function - Creates a TRect structure from a set of coordinates. Rect function - Creates a TRect structure from a set of coordinates. SmallPoint function - Creates a TSmallPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. StrToBool function - Converts a string to a boolean value. StrToInt function - Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. StrToInt64 function - Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. StrToInt64Def function - Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. StrToIntDef function - Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. TrueBoolStrs variable - Lists strings that can represent the boolean value True. Unicode routines ================ WideCompareStr function - Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. WideCompareText function - Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. WideFmtStr procedure - Assembles a formatted Unicode string using a format string and an array of arguments. Note: this list continues on part II