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Adding an application into yours

Title: Adding an application into yours Question: How can I put an EXE file into my application and run it? Answer: 1) Create file "hearts.rc" 2) Insert following text in that file: "TESTFILE EXEFILE \Mshearts.exe" Mshearts.exe - Mshearts from Windows 3) Compile this file with brcc32.exe, which is located in your "\Borland\Delphi\Bin" directory by writing following command: "brcc32 -32 \hearts.rc" Now you should have file "hearts.RES". How to add it to your application: 1) Copy "hearts.RES" to your project directory 2) Add ShellApi to USES To global vars add "Hearts:String"; Next add to project: {$R HEARTS.RES} function GetTempDir:String; var Buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] OF Char; begin GetTempPath(Sizeof(Buffer)-1,Buffer); result := StrPas(Buffer); end; procedure ExtractRes(ResType, ResName, ResNewName : String); var Res : TResourceStream; begin Res := TResourceStream.Create(Hinstance, Resname, Pchar(ResType)); try Res.SavetoFile(ResNewName); finally Res.Free; end; end; procedure ShellExecute_AndWait(FileName : String); var exInfo : TShellExecuteInfo; Ph : DWORD; begin FillChar(exInfo, Sizeof(exInfo), 0); with exInfo do begin cbSize:= Sizeof( exInfo ); fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS or SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT; Wnd := GetActiveWindow(); ExInfo.lpVerb := 'open'; lpFile:= PChar(FileName); nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL; end; if ShellExecuteEx(@exInfo) then begin Ph := exInfo.HProcess; end else begin ShowMessage(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); exit; end; while WaitForSingleObject(ExInfo.hProcess, 50) WAIT_OBJECT_0 do Application.ProcessMessages; CloseHandle(Ph); end; 3) Add a Button on the form and to its OnClick event put this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ExtractRes('EXEFILE','TESTFILE',Hearts); if FileExists(Hearts) then begin ShellExecute_AndWait(Hearts); ShowMessage('Hearts finished'); DeleteFile(Hearts); end; end; 4) To OnCreate event of form put this: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Hearts := GetTempDir + 'Hearts_FROM_RES.EXE'; end; 5) Run program and click the button That's all!